Masdevallia: description of the orchid, its types, care


Representatives of the genus Masdevallia are epiphytic, lithophytic, and even land plants belonging to the Orchid family.

The distribution area is moist forests of the center and south of America.

Description of orchids masdevallia

These plants are characterized by a shortened thin creeping root system, from which direct stems grow, each of them holds one leaf of an elongated-oval shape. The flowers are bright, but small (about 5 cm), solitary or in inflorescences, have an unusual triangular shape. Often the sepals peaks end with long, thin antennae. The color is varied. Some are fragrant.

Types of Masdevallia

Since the birthplace of representatives of such orchids is humid, alpine forests, they are accustomed to coolness and plentiful moisturizing.

Only two of them, the most thermophilic, are grown at room conditions (masdevallia crimson and Veitch). Others need the coolness of greenhouses. But now new varieties are being developed on their basis.

The most popular masdevallias:

VarietiesLeavesFlowers, the period of their blooming
CrimsonLeathery, oval (7 cm).Single, dark red or raspberry pink.

April - July.

VeichaOblong-ovate 16-18 cm.Separate, bright orange, with very small petals and lips.

April - May, September - December

Fire redThe lower part is narrow, elliptically lanceolate on top (30 cm).Peduncles 35 cm. Single (8 cm), scarlet.


CommoditySmall light green (10 cm).White. 2-7 of them are collected in inflorescences in the form of a brush, they are located on peduncles 15 cm. They have a weak aroma.


GlandularThe base is elongated, expanding at the top (10 cm).Peduncles 4 cm. Single, bell type, pink, with orange tails. Inside, small glands painted in a darker color. It smells strongly of cloves.

April May.

Caring for masdevallia: important tips on the table

When caring for masdevallia at home, you need to adhere to certain rules, otherwise it will not only not bloom, but may die.

Location / LightingPreferably west or east window. In the south - shading from direct sunlight, in the north - additional illumination. Provide daylight hours of at least 10-12 hours.
TemperatureDaily changes required. In summer: during the day - + 15 ... +23 ° C, at night - + 10 ... +18 ° C (they are taken out to the balcony, to the garden). In winter - they provide coolness, not more than + 10 ... +18 ° C.
WateringUse only filtered water above +40 ° C. Immerse the flower for 0.5 hours, then take it out and let it drain. Do not allow drying of the soil.
HumidityWith a cool content - 50%, heat - 80-90% (use moisturizers, or grown in orchidarium).
Top dressingApply fertilizer to orchids. Dilute half the concentration in water and spray once every 14 days.

Transplant, soil, containers for growing masdevallia

To keep the flower, use special transparent plastic pots for orchids with holes on the sides or grow on blocks (while ensuring high humidity and good ventilation). As drainage fragments, pieces of foam, expanded clay, stones are used.

Soil is selected because of the characteristics of the root system, the thinner it is, the more fragments of sphagnum moss, with thicker ones - small pieces of bark prevail.

A plant is transplanted only if the soil is spoiled or the pot itself has outgrown. Do it after flowering.


An overgrown flower can be divided into parts, the main thing is that each process has developed roots and at least 5 leaves. Reproduction by seeds is possible.

Mistakes in caring for masdevallia, diseases, pests

In violation of the conditions of detention, masdevallia may be invaded by insects (aphids, mealybugs). Having found them, the plant is sprayed with insecticides (Aktara, Actellik). In putrefactive processes, damaged parts are removed and the flower is treated with fungicides (Fitosporin).

Leaves fall.Waterlogging.
Growth is slowed down.Fever.
Roots, stems rot.Unfiltered water or irrigation is not standardized.
Leaves change color.Excessive lighting.
Do not bloom.Lack of oxygen, untimely plant anxiety.


Watch the video: Orchid care, Masdevallia Kimballiana Orchid (October 2024).