Raspberry Polana: Features of growing a high-yielding variety


Raspberry Polana is a high-yielding variety that many domestic amateur gardeners liked. The variety is distinguished by a number of specific features that predetermine the basic qualities of the culture.

The story of growing raspberries Polana

Polana appeared in 1991. This repairing variety is the result of the work of Polish breeders. Raspberries flooded the expanses on the territory of Poland itself (according to some estimates, over 80% of all raspberry plantings are reserved specifically for Polana), as well as gardens far beyond its borders.

A variety of inexperienced gardeners are often confused with the shelf. Berries, although they have much similar in description and key characteristics, are still two completely different cultures.

Grade description

Polana has quite powerful shoots with mild spikes. In length, they can reach 2 m. The stems are strong and rigid, so it is difficult to cut them by winter. The berries are dense, cone-shaped, average weight is about 4 g. The color is quite pleasant - rich raspberry with an original purple tint.

Polana is actively grown on an industrial scale. From 1 ha per year, you can get over 10 tons of large sweet berries.

Berries of Polana at the time of ripening acquire a saturated color with a purple tint

The fruits ripen by the end of July. The fruiting period is ending closer to October. This largely depends on the climatic features of the region where the bushes grow. Under favorable circumstances and good care from one medium-sized plant, you can collect about 3.5-4.5 kg of berries.

Polana raspberries have powerful shoots with mild spikes

Polana is characterized by ultra-high shoot-forming ability. One bush can give over fifty shoots.

Landing Features

It is extremely important for raspberries to give the right start, to create such conditions that will contribute to the normal functioning of the plant, and also allow the bushes to bring solid yields. Polana refers to repair plants, has the ability to bear fruit on both 1-year-old and 2-year-old shoots. This allows you to get two crops per year.

Polana can harvest twice a season

If you collect only one crop per season, the berries will be especially tasty and large. On an industrial scale, double harvesting is practiced. Gardeners who need a large number of berries (for conservation, sale, other purposes) also collect fruits twice during the growing season.

Seat selection

The area for planting raspberries should be protected from gusts of cold wind, not to suffer from an excess of moisture. Rows of shrubs form in a southwestern direction. The most suitable soil for Polana is medium loamy or slightly loamy.

The planting pit should be no longer than 45 cm. The preferred depth is about 40 cm. The site is prepared 10-14 days before the actual planting of the crop. A trench method of planting raspberries is also allowed. For each square meter, it is necessary to lay about 15 kg of humus, 0.3 lime and about 0.5 kg of ash. A light soil mixture is poured on top.

For planting several raspberry bushes, it is convenient to prepare a trench, rather than individual holes

When planting, make sure that the root neck is located at ground level. After planting, seedlings are abundantly watered. The norm is about 15-20 liters of water for one bush.

The optimal period for planting raspberries is from the end of September to mid-October. Polana seedlings with a closed root system can be planted in the soil at any of the growing stages.

Care Features

Raspberries are extremely sensitive to moisture deficiency in the soil. It is important throughout the growing season to water the bushes abundantly, but not to oversaturate the soil with water. In a particularly dry season, it is recommended to pour at least 2 buckets of water under each plant. Watering is carried out up to 3 times a week.

In early October, experienced gardeners apply fertilizer. Usually used organics: rotted manure or compost (1-2 buckets per 1 m2), as well as ash, peat and bird droppings (300 g per 1 m2) In spring, raspberries are treated with fungicides (Topaz, Aktara) and pest control. These drugs can be purchased at any garden store, having received expert advice. It is important to do the treatment before the ovary appears on the shoots.

Raspberry responds well to organic dressing

Pest control

There are relatively few pests that “attack” raspberries. Raspberry aphids are common. It is located on the back of the leaf, as well as on the tops of the shoots. Aphids suck out cell sap, causing the leaf to curl. Affected plant fragments are treated with Aktara, Karbofos, Confidor preparations. To prevent the occurrence of raspberry aphids will help phosphorus-potash fertilizing. It is also important to regularly remove weeds and basal shoots.

Aphids feed on leaf and shoot juice, weakening the plant

Often there is a raspberry beetle. Insects eat buds and leaf buds, impairing the productivity of the bushes. It is recommended to treat plants with Karbofos at the time of active budding. 10 g of water will require 60 g of the drug.

Spider mites can also “occupy” young bushes. Insects braid them with a thin web, suck the juice from the leaves. Because of this, the greens dries and curls. Best of all, Antiklesch, Agrovertin or Akarin will cope with this problem, which should be used in strict dosage (all parameters are indicated in the instructions).

A visible sign of the presence of a spider mite is a spider web on the leaves


The most common disease is gray rot. A specific gray coating resembling a fluff forms on the leaves. The fruits rot, become unfit for food. Because of this, you can lose the yield of the whole bush. Before the raspberries bloom, it is necessary to treat the plants and the soil around them with HOMA solution (10 g of the drug is dissolved in 2.5 l of water).

Gray rot destroys raspberries

In the spring-summer period, chlorosis can occur. Young leaves suffer from the disease. Shoots become thin. Because of this, the productivity of the bushes can significantly decrease. Chlorosis cannot be cured. Bushes on which this ailment is noticed should be destroyed immediately. Neighboring plants should definitely be treated with a solution of methyl mercaptophos (according to the instructions).

Chlorosis-damaged raspberry leaves indicate the bush needs to be uprooted

Also in the raspberries, foci of septoria can occur. On the leaves of plants appear reddish spots with a whitish dot in the center. The kidneys and shoots are affected. The bush becomes weak, exhausted, loses the ability to bear fruit normally. Affected shrubs should be treated with a 0.5% copper chloride solution. The optimal time for the procedure is the beginning of the budding period.


The variety has strong shoots. Not every gardener practices tying plants. The possibilities of each bush should be considered individually. If the plant is large, and the shoots are long, it is better to make a garter. Proper fixation of the branches will protect the stems from gusts of strong winds and from bending under the weight of the fruit.

Another important point - to harvest from tied bushes is much more convenient.

The stems of Polana are powerful, but even this does not always save from bending under the weight of the fruit

Winter preparations

It is better to harvest only one crop per season from young crops. This will allow the plants to grow stronger. For the winter, the branches are cut without leaving stumps. Timely pruning ensures that pests do not stay wintering on plants, hitting bushes in the new season. In autumn, raspberries can not be covered, as the snow cover will perform a protective function.

If the bushes are grown in order to get two crops, then the annual shoots in the fall do not cut, but gently bend to the ground and cover.

Video: features of caring for remont raspberries

Gardeners reviews

Oooh! What are you shy of - write - Polana is sour in the summer. And in the end I got a little sweeter, you can eat with pleasure. Productivity on top!


Definitely "for" Polana. I’ve been growing for 7 years. "Workhorse" of my site. Minimum care, maximum returns. A variety for "lazy summer residents", but no one canceled the normalization and top dressing. It grows in the sun, sugar tastes a little less than summer, the soil is sandy, the ripening time in our zone is the 2nd decade of August to the end of October. At the end of September and October, the berries are already noticeably sour - because autumn is in the yard. Go to the juice.


In their homeland, in Poland, where raspberries are very common, this variety occupies about 60% of the total planting of raspberries. The similarity of our and Polish climates favors the propagation of Polana raspberries in our regions.

Natasha //club.wcb.ru/index.php?showtopic=676

Raspberry Polana will be a true find for many domestic gardeners. It is no coincidence that it is called a "variety for the lazy." She will forgive some mistakes in leaving, having presented owners of a site with a generous harvest.


Watch the video: Raspberry Polana (October 2024).