Varieties of tomatoes of the Siberian selection: 38 varieties with photos and descriptions


In the cold regions of our country, for example in Siberia, it is quite difficult for gardeners to choose tomato seeds, which could give a good harvest. This is because the land in this part of the country is poorer than in other places. Great chance of spring, autumn colds. Therefore, special varieties were bred.

Cold climate selection rules

The first thing to do is choose a variety. Not the one that tastes better, or larger in size, but the most surviving and not moody.

For example, Siberian tomato seeds are used for growing in harsh climates.

Benefits of Siberian Tomato Varieties

The popularity of universal varieties is increasing annually. It is understandable, the risk of losing “wards” is reduced, temperature jumps are not a problem for them. Bred specially, the ripening process fits into a short, Siberian summer, does not require a lot of sunny color. There are a lot of varieties of such tomatoes. They vary from the size of the vegetable to the method of cultivation.

Why are tomatoes special for Siberia good? Conventional varieties require constant care, stable climatic conditions, and the absence of temperature differences.

All these shortcomings are eliminated in the Siberian selection. Specially developed species is intended for cultivation in latitudes with predominant permafrost of the soil. The lack of abundance of nutrients in the soil is not an obstacle to the growth of such tomatoes. Tomatoes have a number of specific properties that provide superiority against other species:

  • A fairly rapid maturation is due to the lack of a proper period of warm time. Short summer forced to acquire this ability
  • Unpretentiousness in the light, due to the mostly cloudy, rainy weather in the growing region.
  • High resistance to low temperatures for plants, especially in conditions of high moisture content.
  • Resistance to most diseases to which tomatoes are exposed.
  • Even with the small sizes of individual varieties, the total yield is quite large.
  • Excellent tastes are achieved by crossing several species, due to which Siberian selection appeared.

A wide range of suitability, from fresh use in food in its original form or added to salad, to canning, making tomato juice and mashed potatoes.

There are no complicated, “supernatural” tips and tricks on the issue of cultivation. However, general recommendations for care are still there:

  • It is necessary to ensure the timely flow of water into the soil, in order to avoid drought.
  • To achieve large sizes of ripe fruits, you need to use mineral fertilizers, the frequency of which reaches up to 3 times.
  • Most varieties of selection need a garter stems, due to their size. Some of the fruits themselves need a garter, because of their weight they tend to come off.
  • Timely detection of pests that can spoil the crop. Also
  • disease control is necessary; they are resistant to most of them, but not to all.
  • Particular attention should be paid to monitoring the condition of the soil, maintaining the required level of moisture (when growing in a greenhouse), and the need for pollination.

Large-fruited harvested Siberian tomatoes for greenhouses

Of course, not all varieties can be found on the market, some are quite rare. The way out of this situation is the purchase of seeds of Siberian selection of the most productive varieties by mail. They are relatively not expensive, in addition, they have several advantages when grown in Siberia.

Beauty of Siberia

The species is early ripe, which means the possibility of growing long before the summer. The bush reaches a height of 1.5 m, garter is required. A special feature is the method of planting - mainly in greenhouses. High-quality fertilizer, proper care is needed.

A ripe instance of the variety actually reaches 900 g-1 kg.


Tomato in the shape of a heart, the weight of the ripened specimen is 0.5 kg, in rare cases 1 kg.

Highly resistant to plant ailments, unpretentious and easily tolerates temperature changes.


In fact, the most popular among Siberians. Ripe tomato grows to 0.5 kg. The bush is small in size, 80 cm-1 m high.

Sweet taste, has a sour notes. The pluses include good transportability.

Siberian apple

Matures quite early, the crop is large, sweet. Grade height up to a meter.


Possibility of growing, both in warm places, and in cold.

The crop matures until the first cold weather, after which it should be transferred to room temperature and it will continue its process.

Grandma's Secret

Feature in the size of the tomato, which is not limited and sometimes reaches impressive, gigantic volumes. The bush grows about 170 centimeters.

The fruits themselves are sweet, bright, raspberry colored. Included in the catalog of tomatoes company Siberian Garden.

Eagle beak

It is named so because of the form characteristic of ripened fruits. Elongated at the end, resembles a bird's beak. This variety also grows to unlimited sizes. However, the height of the bush is much more than 2 m.

Experts recommend growing in closed ground, due to its characteristics.

St. Andrew's surprise

Planting of seeds begins in mid-March. Deserved uniqueness in comparison with others, due to not demanding lighting.

Enough boxes with bushes to keep on the windowsill.

Varieties of tomatoes of Siberian selection for open ground

A feature of such tomatoes is the ability to bear fruit and give a good harvest in the harsh conditions of the Northern region. The most popular, specially bred varieties:

Heavyweight Siberia

A heart-shaped form in a ripe specimen. Weight about 600 g, the skin is quite dense. Small bush size.

Garter of the stems and the fruits themselves is necessary, since with their mass they can come off. The ripening color is red.

Abakan pink

It gained its popularity due to the unique taste of pulp. Ripe tomatoes are similar in shape to the symbol of love - the heart.

Weight reaches 400 g.

Buffalo heart

The form is also in the form of a heart, a bush grows 1 m tall. Prolonged fruiting, the first crop sings a little more than after 3 months.

The main advantage is disease resistance, easy tolerance.

Siberian troika

It grows well in open ground. Compact variety, does not exceed 60 cm. The mass of ripe fruits is 300 g.

Despite its small physical characteristics, it has a very different, excellent taste. They have the correct elongated oval shape.

Stellate sturgeon

Also prefers open ground. Unpretentious, bush up to one and a half meters high. The weight of the fetus can reach 1 kg.

It is highly resistant to common ailments that affect tomatoes.

