Pelargonium PAK Viva Rosita (Pac Viva Rosita)


Pelargonium Viva Rosita differs from other varieties in the presence of decorative terry inflorescences. To achieve abundant flowering, it is important to ensure her proper care.

Pelargonium PAK Viva - what kind of flower is it, to which family belongs

The culture belongs to the Geraniev family and has a number of features. In appearance it resembles a terry Asian buttercup. The culture is often compared with red roses.

Pelargonium has a beautiful and lush flowering

Brief description, history of origin or selection

Pelargonium Pac Viva Rosita received in Sweden in 2011. The plant was presented at the European exhibition and made a splash.

The culture is not like the rest of the family. Inflorescences do not fit tightly together, the bush is small. Pelargonium Pak Viva Rosita is characterized by slow growth. The disadvantage is covered by a long flowering period of 2 weeks. It blooms in summer.

Important! The culture has compact bushes with many branches. The tips of the foliage have a dark color. Each flower reaches a diameter of 6 cm.

Varieties of indoor plants with names that look like

Pelargonium PAC Viva Madeleine, Carolina and other varieties

Many varieties of culture are known. Each variety has a unique botanical description.


Tender, bushy, lilac-white flowers are characteristic. Bushes are decorated with dark green leaves. On each peduncle 3-5 buds appear. The plant has a long and lush flowering.


Plants are decorated with wide, but small leaves of a dark green hue. The flower belongs to terry zonal species of pelargonium. Inflorescences have a white color with a pink tint that appears in the sun.


The plant is characterized by bright pink terry buds. It has green leaves. On each peduncle, 5-6 buds appear. During the flowering period, which lasts 2 weeks, the bushes are decorated with bright and lush flowers.

Variety Rosita has bright pink inflorescences

How to grow Pac Viva Rosita and care for a flower

In order for Rosita pelargonium to fully develop, it needs proper care.

Illumination and temperature

Pelargonium Millfield Rose (Milfield Rose)

The plant needs sufficient lighting. However, it does not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight, hot weather or soil overheating. It is best to place the pot with the plant in the southwest or east window. In warm weather, the flower is carried outside.

For the normal development of geraniums, the optimum temperature regime is observed. Pelargonium Viva Rosita should be grown at 20-25 ℃.

Watering rules and humidity

It is not recommended to moisten the soil often. This should be done as the topsoil dries. The pot must have drainage holes. They provide quick fluid removal.

It is best to moisten the soil through a pallet in order to provide the root system with sufficient moisture. Experts advise to exclude watering from above and spraying of leaves.

When growing crops, it is important to control air humidity. It should be 60-65%. The room should be regularly ventilated. This helps protect the culture from diseases and parasites.

Important! Pelargonium is not required to be sprayed. The procedure is carried out only with increased air dryness or exposure to the scorching sun.

Top dressing and soil quality

The plant is fed during active vegetation (from early spring to mid-autumn). At the same time, they buy ready-made products in flower shops. The composition should contain nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Fertilize twice a month. In winter, the bushes do not feed.

The plant needs to be fed in a timely manner

Flower Tank Size

Primarily, the flower is planted in a medium-sized container. Too large a pot interferes with the normal development of the crop. In such a situation, she spends strength on the growth of roots.

Pruning and transplanting

To get a compact plant, pelargonium is cut off. Shoots are greatly shortened at the end of February. At the same time, sanitary pruning is carried out as necessary. Be sure to pinch the upper and side cuttings.

Features of flowering plants

Pelargonium Odencio Symphonia - Description

Pelargonium Rosita is not distinguished by constant flowering. The rest period is replaced by active development.

Period of activity and rest

The state of rest lasts from late autumn to early spring. During this period, the bush should be moved to a darker place and left at a temperature of +15 ℃. With the advent of spring, all processes in the plant are activated. The flower is again moved to a place with diffused lighting. The formation of the buds lasts 2 weeks.

Types and shape of flowers

Pelargonium flowers are dotted with petals. An inflorescence may include several flowers. Strong buds and dense peduncles are characteristic.

The process of propagation of geraniums by cuttings, when it is better to do

Propagate the plant is recommended in February-March or July-August. To cut culture, do the following:

  1. Cut a branch of 7 cm in size from an adult plant. A minimum of 3 leaves should be on it.
  2. The cuttings are dried and placed in a pot with a prepared substrate.
  3. Watered along the edge of the pot.
  4. After 2 weeks, the plant will take root.

Important! If desired, the flower is transferred to a container of water. After a while, he has roots.

The culture is propagated by cuttings

Growing problems, diseases and pests

The development of pathologies is a consequence of improper care. Most often, the plant suffers from diseases:

  1. Fungus Puccinia. The plant is covered with red pigment spots. Subsequently, the bush may dry.
  2. Blackleg. In this case, the base of the shoot darkens. The cause of the disease is fungi.
  3. Gray rot. With this disease, the bushes are covered with a characteristic plaque. The cause of the problems is cool air and damp.
  4. Nematode. The disease affects the roots, which leads to the death of the bush.
  5. Swelling of the leaves. At the same time, they are covered with small growths.

Of the parasites, pelargonium most often suffers from aphids, whiteflies, caterpillars, and termites.

With the development of diseases, leaves become stained

How to deal with them

To cope with fungal infections, fungicides are used. Equally important is the correction of plant care.

Important! Insecticides are used to cope with parasites. The most effective include Marathon, Monterey, Messenger.

Pelargonium of this variety has excellent decorative properties. To succeed in growing, she needs a full and high-quality care.


Watch the video: How to Keep Geraniums Blooming : Geranium Gardening (October 2024).