Monarda: planting and care in the open ground


Monarda (Monarda, garden bergamot) belongs to the family Iasnatkovye. It lives in S. America. It is named after N. Monardes, who published in 1574 a popular science book describing new representatives of the flora found in this country. The genus includes 22 species. Also, the flower has a second name, known to everyone - bergamot. It is grown as a garden crop in Russia. They are used in landscape design, alternative methods of treatment, cosmetology, for the preparation of dishes and drinks.

Description and features of the monarda

This is a herbaceous plant growing up to 1.5 m. It has an erect, well-branched stem. Leafy plates with pointed edges, oblong-lanceolate, greenish tint.

The flowers are small, tubular-funnel-shaped. Located on a single capitate inflorescence or several. In a circle reaches 5-7 cm.

Monarda double, lemon, hybrid and duad: description in the table and photo

Varieties that are cultivated in Russia:

DoubleThe tallest perennial up to 0.7-1.5 m. The rhizome is long, sprawling. The stems are downy. Leaves are pale green, with a pattern of red veins. Plates with a pointed end, a sparse pile on the inside. Inflorescences are dark pink or purple. In the first month of summer, about 30 flowers appear on them, exuding a strong aroma. The most popular variety in demand among domestic flower growers.
Ductuate (tubular)Perennials up to 1.1 m have thin root processes of approximately the same size. In the second summer decade, snow-white or dark red flowers begin to form on the inflorescences, exuding a spicy-orange smell. Honey variety. Used as a medicine for the relief of pathological conditions. Also, spices are made from it, added to face care cosmetics.
LemonPerennial up to 15-80 cm with emerald foliage. The inflorescences are violet, exude a citrus aroma. Flowering can be observed all summer.
HybridThis includes specimens obtained by crossing the previously described species.

Popular varieties

MahoganyMedium in size. Exudes a pronounced pleasant aroma.Burgundy, petals twisted at the ends. Flowering occurs in early June.
AdamCompact size. It grows well both in the sun and in partial shade.Large, scarlet.
Croftway PunkIt develops well in the shade.Lilac-pink.
Snow whiteTall but compact.Snow-white.
PanoramaTo preserve the variety of colors of buds, seed cultivation is preferable.Pink, dark lilac, raspberry, white, scarlet, purple.
ScarlettUp to 0.9 m.Pinkish, fiery red, purple. Blossom in the 2nd summer decade.
Elsiz LavanderUp to a meter.Numerous, lavender hue.
FireballUp to 40 cm, with thick stems.Lush, rounded, burgundy tone.
SchnivithhenUp to 1.5 m.Spherical, white.
LambadaBranched shrub up to 90 cm.Pink or violet. Exhaust a lemon smell.
Preili GlowAbundantly branching shrub with straight shoots.Reddish-blue, collected in inflorescences-baskets.
SnowmadenMedium in size, greenish in color, with straight, long stems.Perfectly snow-white. Petals are rare, planted at a great distance.
Mrs. PerryUp to a meter.Large, deep pink.
Rose queenUp to 88 cm.Pink, flowering in July-August.

Growing monarda from seeds at home

In areas with warm climatic conditions (for example, in the south of Russia) in the last winter month, when the weather is clear, the seeds are immediately placed in soil in the garden:

  • If the snow has not come down, clear the area from snowdrifts.
  • Cover the soil with foil to keep the earth warm.
  • Loosen the soil by applying sand.
  • Add grains of sand to the seeds (1 to 4).
  • Deepen by 25 mm.
  • Sprinkle with sand.

Until April, the seeds will be stratified by cold. In mid-spring, you can see the first shoots. Sowing is also carried out in autumn, after collecting the seed. But then the seedlings grow very slowly.

Seeds can be sown for seedlings in containers. This is done in the 2nd half of winter, so that the shoots get stronger before the vegetative period:

  • Pour the mixture of vegetables into the pots.
  • Deepen planting material by 20-30 mm.
  • Set at a temperature of +20 ° C.
  • Shoots can be seen after 3 weeks.
  • After 20 days, transplant 3 * 3, 4 * 4.

