Croton or Codium


Kodiyum belongs to the Euphorbia family. Originally from East India, Malaysia, Sunda and Molluksky islands. Its feature is the presence of milky juice, which impregnates the stems and leaves, helping the plant to heal any damage and infection. Florists often use another name - croton.


Croton is a shrub flower. In nature it reaches 3-4 meters, at home - up to 70 cm. Its leaves are hard, leathery, of various bright colors and shapes, reminiscent of large laurel. There are twisted and straight, wide and narrow, sharp and dull. Their color is from light green to red-brown, veins - from yellow to red. Young plants are always lighter than adults. Flowers are small, unprepossessing yellowish-white.

Varieties for indoor breeding - table

At home, of the entire species diversity of croton, only one is grown - verigat (variegated), but varieties derived from it are not inferior in color originality.

VarietiesLeaves and other features
VariegatumLarge, length - 30 cm. A variety of forms of sheet plates of yellow-green colors, changing depending on lighting and other factors.

The stem is straight, bottom without foliage.

It is the founder of all decarative hybrids. In the house grows up to 70 cm.

PetraThick, shiny, light green with yellow edges and veins. The shape is similar to pointed blades.

The stalk is branched.

TamaraElongated-oval with uneven edges, unusual coloring - pink, purple or yellow spots are scattered on a white-green background.

Hybrid. It reaches a meter in height. A rare variety.

MummyTwisted, long, curly, motley color.
Mrs. IstonLong, wide, rounded at the ends, of a bright color - yellow, red, pink and gold colors.

High tree grade

Black PrinceSo dark green that they appear black. Red, yellow, orange spots are scattered on wide dark ovals.
ExlentReminiscent of oak, the front side is yellow-green, the back is burgundy red.

Low bush.

DisraeliLobed green, veins - yellow, bottom - brick-brown.
ZanzibarVery narrow and long, flowing green, yellow, red waterfall.

Looks impressive in hanging baskets.

AcuballistSmall narrow, green in color with yellow irregular inclusions.
Sunny StarNarrow dark green at the tips bloom yellow, lemon shades.
TricuspidConsist of three parts with gold streaks.
Eburneum (white chimera)Cream shade. With bright diffused lighting and constant spraying, it can please with burgundy colors.
Splashes of champagneNarrow oblong, dark with yellow splashes.

A mix is ​​a varietal variety of croton.

Home Care

The plant is quite finicky, but if you create the right conditions, you can achieve variegation and brightness throughout the year.

Seasonal table

ParameterSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location / LightingPrefers eastern and western windows with bright but diffused lighting.It is best to choose the south window. With light starvation, the leaves begin to lose their bright color, lighting is needed.
TemperatureComfortable - + 20 ... + 24 ℃. At + 30 ℃, shading and increased humidity are necessary.Exclude temperature differences. Acceptable - + 18 ... + 20 ℃, not lower than + 16 ℃.
HumidityElevated. In the summer, constant spraying with warm, settled water. It is good to put a container with a flower in a flowerpot with wet filling (pebbles, expanded clay).Spraying cut. But during the heating season, it is necessary to monitor the saturation of moisture with air next to the codeium.
WateringFrequent, good. But the soil should dry out to a third of the capacity. Water is warm and settled.Reduce.
Top dressingOnce a week - alternating complex mineral and organic fertilizersReduce - 1 time per month.

Transplant: pot, soil, step-by-step description

Codium transplant is performed in spring. Young (1-3 years) - annually, adults (more than 3 years) - every 2-4 years.

The pot should be shallow, slightly wider than the capacity in which the flower was before transplanting. Since its growing roots will interfere with the development of foliage. For a young croton, you can use plastic, but a clay ceramic pot is preferable to a grown-up, so that the soil inside can breathe.

Drain holes are required.

The soil is slightly acidic. Ready-made universal soil is diluted with fine-grained drainage, perlite and charcoal. Self-cooking:

  • young growth: humus, turf, coarse sand (2: 1: 1);
  • adult croton - (3: 1: 1).

