Clerodendrum: growing and caring at home


Clerodendrum (tree of fate) is a perennial plant from the Verbenov family. Homeland in the tropical climate of Asia, Africa and southern America.

In some sources, clerodendrum is called "volcamery", which translates as "innocent love."


Clerodendron is a representative of deciduous and evergreen plants. The stems are long, highly branched, in length can reach 4 meters. Given the variety of shrubs, the trunk is either lianoid or tree-like.

The bark is thin and smooth, the color is light green or red-brown. Opposite foliage with short petioles of emerald or dark green color. Leaves are heart-shaped, ovoid or oval, the edges are carved. Length - up to 20 cm, indentations running along the veins are clearly marked.

Flowers externally resemble bells collected in inflorescences-scutes or panicles, located in the axils of the foliage or on the shoots. The shape of the flowers is complex, they have 2 corollas: the first is 25 cm in diameter, the second is slightly smaller. Long and thin stamens are placed in the center of the corolla.

Flowering of the tree occurs from mid-spring to late summer, there is a delicate aroma that emit not only flowers but also foliage. Each type of clerodendrum has an individual smell. The flower belongs to the pollinated species.

Types for Home Growing

There are several types of clerodendrum, which can be grown indoors:

UgandanThe habitat is eastern Africa. The length of the shoots is up to 3 meters. Flowers have 5 petals, reminiscent of butterflies, color - blue and purple. With good care, it blooms from mid-spring to October.
QuadricularIt has an unusual color of foliage: green above, burgundy below, the edges are pointed. Flowers are gathered in a bunch, in the form of elongated legs, color - lilac-white.
Bunge (Clerodendrum bungei)Range - China. Shrub with a height of up to 3 meters, shoots are straight and branched. The leaves are rough to the touch, the edges are serrated. Flowers have spherical inflorescences, color - pink.
Thompson (Mrs. Thompson)The clerdendrum variety got its name in honor of a missionary from Africa named Thompson. The plant has flexible and long stems; it stands out by abundant flowering from March to October. The flowers are in the form of cup-shaped bracts of pink and white color. Foliage is green or yellow-green, length - up to 12 cm.
BrilliantThe plant has flexible shoots, flowering occurs most of the year. The leaves are heart-shaped, the edges are wavy. The diameter of the flowers is 2-3 cm, the color is red.
Wollicha (bride veil nodding jasmine)Distribution area - India. Decorative bush of compact size. Branches hanging down. Foliage of a lanceolate shape, there are wavy edges, up to 15 cm in length. Inflorescences of a racemose shape, hanging, contain lush and fragrant white flowers, with a diameter of 2-3 cm.
Inerme (poleless, variegated)Shrub with straight shoots, which in the absence of pruning reach 3 meters. Glossy ovoid foliage. Umbrella inflorescences are collected from white petals with purple corollas.
PhilippineShrub reaching a height of 2 meters, the leaves are large, velvety, the edges are jagged. Flowers of large sizes, pink or cream color, are similar in appearance to roses, with a diameter of up to 8 cm. The inflorescences of the Philippine clerodendrum are thyroid. Flowering occurs most of the year.
Schmidt (chains of glory)A decorative variety with inflorescences up to 50 cm, contains white flowers with a red cap. With quality care, it blooms in the summer and winter.
Wallica AlbarginataShrub, 30-40 cm high. Flowers - white colors, collected in inflorescences of racemose form. It blooms from late spring to early autumn.
The most beautiful (Javanese, special)Evergreen plant, when grown indoors, reaching a height of 1 meter. It stands out for a long flowering period - from early June to November. The foliage is heart-shaped, placed opposite to the shoots. The flowers are small, bright red.
StarshineLarge-leaved tree or shrub up to half a meter high. The leaves are oval, the flowers are small, red.
Musical notesIt is distinguished by unusual flowering; stamens hang from white flowers, resembling “strings”.
Trichotomum CarnivalShrub with small pink flowers that resemble a frozen salute.
Allspice or wolvesThe foliage is pointed, rough to the touch, fluffy petals, has a pleasant aroma.
TripartiteA plant with large foliage. It has small saturated pink flowers with a blue center and pointed petals.

Home Care

Caring for clerodendrum at home varies depending on the time of year:

Spring SummerAutumn winter
Humidity levelHigh, over 70%.
ShineA bright, flower needs to be protected from direct exposure to sunlight.
Temperature+ 20-25 degrees.+ 12-14 degrees.
Top dressingOnce every 14 daysRest period - fertilizer should be abandoned

Location, lighting, watering

Most varieties of clerodendrum prefer diffuse lighting, and exposure to direct sunlight can cause burns and leaf fall. The best place to place a flower pot is considered the western and eastern window. You can put the plant on the south window, but then you need to use a light-scattering curtain.

The frequency of watering is directly related to the season of the year and the period of plant growth. In the spring-summer season, clerodendrum needs abundant watering, but only after preliminary drying of the soil surface. After flowering, watering volumes are reduced. During winter dormancy, watering is minimized, the main thing is that the earthen lump remains in a wet state.

Air humidity should also be controlled, it should always be high, since dryness is harmful to the plant. In the absence of a humidifier, regular spraying can be carried out using filtered room temperature water.

Pot, soil, transplant

The plant develops well in fertile soil with a weak level of acidity. The easiest option is to buy a universal mixture and add a small amount of sand to it. In addition, the soil can be made independently by mixing the following components in different proportions:

  • peat;
  • sheet and clay earth;
  • coarse sand.