Planting monarda in the open ground

You need to choose a place with good lighting, protected from cold air currents. However, monarda grows well when shaded. There are no special requirements for land, but for better development it is advisable to choose airy soil with the presence of lime. Garden bergamot will not grow well in very moist soil with a high pH.

In autumn, it is necessary to prepare the site:

  • Dig up, clear of weeds.
  • Per sq. m add 2-3 kg of peat and manure, 40-50 g of phosphorus, 20-30 g of readily soluble salt, 40 g of lime.

Landing in the spring:

  • Add 20-30 g of nitrogen-containing mixture per square meter. m
  • Plant sprouts with 3 pairs of true leaves at a distance of 60 cm.
  • Water abundantly.

A distinctive feature is winter hardiness (-25 ° C). If the temperature is lower, they need to be covered with polyethylene to create greenhouse conditions. Flowering can be observed after a year. Some varieties are able to form buds in the same season with good care.

Monarda Care

Bergamot is unpretentious in content. Planting and caring for it in the open ground is possible even for inexperienced gardeners. During the growing season, it is sufficient to regularly water and apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers for rapid growth once every 10-14 days.

In autumn it is necessary to feed potassium and phosphorus-containing mixtures of long-acting. Solid granules must be placed at the base, during irrigation they will gradually dissolve. By spring, there will be a large accumulation of nutrients. Monarda will begin active development and give abundant flowering. In the autumn, it is recommended to trim the aerial parts so that the shoots do not freeze.

Diseases and Pests

This is a very strong and healthy plant, resistant to various types of lesions. In rare cases, with improper care, the bush can affect the following diseases:

DiseaseCauseSignsRemedial measures
Powdery mildewPests: aphids, thrips, scale insects, whiteflies, mealybugs.

The presence of spores in water for irrigation.

Spread from infected specimens through the air when in contact with humans.

High humidity 60-65%.

Excess nitrogen.

Close planting bushes.

Powdery spots on the aerial part, emitting a liquid similar to dew.

Stop in development.

Early fall of the petals.

Stop fertilizing with nitrogen, replace them with phosphorus, potassium.

Treat with Bordeaux liquid 1%, preparations of Aletta or Acrobat.

RustInfection with plant debris.

Airborne spores from affected bushes.

The formation of red pustules on the leaves. When they crack, an orange powder is visible.

Growth cessation.

Early yellowing and dying of greens.

Destroy fallen leaves and other dead parts outside the site.

Weed weed.

Treat colloidal sulfur with fungicides Abiga Peak, Cumulus, Poliram, Strobi.

Monarda: medicinal properties and contraindications

Bergamot found application in alternative medicine, as all components contain vitamins B1, B2, C, essential oils and other nutrients. The extract has an antiseptic, antioxidant, antianemic effect. It calms and helps the speedy healing of injuries, accelerates tissue repair.

The healing properties of the plant:

  • removes plaques from blood vessels;
  • facilitates the course of respiratory infections;
  • improves the condition with radiation sickness;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has a supporting effect on the body after chemotherapy.

It helps with:

  • inflammation of the walls of the bladder;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • headaches;
  • infections of the oral cavity;
  • nail and foot fungus;
  • inflammatory process in the lungs.

The extract has found application in cosmetology. It is part of the constituent components of creams for mature, problem, oily skin.

Greens are added to dishes and drinks. It goes well with fish and any vegetables. It is healthy, tasty and nutritious.

It has contraindications:

  • age up to 5 years;
  • the period of gestation;
  • breast-feeding;
  • allergic reaction.

Before applying folk methods, you need to consult a qualified specialist. Self-medication may not give the necessary result or even aggravate the course of the disease. If the doctor approves an unconventional technique, the monard can only be used as part of complex therapy, clearly observing the formulation. Bergamot is only able to ease the course of a pathological condition, stop the symptoms, and not relieve the cause of its occurrence, which is very important in the treatment of any ailment.


Watch the video: GARDENING INSPIRATION (October 2024).