Hydrangea room: varieties and care


Hydrangea - flowering plants of the Hydrangea family.

It is grown as a garden and home plant, moreover, in the second case, it is only large-leaved.

Hydrangea Description

Hydrangea in open ground can grow up to 4 m, in room conditions - up to 1.5 m. Its leaf plates are simple and ovoid, painted in bright green.

Flowers gather in shields 10-15 cm. Pink ethereal flowers 3 cm in size are located on the edges. Some types of inflorescences have up to 20 cm. Their color can be pink, white, and also blue.

Varieties of room hydrangea

Leaf hydrangea has many varieties. The most common are divided by color scheme:



Flowering features

Light shadesSister Teresa
(Soeur Therese)
The bush is quite dense and large-leaved.

They are painted white with a slightly pinkish-purple reflection of about 30 cm.

Abundant, lasts until September. When the inflorescences wither, they change their color and become greenish-pink.

Madame Emile Moulier
(Mme E. Mouillere)
Compared to various other varieties, leaf plates are narrower.

20 cm and the color is white.

At first they are white, but then they become slightly pinkish, bluish. Flowering is numerous and lasts until October.

BlueAirlie blue
(Early blue)
The shrub is small, but its root system is quite strong.

Reaches 30 cm. Their color is blue, as well as blue and purple hues.

At first slightly greenish. Abundant and lasts until October.

Niko Blue
(Nikko Blue)
For the brightness of flowers, it is necessary to maintain the acidity of the soil at the level of 5.5-7.0 pH. The bush will grow quickly enough.

About 30 cm. The color of the flowers is bright blue.

Very plentiful until September or October.

PinkRamars MarsThe size of the bush is not very large.Painted in a pinkish-crimson hue, and edged white at the edges. 30 cm despite the small size of the bush.

Continues until September.

Miss SaoriThe leaf plates are dark green in color and are slightly cast with a purple tint.

18 cm. Snow-white, framed by a pinkish border. Soil condition does not affect color.

This variety blooms until September.

You and my love (You & me Love)Reaches 100 cm in height. Leaves are resistant to powdery mildew disease. Withstands temperatures of +29 ° C.

If the soil is alkaline, then the color will be pink, and if acidic and with a lot of aluminum - blue.

It starts in May and ends in September.

RedsDelight (Admiration)The crown of the bush is quite dense.

20 cm, bright red.

Abundant, right up to the first frost.

MulticolorBavariaCompact, has a small size.

20 cm have a lime color, the middle with a bluish-violet hue.

Rich until mid-autumn.

Hot Red
(Hot red)
Bush with small inflorescences, very lush.

15 cm. Scarlet, but if there is a strong increase in the acidity of the soil, they acquire a purple color.

Continues through October.

Schloss WackerbarthFlowers of this variety have light stamens.The size can reach 30 cm. Their color at the very beginning of flowering is green, and then it turns pink, a blue center and a green border appear. Until October, sometimes until early November.

Planting room hydrangea

Indoor hydrangea usually lives for about four years.

In addition, it should be transplanted annually, because it is growing and requires more space for itself. The pot for this should not be too deep. The main thing is that it should be wide, due to the fact that the roots of this flower grow in breadth. Each new container should be approximately 1.5 times larger than the previous one.

Large and beautiful hydrangea can be obtained by growing it in a suitable soil, take in the ratio (0.5: 1: 1: 2):

  • sand;
  • peat;
  • sheet earth;
  • turf.

Compost can not be added, because it negatively affects the root system of the flower.

Indoor hydrangea experiences stress from transplantation, which affects its development in the future. To help survive this event as best as possible, you need to use the transshipment method. A sufficient amount of drainage must be placed on the bottom of the pot into which the plant will be placed. After that - place the flower in a flowerpot and then fill up all the free space with a fresh substrate. It should turn out that the root neck of the hydrangea will be at the same level with the ground surface.

After that, you need to moisten the soil and pour a little peat mulch on top. This helps maintain sufficient moisture in the soil.

Hydrangea care at home: table

Indoor hydrangea does not like bright light, its flowers fade from the sun and spots appear on them. Therefore, it is better to place it on the western or eastern windows. In summer, it is good to make it onto the balcony, terrace, and garden.