To prevent the appearance of diseases and pests, the soil must be decontaminated. To do this, it will be enough to heat it with an oven or microwave.

It is better to take a ceramic pot as a container, as it allows air to pass through and ensures the maintenance of an optimal level of humidity. In addition, ceramics are more stable and heavy, which plays an important role during the growth of massive shrubs. When transplanting a plant, it is recommended to choose a pot that is about 2 cm wider in depth and width than the old container.

Plant transplantation must be performed carefully using the transshipment method.

  1. The earthen lump is completely taken out of the tank, so that it is easier to clear, you can tap on the walls of the pot. It is strictly forbidden to flush the roots under running water.
  2. A 2-3 cm drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the new pot: expanded clay, brick chips, small stones are used. A little earth is poured onto it, and then a transplanted plant is placed in the center of the tank, after which voids are neatly filled up.
  3. After filling, the earth is watered, after its shrinkage, more soil is added.
  4. After replanting the plant, it is recommended to use phytohormones, this will improve the rooting process.

Top dressing

In most cases, the flowering of clerodendrum occurs from March to October and during this period the plant requires the introduction of nutrients. It is recommended to alternate different types of fertilizers - mineral and organic humic.

Among minerals, Agricola is considered quite effective. High-quality humic fertilizers include FlorGumat. It is possible to produce root and foliar top dressing.


In the spring, plant shoots are shortened by about a third of the length, dried and diseased branches are removed. In addition, during the trimming process, the following actions are performed:

  1. Growing tops pinch to give the flower splendor.
  2. To form a clerodendrum in the form of a tree, all branches are removed, only the strongest shoot remains, which is cut off at a height of approximately 0.6 m. Branches located below the crown are removed from the shoot.
  3. Lianas do not need significant pruning, but in the spring, you still need to shorten the ends of the branches and pinch the plants.

Rest period

The rest period begins with the advent of autumn. At this time, you should refuse to fertilize. It is recommended to remove all dried branches and leaves, and then place the pot in a cool place.


Reproduction of clerodendrum is possible by seeds and cuttings.

Cuttings need to be made in the spring. The following step-by-step instructions will help to propagate the plant correctly:

  1. Cuttings are harvested. Lignified branches are divided into parts having 3-4 internodes. All lower leaves are removed, it will be enough to leave a few on top, if they are large, then shortening should be performed. These actions will prevent the loss of large amounts of moisture.
  2. The bottom of the selected cuttings is processed with root and planted in a flowerpot. At the bottom of the tank, a drainage layer in the form of small stones and expanded clay is laid out in advance.
  3. Pots are filled with a mixture of fine sand and peat, taken in equal amounts, and placed in a greenhouse.
  4. Every day they check their condition, if necessary, they are sprayed with a substrate.
  5. After the appearance of the roots, the plant must begin to harden, for this the ventilation time increases daily.
  6. At that moment, as clerodendrum can do without a greenhouse, you can transplant it to a permanent place. Planting must be done carefully, as the plant has brittle roots.

For propagation by seeds, the following manipulations are made:

  • seeds are planted in small containers filled with a mixture of coconut substrate and peat taken in the same amount;
  • greenhouse conditions are created and the pots are installed in a well-lit place; it is required to ventilate daily;
  • strong plants are planted in a permanent place.

Mistakes at leaving and their correction

When caring for clerodendrum, certain errors may occur that require immediate correction:

Fall of foliage and flower buds.Low humidity, poor lighting.Irrigation mode is regulated, the clerodendrum is placed closer to the light, air humidity increases.
Yellow spotting on the leaves.BurnsPrevent exposure to the plant in direct sunlight.
Small foliage.Being in unsuitable temperature conditions.Provide peace in the winter.
Lack of flowering.Poor lighting, sub-optimal temperature, lack of rest in winter, lack of useful trace elements.The plant is rearranged closer to the window, the temperature is regulated, with the onset of the spring season fertilizers are applied. A rest period is guaranteed.

Diseases, pests and their control

In the process of growth, clerodendrum can be affected by various diseases and insects that need to be identified in a timely manner in order to save the plant from death:

Yellowness.It is necessary to water and spray the plant using only soft water, which is previously sedimented.
The lethargy of the plant.Root rot.Clerodendrum is removed from the pot, the root system is washed, damaged areas are removed. The roots are sprinkled with powdered charcoal. Then it is planted in new soil and the irrigation mode is regulated.
Deformation of shoots, plaque on foliage.Spider mite or whitefly.The plant is washed with water, and then sprayed with an insecticide (2 ml of Fitoverma is diluted in a liter of water). After two weeks, the treatment is repeated.
Twisting the leaves inward.Aphid.The most damaged foliage is removed, the remaining one is washed and sprayed with any insect repellent. After two weeks, the plant is re-treated.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: Clerodendrum - tree of happiness

Clerodendrum positively affects a person’s mood, improves the general condition, provides a favorable atmosphere in the walls of the house and gives love.

There is a legend that in ancient Rome there was a special cult of this plant, it was dedicated to the goddess of love Venus. Each member of this cult met his true soul mate.

But there is also a belief that clerodendrum brings grief, reducing success at work and in the personal sphere. Feng Shui experts categorically oppose this opinion, claiming that any flower brings joy to the house. The price of 150-200 rubles is not a reason to refuse this.


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