Indoor Gerbera and home care


Gerbera from the Astrov family. A flower was discovered by the Dutch scientist Jan Gronovius in 1717. More than 70 species are found, most of which grow in Africa, some in tropical Asia.

Room Gerbera Description

The plant reaches 25-55 cm in height. Moreover, maximum growth is possible during the flowering period due to the formation of a peduncle from a leaf rosette. At its top, a basket of no more than 14 cm in diameter opens. During flowering, the petals can be of any color. There are species with pink, white, burgundy and other shades.

Leaves are arranged in several tiers on small petioles. They have a feathery-dissected shape, the central part is more elongated. The color of the leaves is dark green. Sometimes a thick soft pile is found on the petioles.

Gerbera classification

Two types of plants are popular - Jameson and green leaf. Basically, all the rooms were bred from the first grade.

Type, petalsInflorescencesVariety, flowers
Shallow, narrowSmall flowers up to 9 cm in diameter.Aldebaran is pink.

Alkar - a shade of ripe cherries.

Large flowered, narrowReach 13 cm.

Vega - orange.

Jupiter is bright yellow.

Algol is a ripe cherry.

Large-flowered, mediumMedium diameter.Mars are red.
Large-flowered, wideLarge up to 15 cm.Delios, Markal - sunny color.
Terry, narrowMedium size up to 11 cm.Kalinka - yellow shades.

Viola - saturated pink.

Sonya - red tones.

Terry, wideLarge.Spark - bright, deep red

Gerbera Care at Home

A plant originating in South Africa requires conditions similar to its natural habitat. By following the rules, you can increase the flowering time.

FactorSpring SummerWinterAutumn

The windows are located on the windowsill on the east or west side. The room must be aired every day.

In the summer, they are transferred to the street or transplanted into the open ground.

LightingCleaned in a shaded place.Apply fluorescent or phytolamps in order to provide the plant with light.
TemperatureIt does not tolerate heat above + 30 ... +32 ° C. Leaves fade.At + 12 ... +14 ° C, the flower goes into hibernation; flowering during this period is impossible. However, lower temperatures can kill the plant.The normal temperature is + 20 ... +24 ° C.
HumidityIt requires humidity of 70-80%, so in the summertime the space around it is sprayed.
WateringModerate, as the true layer of land dries up. Water at room temperature (+ 20 ... +22 ° C). If necessary (in summer, when placed near the battery), spray the space near the plant or place a humidifier nearby.
Top dressingNitrogen fertilizer is suitable in February, July-August, and potash during flowering. The solution is pre-diluted with water, and a small amount is watered.

Planting, transplanting, soil for gerberas

Plant transplantation begins with the selection of a pot. It should be clay, this allows the gerbera roots to breathe and maintain the necessary temperature of the soil.

You can transplant two weeks after buying a flower. This allows the plant to get used to new conditions.

Experienced gardeners also recommend:

  • choose a pot twice as old;
  • handle the container with boiling water;
  • replace the whole soil, and also brush off the roots;
  • if the plant is young, then fertilize every 5-7 days.

For planting use light soil - slightly acidic. It can be made independently (2: 1: 1):

  • deciduous soil;
  • peat;
  • sand.

Expanded clay or pine bark as a filler.

Transplanted during dormancy when the gerbera does not bloom. In this case, the root outlet is left to protrude from the ground for 1-2 cm.

Gerbera propagation

Specialists distinguish two ways of propagation of a room flower using seeds or dividing a bush.

With seeds

Suitable for gardeners who want to grow a new variety or propagate a gerbera. Seeds are purchased at a store or harvested during flowering. For reproduction you will need:

  • pour soil into the pot (a mixture of turf and sand) for 1-2 cm;
  • lay out the seeds and sprinkle them with earth, but not more than 5 cm;
  • cover with a film, and moisten the soil with a sprayer;
  • leave in a warm, bright place;
  • ventilate and moisten until the first leaves;
  • after the appearance of 3-4 sheets, divide into small pots.

Bush division

The method is suitable if there is a plant older than two years, it can then be planted. After division, the gerbera is watered and taken to a place where there is no direct sunlight, moderate temperature is maintained.

Step by step:

  • remove the plant from the pot and brush the roots off the ground;
  • divide into 3-4 bushes, while leaving two points for growth;
  • prune roots by 10 cm;
  • to plant plants in pots and sprinkle with soil;
  • Outlets should be 1 cm above the ground.
Green leaf

Mistakes in care, diseases and pests

Often gardeners make mistakes in caring for a gerbera, which leads to the fact that its condition worsens. However, if you notice this process in time, then you can correct the shortcomings and return the plant to its original form.

Common Care Mistakes

ManifestationsCauseRemedial measures
Yellow leavesWrong watering, too plentiful or vice versa scarce.Water should be at room temperature, and moderate watering.
Fading leavesLack of water, dry air.Spray the plant and water more often.
Darkening or turning pale petalsLack of light.Move the gerbera pot to the sunny side.
Dried leavesIncorrectly selected fertilizer or its lack.Purchase a nitrogen substrate.
Yellow spots on the leavesSunburn.Remove the plant in the shade, and also spray not the plant itself, but the space around it so that water does not fall on the leaves.
Does not bloomImproper pot, soil or location.Transplant the gerbera into a larger container. Remove to the side where there is less sun, and also change the soil with less nitrogen.
Blackening stalkLow temperature, plentiful watering.Moisten the soil less often. Move to a room where the air will be warmer.

Pests and diseases

In addition to the mistakes made by flower growers, the plant may encounter various diseases and pests. However, this often provokes improper care.

Type of disease or pestSymptomsControl measures
Powdery mildewThe gray-white coating on the leaves becomes denser over time and changes color to brown.

If you discover immediately, then you can use the folk method. To do this, mix dry mustard with water (50 g per 10 liters) and treat the plant 2-3 times every 3 days.

If the method fails, then cut off all infected leaves. Replace topsoil with fresh. Treat with fungicides (Topaz, Vitaros).

Gray rotBrown spots on the leaves and stem. They gradually rot and become covered with a white dense coating.

For preventive purposes, the drug Barrier is added to the soil.

When infected, reduce the amount of watering to a minimum, cut out all the affected stems and leaves and sprinkle these parts with activated charcoal. Treat gerbera with Fundazole, repeat the procedure after 2 weeks.

Late blightThe appearance of brown spots on the leaves of the plant, which eventually turn black and rot. The disease also affects the root system, weakening it.

For preventive purposes, the roots are placed in a fungicide solution, for example, Alirin-B. The soil is treated with infusion of garlic, sprinkling it.

Treatment begins with the removal of the affected areas, and also includes the treatment of gerbera and soil with Fundazole.

FusariumThe stalks dry and thin. Leaves fade and become covered with yellow spots. Pink or white mold appears on the affected parts of the plant.

It is impossible to cure a gerbera from this disease. You can use cuttings for propagation, but pay attention to the cut, they must be clean.

So that the plant does not die, prophylaxis should be carried out, for this, water with a light solution of potassium permanganate. When transplanting, use Maxim, Skor.

ShieldBrown or beige formations on leaves and stems.To combat, it is necessary to grease the shells of the guards with kerosene, machine oil and leave for 2-3 hours. Then wipe the leaves with a soapy foam of laundry soap and treat with Aktara., Fufanon.
AphidSmall insects that hit buds, young gerbera leaves. It leads to the fact that parts of the plants dry out.Use of insecticides, for example Tanrek, Admiral, Spark-Bio.


Watch the video: How to Grow and Care for Indoor Gerbera Plant. House plant care. Gerbera daisy - Know This Today (September 2024).