Diseases of violets or senpolia and their treatment


Indoor violets (senpolia) - flowers grown on almost every windowsill. They have many fans who have been collecting a variety of varieties for several years. But even experienced florists have diseases in home violets. We have to treat pets.

Common Violet Diseases

Improper care of the senpolia leads to various problems associated with the appearance of the flowers. Lowering the temperature, high humidity, waterlogging of the soil contribute to the rapid development of spores of various fungi. Diseases are infectious and non-infectious.

Root rot

With excessive watering, the uzambar violet loses its attractive appearance, the leaves wilt and become dull. The root system dies. The roots change color to brown and become soft. The plant is exposed to putrefactive fungi.

Urgent measures are needed to cure the violet. To do this, it is important to wash the roots from the previous soil, remove damaged ones. Immerse healthy parts before transplantation in a solution of Fitosporin. For a new planting, it is better to use other soil and a pot. In the case of operation of the old flower garden, it must be carefully processed: washed and disinfected, calcined or steamed in the oven, treated with a solution of copper sulfate. On a diseased plant, the upper healthy leaves can be selected and rooted, previously treated with fungicides to prevent the disease.

Stem rot

Senpolia can suffer from inaccurate breeding. In this case, the stems can also rot. The causes of the disease are:

  • unwashed and non-licensed instrument;
  • deep wounds that are not allowed to heal;
  • sections not processed by means against fungal diseases during reproduction;
  • excessive watering of young plantings, after which young roots did not absorb moisture;
  • a young, immature plant was attacked by pests.

Reproduction of putrefactive bacteria on weakened flowers progresses markedly. It is rare to save such senpolia.

Brown rot

The brown base of young rosettes, rooted cuttings and planted children, which eventually becomes thinner and softens the stems, indicates the infection of the senpolia with spores that cause brown rot. On the soil under the leaves there are traces of mycelium.

The disease can go to other plants, so urgent measures should be taken:

  • treat leaves, stems and children with antifungal fungicides (Skor, Fundazol);
  • apply shallow rooting;
  • treat the soil with Fitosporin, PhytoDoctor or Trichodermin;
  • use loose soil for planting, good water permeability;
  • apply frequent but small watering plants.

Gray Rot (Botritis)

The disease is accompanied by the appearance of a gray fluffy coating on the surface of the leaves, the stems soften and weaken. Over time, all parts of the plant become white and rot. The disease develops from spores located in the planting soil, as well as when using old non-desiccated soil, where the remains of previous diseased plants are possible.

To preserve the senpolia, immediately remove the wilted parts of the plant.

Further treatment:

  • soil disinfection by calcination, freezing, fungicide treatment;
  • treatment of Saintpaulia with fungicides to prevent the spread of the disease.


  • spray in the warm season;
  • maintain optimal air humidity, regular ventilation;
  • exclude temperature differences;
  • control the watering of plants, eliminating stagnation, do not get water when watering the leaves;
  • Do not put flower pots close to each other;
  • eliminate the formation of vapor on the walls of the dishes during reproduction.

Leaf rust

A characteristic bloom appears in the form of yellow or brown bulges and bulges below the leaves of the Uzambara violet, rarely on the petioles, light yellow spots on the upper side. Over time, spores of the fungus spread by air ripen on the bottom of the leaf.

At the optimum temperature and humidity, the spores do not germinate. To eliminate the disease of violets with rust, it is necessary to adjust the environmental indicators.

Powdery mildew

Uzambara violets are susceptible to powdery mildew, which is of two types: false and real. To specify the diagnosis, it is worth paying attention to the nature of the spots. Downy mildew is accompanied by brown stains. A sign of this are whitish shades of lesion on the stem and leaves of the senpolia. Infection could occur when spending previously consumed soil without treatment or with newly acquired plants.

For sick violets, the following measures are recommended:

  • adjust the humidity of the environment;
  • increase the temperature in the room;
  • bring lighting to normal by creating additional lighting;
  • regularly remove dust on leaves and pots;
  • carry out additional fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, since an excess of nitrogen can also lead to damage to plants.

Late blight

The drooping of flowers, accompanied by the separation of the roots, is caused by late blight. Leaves begin to curl. The disease contributes to cool temperature and high humidity in low light. In order to fight the disease, violet must create the appropriate conditions:

  • remove damaged parts of the plant and roots;
  • transplanted into a new disinfected soil with the addition of perlite, which helps maintain soil moisture;
  • treat the violet and soil with Fitosporin or similar preparations;
  • root unaffected upper leaves to grow a new flower;
  • maintain optimal temperature and humidity for the newly transplanted plant, increase illumination.


Brown, falling leaves of violets indicate a defeat by another fungal disease. As a rule, spores enter the plant from the soil through the roots. Allocated toxic substances spread to all parts: stems, leaves, flowers. They turn brown and rot. Caused by a cold content temperature with increased watering. A sharp temperature drop and heavy landing land contribute to the disease.

The treatment is as follows:

  • remove all damaged parts;
  • treat the remaining parts of the plant and the soil with Fitosporin or Fundazole;
  • transplanted into disinfected soil;
  • reduce watering plants;
  • increase the temperature in the room;
  • ventilate regularly.

Vascular bacteriosis

Affected plants have wilted, weak leaves. The disease begins with the affected soil. Mushroom spores settle on the roots. Growing, they release toxic substances that penetrate the tissues of the plant and destroy it completely. Appears at elevated temperature conditions.

