Hamelatsium: tips for care and landing


Hamelatsium (tree with apple flowers) - a plant that is part of the Myrtle family. Distribution area - arid areas of Australia.

Description of Chamelacium

Evergreen shrub with a branching root system. It reaches a height of 30 cm to 3 m. Young branches are covered with gray-green peel, which, as the plant grows, transforms into a light brown bark.

The leaves are needle-shaped, have a waxy coating that prevents moisture loss. Length - 2.5-4 cm, color - bright green.

Type and varieties of chamelacium

At room conditions, you can grow these varieties of chamelacium:

Hooked (wax myrtle)In nature it reaches 2.5 m, in the house - up to 1.5 m. The leaves densely cover the trunk and grow up to 2.5-4 cm.1-2 cm in diameter, form brushes or are located singly. Terry and semi-double, yellow, white or red.
SnowflakeReaches 40 cm in height. Use to create bouquets.Pink and white, small.
OrchidLow shrub with dense foliage.Lilac and pink, center - beetroot.
White (blondie)Grows up to 50 cm, foliage elongated, bright green.The shape resembles bells, white or light pink.
MatildaCompact shrub plant with dense crown.Small, white with a scarlet edging. By the end of flowering, they acquire a purple or pomegranate color.
CiliatumCompact shrub used to create bonsai.Large, light pink.

Caring for a chamelacium at home

Home care for a chamelacium should focus on the season of the year:

FactorSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location / LightingIt tolerates direct sunlight. They are placed on open loggias, in gardens or on a southern window.They are covered with phytolamps, the duration of daylight hours is 12-14 hours.
Temperature+ 20 ... +25 ° С. It is allowed to increase the indicator to +30 ° C.+ 8 ... +15 ° С. The minimum allowable temperature is +5 ° C.
Humidity50-65%. After each watering, water is drained from the pan.55-60 %.
WateringRegular and plentiful. Once every 2-3 days. Use soft water.Once a week.
Top dressingOnce a month. Apply complex mineral fertilizers.Suspend.
PruningAfter flowering, the branches are shortened by 1/3 of the length.Not carried out.

Transplant features and soil selection

A chamelacium transplant is performed only if necessary, when the roots no longer fit in the pot (on average, every 3 years). The best time is spring.

Since the roots of the flower are fragile, moving the plant to a new container is carried out by transshipment without destroying the lump of earth. At the bottom of the vessel, a drainage layer is necessarily laid out, consisting of pebbles and brick chips.

Before starting the transplant, gardeners recommend creating a greenhouse effect for the flower, cover it with a pot of film and hold it in this form on a cool, well-lit window sill. After the chamelacium is kept in such conditions for several more days.

The soil is selected slightly acidic, loose and moisture permeable, then stagnation of moisture in the pot can be avoided. With independent production of soil in equal proportions, take the following components:

  • leaf and turf land;
  • peat;
  • coarse river sand;
  • humus.

To retain moisture in the substrate, sphagnum can also be added.

Chamelacium reproduction

Chamelacium seeds have low germination, therefore, propagation by cuttings is preferred. For this, in the interval from the beginning of spring to mid-autumn, apical processes 5-7 cm long are cut, and then they are rooted in sterile soil, covered with a film and create greenhouse conditions.

Root formation occurs in the range from 2-3 weeks to 2 months. During this period, the plant is provided with a temperature of + 22 ... +25 ° C. After the seedlings get stronger and grow, they are transplanted into separate containers.

Diseases and pests of chamelacium

The plant is not afraid of any pests, because it produces essential oils that act as a natural insecticide. The only problem can be rot, which appears due to excessive dampness, in this situation the flower is sprayed with any strong fungicide.


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