
The lawn can suffer not only from weeds, but also from moss. This perennial plant has no root system and flowers. It multiplies through spores, the maturation of which occurs in the box. The parasite is activated if it falls into favorable conditions. Getting rid of moss is quite difficult. It is much easier to carry out preventive measures in time.

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Fescue is a perennial cereal, often used in the design of lawns. The plant is not demanding care, not susceptible to diseases and harmful insects. There are several varieties that will become an ornament for any landscape design. Source: Description and advantages of fescue In the wild, lives in almost all corners of the planet: in regions with a cold, temperate, subtropical climate, mountain regions of the tropics.

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Grapes are a perennial culture with a powerful root system and a flexible trunk. But at the same time it is a very capricious plant, it is afraid of cold weather, prone to various diseases and pest attacks. Plants can suffer from the negative effects of viruses, fungi, bacteria and parasites. Factors that provoke weakening of grapes include improper care, external damage and inappropriate climatic conditions.

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Pasture ryegrass belongs to the Myatlikov family. The plant is used to create sports fields, professional football fields, industrial lawns, etc. Also, grass is used for replanting. Description of ryegrass rye grass (perennial) is a cereal, semi-upper, friable bush plant.

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Contrary to popular belief, growing a lawn using ordinary grass will not work. Such a lawn will remain stiff even with regular maintenance. Difference between lawn grass and wild grass Lawn crops differ from wild grasses by a set of useful properties. It includes: the rapid growth of shoots. Due to this quality, several weeks after planting, the seedlings form a dense turf layer; aesthetics.

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The lawn on the site is the dream of many summer residents. Implementing it is quite simple. The gardener needs to get acquainted with the technology of growing green carpet, to purchase all the necessary tools. The finished lawn will become a decoration of a personal garden, a place for rest, a playground. By means of such a coating, soil erosion is prevented, the temperature regime is stabilized, and higher air permeability is ensured.

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Lawn aeration - piercing the turf to a certain depth to ventilate the soil, improve gas exchange between atmospheric and soil oxygen. Due to manipulation, water, nutrients and oxygen will flow better to the roots. As a result, the lawn will gain an attractive appearance.

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Planting a lawn in the fall is a very expensive undertaking. To get a flat green area in front of the house will have to spend a lot of time and physical effort. The appearance of the finished "carpet" planted in the autumn period depends on many factors. Meeting deadlines is one of them. For example, in the Urals and Siberia they are very different.

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Weed control is a stage that gardeners cannot do without, who managed to grow a lawn in their area. Wild plants can break through even through dense turf that has formed over several years. Most of all from the negative impact of weeds, immature shoots suffer. The sooner you take action, the better the green lawn will look.

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When the lawn turns yellow, on which a lot of effort has been expended, it is useless to shrug hands. Urgent need to save the green carpet, on which yellow spots appeared, to create favorable conditions for the grass. From personal experience I know that the sooner the cause of yellowing is identified, the more chances there are to do without digging the lawn.

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Pepper is one of the favorite cultures in Russian vegetable gardens. It is not very whimsical, but to get healthy fruits you need to first grow strong and healthy seedlings. Sometimes the stems begin to bend to the ground, the leaves fall, the plant gradually dies. To prevent this condition, you need to understand why young pepper seedlings fall, adult plants wither and turn yellow, how to deal with it.

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Fusarium Wheat is a disease caused by Fusarium fungi. In winter wheat, barley and other cereals, the infection provokes a significant loss of yield and its quality. Infection leads to slow growth and deterioration of germination. Some types of mushrooms produce toxic substances, because of this, the grain becomes unsuitable for human and animal consumption.

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Perhaps every gardener dreams of a true English lawn. The best place to relax, barbecue area does not come up. A beautiful, dense green carpet becomes after regular care. Part of the work is carried out in the autumn season, they will be discussed. I immediately propose moving from theory to practice, sharing my own experience and observing my neighbors.

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Pests of grapes are a serious problem for gardeners. They damage all parts of the bushes. With a severe defeat, insects weaken the plant, because of this, various infections develop, leading to the death of the culture. To preserve the crop, you need to know which parasites pose the greatest threat, how to prevent their appearance or how to exterminate.

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When planting spring garlic in the spring, in the summer you can cut off the feathers, add to the salad, and in the fall to collect the bulbs with teeth. They do not deteriorate even during prolonged storage. Varieties of winter germinate in the fall. It would seem, why does garlic grow an additional several months. There seems to be no reason for this, but harvesting in the new year will still be a little earlier.

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Grapes - a culture that requires increased attention, especially if it is grown not in the south of Russia, but in the middle lane or Siberia. Since the plant is heat-loving, it is quite difficult for him to survive in a cool climate, and the lack of proper care, inappropriate soil and various diseases can destroy not only the crop, but the whole plant, along with leaves, stems and roots.

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Fusariosis is an ailment that affects cultivated and wild plants. Garlic is no exception. The disease can be caused by imperfect fungi from the genus Fusarium. Their degree of activity is determined by the chemical and climatic conditions. Nature of the disease. Fusarium. The causative agent penetrates the vascular system of the plant through damage to the root processes, leaves and stems.

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Grapes are a fertile tree that is grown in many countries. Around the world, work is underway to improve the taste of its berries, increase productivity. However, this makes no sense if the plant is not healthy. Processing grapes in the spring from pests and diseases will help to avoid pathological conditions of the crop.

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