Cissus home indoor grape


Cissus is a representative of the plant world from the Vinogradovy (liana) family. The birthplace of ivy is the African continent, territories of South America, Australia.


The length is about 4 meters. Suction cups and antennae allow you to confidently hold on to adjacent surfaces. The root system is dense and does not grow. Color is light green. Flowering - brushes of a greenish tint, after pollination, fruits of black or red color appear.

Types of cissus are significantly different. The inhabitants of a drier climate have a thickened stem and larger tubers.

Views for the home

More than 350 items are known. Some varieties can be bred at home.

Rhomboid.The name was due to foliage. Uniqueness in edible berries.
Arctic (Antarctic cissus).It turns green all year round, oval-shaped foliage. The flower is yellow-green.
Tetrahedral.Developed drug function. Shoots in diameter of the order of one and a half centimeters. Whatever they take, it is developing actively, but slowly.
Helen Danica.Bright rhomboid sheets.
Multi-colored.Silver and burgundy brown veins. The bulk of foliage falls in the winter.
Round-leaved.Outwardly, it seems that it is covered with wax (gleam).
Striped.It has the smallest leaves and fruits of black color.

Home growing conditions

Spring.East, west walls, inner piers, center of the room.Medium -
+ 22ºС.
Moderately bright.The required humidity is about 60%. Daily spraying.
Summer.Away from sunlight, can be taken outside into the shadow zone. The main thing is that there is a container with water nearby.Recommended
+ 25ºС.
Bright light, but watch out for ultraviolet light.Reusable and daily spraying cool
Autumn.Any place in the room will do.Medium -
- +12, multi-colored - + 16ºС.
Bright, scattered.Regular spraying.
Winter.Farther from the drafts.+ 16-18ºС.Diffused bright light. It is necessary to use additional lighting, since daylight hours are short.The average humidity is 50%.
- Five times
in Week.

Soil, transplant, pruning

Antarctic and diamond-shaped species grow well in our climatic conditions:

  • Priming. To plant a beautiful decorative room grape is not a problem - there are no special soil requirements.
  • Like regular grapes, cissus needs periodic pruning. It is necessary to observe the branches that stably discard foliage - remove old shoots. Thanks to the shortening of long stems, it is possible to form a special decorative look.
  • Perennial grapes are transplanted once every 3 years, a young seedling - once a year. This is best done in the spring. It is necessary to carefully stretch the flower with the root, so that part of the earth remains. In case of rot on the roots (transshipment), change the soil. Determine the volume of the root system “by eye” and place the plant in a suitable pot.


Liana moisturizes the air, respectively, it is necessary to monitor the constant moisture of the soil. The amount of water is adjusted if necessary. As with any indoor flower, excess moisture can rot the root system.

If the plant turns yellow, water it more. If the branches dry and cissus prematurely takes off the foliage, the reason is overfilling.

Top dressing

It is important to add fertilizer every few weeks in spring and summer. In the remaining time - once a month.

If brown spots appear on the plant, you need to fertilize it with a mixture of phosphorus. If, for some unknown reason, the liana began to lose its inherent color gamut, then feed it with mineral fertilizer.

When preparing the earthen mixture, you need to add a piece of humus and a drainage system to the bottom of the pot of small pebbles. If pests are infected with cissus, at the initial stage it will be enough to sprinkle it with garlic or orange extract.


The plant propagates using cuttings. The main thing is that the shoot must have leaves and you need to place it for a while in the water (until young rhizomes appear).

The soil for planting should be standard (as for an adult plant). The easiest and most convenient way to think about reproduction at the time of transplantation of the main shrub. A new seedling is carefully separated from the main one with less damage to the root.

You need to plant in different pots making sure that the root is intact and has a healthy, strong shoot. Reproduction using seeds is a rarity, but such a method is possible. The main difficulty is poor seed maturation. Several steps are important here:

  1. The tank is filled with drainage and soil substrate.
  2. Seeds are not sown like carrots, but scattered with a thin layer on the earth's surface and pressed with a light touch of a finger.
  3. At hand you need to have a sprayer for timely moistening of seeds and the soil itself.
  4. To create a greenhouse effect, the seeds are covered with glass. Recommended room temperature - +25 degrees.
  5. You should not expect seedlings the next day - the process can drag on to six months.
  6. When several leaves appear on the flower, the weak ones are removed.
  7. After strengthening the seedlings, they begin to plant.

Mistakes in leaving

The tips of the leaves dry, the foliage itself bends.Insufficient air humidity, the plant freezes.Often spray the plant, in winter keep it away from the battery, stove, fireplace, but in a fairly warm place.
The leaves turn pale, turn brown, mold may appear.Poor drainage or waterlogging of the soil.Regularly drain, do not overfill.
Leaves lose color, spots appear.Ivy stands on the sunny side.Rearrange the plant, as direct sunlight is fatal to it.

If it stands near the window - around the corner or build a shade canopy for it. Artificial lighting needs to be adjusted in time.

Leaves are stained and curled.The soil is not wet enough.Do not allow the soil to dry out, regularly water it.
Spot at the bottom of the crown.Strong drying of the earth.Increase watering.
Unexpected partial loss of leaves.Excessive drafts or hypothermia.Put the bush in a calm and comfortable environment.

Pests and diseases

PestSymptomsMethods of struggle
  • plant growth stops;
  • sticky transparent drops form on the stems;
  • outgrowths (convex and stiff) appear on the leaves on the back side and shoots;
  • foliage dries and falls.
  • remove pests manually;
  • treat with an insecticide (Phosphamide, Metaphos, Fufanon);
  • process the plant until the problem is resolved.
  • the inner side of the sheet is covered with black spots;
  • young shoots and leaves die.
  • to process with a special aphid remedy (Inta-Vir, Biotlin, Iskra-Bio).
Spider mite.
  • yellow dots and cobwebs appear on the leaves.
  • bathe a plant under a warm shower;
  • increase humidity;
  • process with Aktara.

Signs and healing properties

Cissus is a quadrangular regular guest in a pharmacy. It emits microparticles that kill bacteria not only in the air, but also in the human body. Helps those who suffer from gastric diseases, while also inhibiting allergic particles.

In addition, the liana absorbs all the energy coming from the walls, fumes, which negatively affect the mood and condition in general. There is a superstition that flowers from the vine family are a girl's amulet.


Watch the video: Cissus Vine or Rex begonia Vine growing through my grape Vines and up my grape arbor very Tangled (October 2024).