Why do apples fall from the apple tree and what to do?


The reasons for which apples fall are several: diseases and pests, poor care, processes of a natural nature (excessive number of flower buds). To eliminate these negative effects, it is necessary to treat the plant with insecticides and adjust the irrigation regime.

Causes of shedding apples prematurely

There are several reasons for the shedding of apples ahead of time, which may be the negative impact of external factors (diseases, insects, weather conditions) or in natural processes (the tree is not able to provide ripening of all fruits and is forced to dump them still green).

Diseases and Pests

One of the common causes is the development of rot, which is formed as a result of damage to the plant by the moth.

This pest is one of the most dangerous and, in order to identify it, it is necessary to carefully examine the fallen apples and cut them with a knife, if there are worms inside, then the tree is affected.

Improper care

If the tree looks healthy, but the apples crumble, you should reconsider the features of caring for the plant, perhaps it is a deficiency or excess moisture.

If there is not enough water, then the foliage takes it from the fruit, which leads to shedding. Quite often, this problem is observed in trees growing on light soil, grafted and located on dwarf rootstocks (a vegetative propagation method that allows you to grow certain varieties of undersized apple trees).


To identify whether it is necessary to water the apple tree, you need to check the ground from under the crown, if the lump is crumbly, it is advisable to moisten the plant. The main thing to remember is that excessive watering provokes a deficiency of oxygen, as a result of which the root is not able to moisten the fruits and foliage.

So that the tree grows and develops well, a 3-time watering is quite enough, but only on condition that the soil gets wet to a depth of not less than eighty centimeters. The humidification schedule is as follows:

  • before flowering;
  • during the ovary season;
  • before the frost.

When watering, it is required to create a roller from the ground along the perimeter of the crown and pour liquid along its ring.

Falling as a natural process

Apple trees have many flower buds, each of which is able to produce about five flowers. But only about ten percent later bear fruit. The rest crumble when ovary, or unripe apples are dumped immediately after flowering.

Sometimes ripened fruits can fall off, this is normal for certain varieties: Lighthouse, Manten. Crushed apples are picked and left to lie down.

Other reasons why apples are showered in the garden

  1. Poor pollination. Since the apple tree belongs to cross-pollinated crops, it is important to carry out the selection of varieties that can fertilize each other. Special attention should be paid to attracting insects that carry pollen.
  2. Late frosts. When the cold comes after the fruit has set, this leads to shedding.

Signs of starvation

  • yellowing of foliage;
  • puckering;
  • falling apples.

A healthy apple tree needs constant nutrition. Moreover, at each stage of development, special nutrition is necessary. For example, from the beginning of spring to June, the plant needs nitrogen, top-dressing is carried out regularly - once every 14 days. Also, do not forget that the most active shallow roots are on the border of the crown of the tree.

The entire trunk circle needs feeding. It is required to create small grooves and pour fertilizer into them. Its quantity is determined by observing the dosages indicated on the package.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: what to feed, so as not to crumble?

To reduce the likelihood of apples falling when exposed to external factors, superphosphate should be used. It takes about 20-25 grams of the drug per 10 liters of water. Fertilizer spills into a groove previously created around the entire periphery of the crown. For each running meter, one bucket is poured.

Potassium sulfate can be used to prevent fruit falling (if the plant lacks this substance). 5-10 grams of the product are taken and diluted in ten liters of water. Using fertilizer is similar to using superphosphate.

Also, these superphosphate and potassium can be combined, then the risk of shedding apples will be significantly reduced.

Pest control

The codling moth is considered to be the most harmful insect for the apple tree; over the season it can populate about 700 fruits with its larvae, thereby causing great damage to the tree. You can deal with this pest using the following methods:

  • cleaning and disinfection of storages and trunks circles;
  • treatment of plants with insecticides during the period of active flight of insects;
  • the introduction of pheromone traps;
  • the use of insect control agents;
  • cultivation of varieties that are little susceptible to insects.

It should be noted that it is necessary to clean not only the circles at the trunk, but also the bark, which is prone to exfoliation, since the caterpillars can penetrate into absolutely any cracks.

Insecticides can cope only with already hatched butterflies, but since the time of their appearance is stretched, it will be necessary to perform two treatments with an interval of ten days. Both chemical and biological agents are used. Among the most effective drugs are Admiral and Insegar.

Butterfly pupae emerge from the fallen fruits, therefore, it is imperative to collect carrion and bury it deep in the soil. In parallel with this, it is worthwhile to establish trapping belts from which caterpillars are constantly selected.

Other measures

Almost all causes of premature apple fall can be neutralized or minimized:

  1. Acidic soil is neutralized with the help of infusion from the shell of 5-6 eggs. It is prepared as follows: the shell is placed in a liter jar, filled with water at the edges and infused for 3-5 days, until the turbidity of the liquid and the formation of a characteristic rotten odor. After this tool is used to water the apple tree, it is performed until the fruit falls off.
  2. The negative impact of frosts is neutralized by several methods: the tree is treated with the “Ovary” solution, the crown is watered with cold water until sunrise.
  3. You can even fight with the age of the tree - timely trimming of branches is performed. It is worth remembering that if you prune a tree incorrectly, you can, on the contrary, cause the apples to fall.
  4. With uneven ripening of the fruits, when some are already falling, while others are not fully ripe, it is worth using growth stimulants. The most effective of them are considered Immunocytophyte and Novosil.

When performing these measures, the likelihood of falling apples is significantly reduced. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions for the manufacture of various means aimed at combating insects.


Watch the video: Wacky Apple Educational Video - How do Apples Grow? (September 2024).