Transplantation - a step-by-step process:

  • The soil is pre-watered.
  • A new tank is covered with drainage (three centimeters) and a small amount of soil mix.
  • Using transshipment, they take out the codium, put it in the middle and add soil.
  • Watered.
  • Set the flower pot in a place with sunny but diffused lighting. Moisturize daily.

A new flower is best replanted in a month.

To improve the adaptation process, croton is sprayed with a growth stimulator (Epin).

Formation, support

To create a more magnificent crown, pinching is already carried out in young plants. At the beginning of 15 cm, with growth - 20 cm. Pruning is carried out in the spring.

If after the procedure the codium ceased to grow, this is a temporary phenomenon. After some time, it will be branched.

For an adult croton, with a lot of foliage and not strong enough trunk, support is necessary. As her in the beginning you can take bamboo, wooden sticks. You can also purchase special devices for lianas, or make them yourself.

Growing Methods: Florarium, Bonsai

Small varieties of croton can be grown in open and closed florariums, the leaves will also be bright and variegated. It goes well with other plants.

If you have patience, you can make bonsai from the code. It is necessary to correctly trim and hang its branches.


The most popular croton breeding is cuttings. Rare - by seed, layering.

  • After spring pruning, cuttings are taken.
  • Remove the leaves below and trim the top.
  • Washed.
  • Cuttings are deepened into a moist substrate.
  • Cover with a jar, creating greenhouse conditions.
  • After two or three weeks they are seated.

Mistakes in care and their elimination - table

Croton with his appearance will tell you about improper conditions of detention and mistakes in caring for him.

Type of defeatReason for occurrenceElimination method
The foliage turns pale.Lack of lighting.Put closer to the light, but protect from bright sunlight.

In winter, use artificial lighting.

Dry brown blotches.Sunburn.Hide from the sun.
Twisted leaves, ends brown, but soft.Temperature differences.Monitor the temperature during the day and night. It should not be dramatically different.
Brown and brown edges of the leaves.Lack of watering.

Dry air.


Include all:

  • regular watering;
  • humidity increase;
  • protection against drafts.
Lowered leaves, their loss of elasticity.Lack of watering.

Freezing of the roots.

Water regularly with warm water.

Put in a bright and warm room.

Leaf fall.Croton is aging.

Excess moisture in winter.

Very dry or cold atmosphere, draft.

Follow code:

With normal growth of young leaves - a common occurrence.

With suffering young growth - eliminate all the shortcomings.

The redness of the leaves.Nitrogen starvation.Use fertilizers containing nitrogen.
The back side of the leaf becomes white, fluffy, the top - brown.Too low temperature.


In winter, with a lack of heat, pour it with warm water, after the soil dries up one third of the pot volume.
Yellowing.Lack of nutrition.


To fertilize with growth.

Follow watering rules.

Red spots on the back of the leaves.Excess sun.Shade in the afternoon sun.

Diseases, pests - table

ManifestationDisease, pestFight method
The appearance of brown spots. Codium does not grow, dries out over time.Fungal diseaseRemove diseased leaves.

Put codium in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Replace soil. Treat croton with a solution of Fitosporin. In case of severe defeat, use Skor.

Yellowing and falling of leaves, softening of the roots.Root rotOnly at the beginning of the disease is it possible to save croton:

  • Free from the ground, put under running water.
  • Remove diseased parts of croton.
  • Trim the top of the shoots.
  • Plant in a new, cultivated soil.
  • Pour Carbendazimum.

Protected light and not frequent watering are needed, until new leaves appear.

The appearance of yellow spots, white cobwebs. Leaves fade.Spider miteRemove diseased leaves. Spray with Fitoverm, Actellik.
Convex, dark spots on the back of the leaf.ShieldRemove the pest. Spray Actellik. Repeated processing, until the disappearance of the insect.
The leaves are sticky, the appearance of a whitish coating, growth stops.MealybugTreat with insecticide repeatedly.

Mr. Dachnik recommends: Kodiyum - a flower for communication

Croton leaves combine Mercury and the Sun. This helps to awaken the energy of communication, allows a person to find a common language with the environment, reconciles the quarreling. Kodiyum prevents the development of diseases, improves immunity.


Watch the video: How to Grow Crotons From Cuttings in Pots: Croton Propagation Techniques (October 2024).