FactorSpring SummerAutumnWinter
LightingScattered.Not necessary.
Temperature+ 17 ... +22 ° C.+ 9 ... +12 ° C.+ 5 ... +8 ° C.
Irrigation, water acidityOnce or twice a month, acidified with water, adding 5 drops of lemon juice or a pinch of its acid per 1 liter of liquid.Once or twice a month, acidifying the water.Only after drying of the soil, acidification is not necessary.
Humidity50-60%. In the morning you need to spray with soft water.Not lower than 50%.Low
Top dressingA couple of times a month with conventional fertilizers for hydrangeas.Do not use.

Unusual properties

It is very interesting that this flower is unique in its ability to change the color of flowers due to the varying acidity of the soil. Many try to experiment in this area.

For example, when there is a lot of limestone, the petals are painted in pink, and aluminum - in blue. The increased acidity of the soil allows for high brightness and vice versa.

Hydrangea propagation

There are two ways to propagate hydrangeas: seeds and cuttings.

With seed, it is necessary to sow them in the fall. Then do the following:

  • Prepare the soil. To do this, mix sheet and peat soil with sand (4: 2: 1).
  • Place the seed in the substrate, sprinkle the soil on top and moisten.
  • Cover the pot with foil. Sometimes it is necessary to remove it - this allows the soil to ventilate.
  • The temperature must be between +14 ° C ... +20 ° C.
  • When sprouts appear, you can remove the film.
  • When two or three true leaves grow, you need to transplant to another place.

Cuttings occur in the winter. In this case, you need:

  • Make a few cuttings and cut their slices with Kornevin.
  • Plant in moist peaty sandy soil. To a depth of about 3 cm.
  • Cover with something (for example, a film). It should be a mini-greenhouse.
  • Make sure that the temperature is about +20 ° C, and the humidity is about 80%.
  • From time to time, the plant should be ventilated and sprayed.
  • When the roots appear (this takes about a month), seedlings must be transplanted into other pots.

Some use another way - layering.

To propagate it like this, you need a huge spacious pot. The process itself is as follows:

  • Choose the largest branch.
  • It is slightly incised and bent to the soil, while sprinkled on top of the ground.
  • The soil is kept moist.

Thus, the shoot will have roots. After that, it is separated and placed in a separate pot.

Protection against diseases and pests


Manifestations on the leaves

CausesRepair methods
Flowers and shoots wilted.The root system received too much moisture and because of this, pests gnawing the root appeared in the ground.Immediately transplant a flower. First, check the root system for rot, if any, remove. Then treat with any fungicide. Dry the roots and after transplantation do not water the plant for a while.
Yellowed and began to fall.There is too much lime and little iron in the soil. Also, a very bright light can be the reason.Protect from bright light. The main thing is to measure the acidity level of the soil. If it exceeds 8 pH, urgent soil change is required. Remember that watering should be done with clean soft water.
Dried from the edges.Needs moisture.Water in a timely manner and in the morning spray with boiled water.
The appearance of spots and plaque.Fungal disease. Powdery MildewTreat with fungicidal preparations three times a week. Keep track of temperature, watering, humidity and lighting. Fertilize.
Does not bloom.Missed winter dormancy. The temperature regime is increased.Place in a shaded, cool place.
The pot is too wide.Move to a container suitable for the roots.
The trunk turned black below.The flower suffers from a black leg. This disease appears from abundant moisture and low temperature.Check the flower for pristine roots. If they are present, there is a chance of salvation. Cut some healthy cuttings. After - replace the soil. Perform treatment with Fitosporin and an immunostimulant. You can also treat Trichopolum several times a week.
The shoots dry and break.The roots are overdried.Several times it is necessary to shed the earth, as well as cut dried shoots. It is important to remember regular watering and spraying.
There were growths, fluff and cobwebs.Pests. Growths are scabies, down is a mealybug, and cobwebs are a tick.Treat the flower with a pesticide (they must first be removed).
Many holes, buds fade, and then fall off.Weevils and aphids.Spray by any means against pests.
Traces of microworms are visible.Nematodes infected the soil.Treat the soil and leaves with Nematofagin. It is best to replace the soil.
There are multi-colored circles. Also change shape.Viral disease.Remove damaged parts of the plant. For two months, treat several times a week with the composition: Phytolavine at the end of a teaspoon + eight drops of Epina + dose Extra Flor No. 1 + Boric acid at the tip of a knife per liter of water.


Watch the video: Growing Hydrangeas. At Home With P. Allen Smith (October 2024).