The hotter the windowsill, the more rapidly the disease develops. It is almost impossible to save the plant.

The disease is not transmitted to neighboring violets, they can be saved by creating normal conditions of detention. Another condition for the progression of bacteriosis is increased soil moisture under cool environmental conditions in the winter.

Prevention measures:

  • adjust the temperature and humidity conditions of the color content;
  • increase additional ventilation without direct contact with flowers;
  • pre-disinfect the soil and free from the remnants of former plants;
  • use land with good conductivity for planting, additionally loosening vermiculite;
  • exclude top dressing for the recovery period;
  • additionally treat plants with drugs that increase immunity.

Leaf spot or bronze virus

When exposed to uzambar violets in direct sunlight, the plant suffers from bronzed leaves. Another condition for the occurrence of the disease is the ingress of drops of water during irrigation. The disease spreads with poplar fluff through thrips. The diseased plant stops developing. Leaves are covered with a distinctive coating of red or brown spots. The virus cannot be cured.

Control measures:

  • replace the soil in which the content of fungal spores is possible;
  • to exclude bright sunlight by rearranging the flowers in a warm place with diffused light;
  • reduce quantitative watering;
  • during watering, monitor the direction of the stream of water.

Violet insect pests

In addition to diseases, violets suffer from a number of pests.


Mealybugs are rounded insects with a white or waxy coating, which multiply very quickly under favorable conditions. They feed on the juice of plants, completely weakening the flowers.

Signs of damage include the appearance of a mushroom smell from the soil, a change in green color to yellow or gray, a decrease in leaf elasticity, growth retardation and the appearance of decay of roots and leaves.

Control measures: flower treatment with insecticides.


Violets affect ticks of two types: cyclamen and spider web. The former damage young leaves and stems, leaving yellow marks. The latter make red punctures on the leaves, on which a cobweb forms. Ticks are carriers of many diseases, therefore, measures must be taken to eradicate them. Insecticides are used to control pests.


A small transparent insect of a greenish color brings a lot of trouble to the senpolia. It affects all juicy parts, sucking juice from leaves, stalks, buds. Toxic elements are carried by juices throughout the plant, slowing down the development and deforming it.

To combat aphids, flowers are treated in the shower, washed with soapy water, and in difficult cases they are sprayed with insecticides.


Signs of infection of violets with nematodes are dark green spots, gradually darkening and decaying. The growth point dries out, from which deformed leaves develop. The condition of the flowers is weakened, drooping, peduncles with buds do not appear, the stems are bent, and eventually the plant dies. To determine the pest is possible only on the ground. To do this, remove the violet from the pot and examine the condition of the roots.

A nematode is a tiny insect that is very difficult to breed.

Control measures:

  • complete replacement of soil with disinfected soil;
  • insecticide treatment of violets if infection has just begun. Otherwise, the plant is destroyed.

Putrid diseases also affect garden violets (pansies). Powdery mildew, rust and viral, it is sick less often. Of the pests, in addition to those listed, it is attacked by slugs.

Mr. Summer resident: useful tips for the prevention of diseases in the senpolia

In order for the senpolis to develop well and bloom, it is necessary to create the right conditions for maintenance and care:

  • Periodically treat plants under running water at temperatures up to +40 ° C from the shower horn. At this point, make sure that excessive moisture does not get into the soil. Such prevention is reasonable at intervals of 2-3 months. Around the trunk of the plant and flower pot, polyethylene is tied so as not to wash the ground. After that, the flower is poured from the shower and left in the bathroom until the leaves completely dry. Otherwise, white or brown spots may appear on them. Brown - caused by sunburn, white - by hypothermia.
  • To combat diseases and insects use a solution of garlic cloves. To do this, 3 cloves are kneaded and placed in 1 liter of water. Close the contents of the lid and incubated for 24 hours at room temperature. The resulting infusion is diluted with 5 liters of water and cultivated by soil and leaf plates of Saintpoly. After processing, the flowers are blotted from the remnants of water.
  • In difficult cases, it is necessary to use chemical methods to combat diseases and pests of violets. The most common remedy for combating fungal diseases is Fitosporin. To do this, 5 g of the insecticide is soaked in 5 l of water for 30 minutes. Having collected the resulting solution with a medical syringe, thoroughly moisten the earth in a pot. In the presence of the drug Fitosporin M, plants are sprayed by dissolving 10 g of powder in 1 glass of water.
  • A weak solution of potassium permanganate is used to combat incipient diseases of fungal origin. When processing the land, it is required to dilute 3 g of potassium permanganate in 5 l of water and carefully spill with the resulting dark composition.
  • Before processing violets against insects, the leaves should be wiped with an alcohol solution to remove immobile individuals and the plaque formed by them.
  • To combat ticks, thrips, aphids, Fitoverm is suitable, the ampoule of which is dissolved in 1 liter of water. In the presence of permethrin-containing shampoo for pets, add 1 teaspoon to the solution. Violets are treated after 3 days, repeating treatments 4 times.
  • To destroy eggs and tick larvae, I use the drug Nissoran, spending 1 g of the product in 1 liter of water. Spray the ground and plants, where the offspring are located, which die within 1-2 weeks.


Watch the video: Diagnosing a Common African violet Plant Disease (October 2024).