Wisteria - care and growing at home


Wisteria, or Wisteria - a tree liana with magnificent inflorescences. Flowing lilac brushes with a pleasant light aroma of lilac are rightly called lilac rain. At home, it can braid the entire wall of a balcony or loggia.

Care Features

At the first acquaintance with the plant, it is difficult to determine whether wisteria is a tree or shrub. Neither one nor the other. It is a liana, but it can grow as a bush or as a tree. Flexible shoots are able to take any form, entwine supports or their own shoots.

Caring for a beauty takes time and patience.

It grows quickly, relying on its own branches, lends itself to formation in the form of a tree

Wisteria growing in a comfortable place, cares and growing at home tolerates well. The main requirements for the active growth of vines:

  • temperature. In the summer, pots with plants are placed on the balcony or in the garden. Wisteria is able to tolerate any heat (with the proper level of humidity). In autumn, a rest period is needed, therefore, for several months the temperature of the exotics should not exceed 10 ° C. In January, with the awakening of the buds, the flower is gradually accustomed to increase heat and transferred to residential conditions;
  • the plant is photophilous, therefore only the south side will provide the amount of light that is necessary for growth and flowering;
  • from the beginning of the active growth period - spring, watering is needed moderate, no more than twice a week. Since autumn, watering is reduced as much as possible. You need to water the plant along the edge of the pot, without eroding the soil at the base of the shoot and without exposing the roots;

In indoor floriculture, wisteria bonsai compositions are a success

  • in summer, high humidity is supported by regular spraying of greens and shoots. During dormancy, this procedure does not need a flower;
  • the soil needs light, airy, easily passing moisture and air. Nutrient soil should be high. Good soil will be from equal parts of soddy soil, humus, peat and river sand;
  • during the laying of buds and flowering, the plant needs additional fertilizing with mineral fertilizers once a week. In season, the flower is watered with the addition of chalk.

Winter Care Features

For the full existence of the flower every year you need to organize a period of rest. In the fall, after all greenery has fallen, you need to put the pot in a cool room, reduce watering, remove fertilizing and additional moisture.

Ampelic pelargonium or geranium - growing and care at home

If the wisteria shrub grows on a glazed balcony, where the temperature in winter does not exceed 10 ° C, it will remarkably tolerate a sleep period there.

From the beginning of January, leaf and flower buds begin to wake up in wisteria. The temperature must be raised gradually. For two weeks, by transferring the pot for a while to a warmer room. A sharp change in temperature will destroy the plant.

Important! Without a dormant period, wisteria ceases to bloom, and eventually dies.

When and how does Wisteria bloom?

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Liana begins to throw flower stalks in March-April with the right awakening. Flowering lasts from two weeks to two months. It all depends on the variety and conditions of detention. The shape of the flowers corresponds to the legume family, to which wisteria belongs.

Long brushes strewn with small purple flowers

The wisteria's palette is not too large: pink, blue, white or lilac waterfalls. To maintain active flowering, regular mineral dressing is needed.


Streptocarpus - care and growing at home

Stimulate flowering and growth by pruning. After flowering, the shoots are cut into two-thirds, and in February-March - up to 2-3 good buds.

If the wisteria is shaped like a stem, you need to leave one or several powerful shoots, removing all the lateral and root

When growing in the form of a vine or bush, part of the lateral shoots must be cut so that the flower does not waste strength on them.

Important! In too branched sections of the shoot flowering will be rare.


To grow a new plant, you need to choose one of the following methods:

  • seeds. Seeds pre-hatched on wet gauze are sown in January in moist soil (a mixture for an adult plant). The container is tightened with a film or covered with glass. Soil temperature should not be lower than 23 ° С. After the appearance of sprouts, you need to slowly temper them without a film and expose them to the sun. Seedlings are ready for planting in separate pots when two real leaves appear on it. Domestic wisteria obtained from seeds is unlikely to bloom;
  • propagate by cuttings - the most reliable and fastest way. Shoots 20 cm long obliquely cut 2 cm below the last leaf bud. Root while maintaining soil moisture. It is also necessary to observe the temperature regime, as well as when growing seeds;

Wisteria Seeds

  • garden wisteria is conveniently propagated by layering. If in the apartment to grow in the form of creepers, then you can also use this method. On the lay, you need to make an incision and dig it into a new pot of soil. Take care of an adult plant and in a month you can check for root formation;
  • it is difficult to propagate by grafting the cuttings to the root system. Experienced wisteria breeders are engaged in this and most often for the garden version of the breeding of these magnificent vines.

For cuttings, cuts of year-old shoots are suitable


Wisteria transplant

The root system of wisteria is poorly developed and slowly growing. Pots for planting need small, low and wide. The young plant is transplanted by transshipment once a year as the pot is filled with roots. An adult plant is transplanted once every 3-4 years. If wisteria grows in the form of a weaving vine, transplantation will be almost impossible, therefore, once every 2-3 years, the upper soil layer is replaced in an adult plant (7-9 cm).

Possible problems in growing wisteria

During the cultivation, flower growers may encounter the following difficulties:

With proper care, the lilac waterfall will be the subject of admiration for many years.

  • lack of flowering. If the plant provides decent care, and there is no flowering, then it grows in a too spacious pot. With a large amount of soil, the flower will only increase the root system and greenery;
  • during flowering, leaves may fall profusely. This is a sign of nutrient deficiency. Need more nutritious soil and fertilizing;
  • when the soil contains a large amount of alkali, the leaves may begin to turn yellow. This is chlorosis. Mineral top dressing will help.

Wisteria is a magnificent decoration, both in the garden and in the home. She will definitely make up for her beauty all the time spent on care. In such regions as Siberia, growing a garden option will not work, so indoor wisteria will be an excellent solution.