Siberian trump card

Actually a harsh variety.

It easily tolerates any weather, stably progressing in growth, even in rather difficult environmental conditions.

Large-fruited, universal (tomatoes of the Siberian Garden company)

Distinctive features are unpretentious, high palatability.

Bull forehead

A high-yielding variety, one bush is able to bring up to 9 kg of fruit, the weight of a single one is about 600 g.

Color is orange, with a reddish tint.

King of the giants

From the name it becomes clear what sizes the fruits are. The height of the bush reaches 170 cm, the weight of the fruit is up to 1 kg.

Resistant to various pests, as well as ailments.

Eagle beak

No, not the same. This is a completely different variety, although there are still similarities. The shape also resembles the beak of a famous bird.

Height up to 1.5 m, weight reaches 800 g, cultivation is mainly recommended in the open ground.

Golden domes

Must be grown in a greenhouse. The color is golden, sometimes orange. Requires a garter.

A fairly large variety, with not distinctive bush sizes, the weight of the fruit almost reaches a kilogram.

Monastic meal

It has an orange color, unpretentious in cultivation. Slightly flattened, roundish ripe fruit.

Subject to all the nuances of cultivation, high-quality fertilizer, you can achieve the mass of a single instance in 400 g.

Goose egg

Fist variety, distinguished by a good harvest. Reaches up to 2 m, with the weight of each tomato up to 300 g.

The color when ripening is dark, pinkish. It may also be bright red.

Giant Novikova

It has a very sweet taste, large size.

In individual conditions, subject to all the nuances, the height reaches 2 meters, the weight of one tomato is up to 1 kg.

Novosibirsk hit

A variety recently bred. Physical data do not stand out, the shape is round, red. Prove themselves well when stored under appropriate conditions, the need for transportation.

Tomato varieties of Siberian selection of medium size

Original, small, but resistant to bad weather and tomato diseases.

Siberian malachite

Long-ripening variety. Harvested quite late when the bulk has already been harvested.

The bush is very tall, 2 m in height. It has a unique color, green with yellowish notes. Weight compared with other varieties is small, only 130 g.

Siberian surprise

New, appeared recently. The shape is unique, elongated, slightly flattened at the end. Reminiscent of peppers, due to its elongated shape.

The mass is small, up to 130 g of one tomato.

Scarlet Candles

The variety barely turned 10 years old from the date of its withdrawal.

Growth is unlimited, but depends on the nutrients contained in the soil. The shape resembles candles, but the color is not red. This is because of the imaginative vision of the openers of the variety.


The height is barely more than a meter, the weight is very small in comparison with others, only 100-110 g. It tolerates the variability of ambient temperature and disease.

During maturity, they have an orange tint.


The variety actually does not stand out against the background of dozens of others from its category. Has rounded pinkish fruits.

The average weight is small, about 120 g.

Siberian precocious

An ordinary variety with a bush height of up to 60 cm, with an average fruit size, the weight is from 60 to 100 g.

The method of cultivation is suitable for both open and protected soil. Absolutely unpretentious.


Hybrid, in a sense. Height above average, 180 cm. Standard weight, up to 120 grams, taste great, but without special marks.

Basically, ripe fruits are used to make light salads, perfectly suitable for the summer season. Can also be subjected to conservation.

Chinese disease resistant

Like all its “brothers” in appearance, it is resistant to disease, does not require special growing conditions. The mass of the ripe fruit is 200 g.

It is grown for eating fresh, used in canning.


One of several new varieties, bred relatively recently. It has a bright red color of ripe fruit. The shape is slightly elongated, cylindrical.

Taste is excellent, not distinguished by anything, but not similar to any other varieties. The mass of ripe tomatoes is from 90 to 110 grams.

Ultra early

From the name it is clear that the ripening process will not take much time, especially against the background of tomatoes of other varieties.

The ripening process is completed after just over 2 months. It has no special requirements for growing, unpretentious, resistant to disease. Weight is small, 100 grams of ripe fruit.

Parsley gardener

The comical name for the variety is a hybrid. Short, only 60 cm high. Fruits of a slightly elongated shape resembling a cylinder.

Color bright pink, with a glossy finish. Weight is 300 grams, which with a bush height is an excellent indicator.


An ordinary variety, a height of one and a half meters, is not very loved by gardeners because of the thin skin of the fruits grown.

However, the taste is excellent, the application is universal. It has resistance to drought.


Beautiful female name, personifies tenderness and beauty. So the variety, named after a beautiful girl has a beautiful appearance.

Bright red, sometimes even burgundy color, round shape, weight up to 100 grams.

Mini tomatoes

Although all the varieties presented are of the same species, there is still a difference in care and cultivation.

Siberian date

Mid-season hybrid, standard sizes. The name characterizes the small size of the fruit, also their weight, amounting to about 30 g


A distinctive feature, the ability to stay fresh for a long time.


Data is slightly above average, up to 2 m in height. Smooth round tomatoes, very light weight, only 30 g. Often used as a decorative variety, due to its small size.

It tastes very sweet.


Prefers open ground. Probably there is no variety that was easier to care for than this. Light weight, up to 80 g.

At the same time, the percentage of yield is very high, up to 4 kilograms per bush.

Gardening is in principle a calming, and lucrative form of leisure. If everything is done correctly, we can consider this a second job, fresh vegetables, especially in the cold season, are in great demand.

Siberian gardeners were lucky in this regard, both a short summer and species specially bred for these places. They are distinguished by excellent taste, not inferior to the species growing in the warm regions of our immense Homeland. It also has immunity to almost all types of diseases that affect tomatoes. Completely unpretentious to growing conditions, which is a huge plus.

As it has already become clear, tomato seeds of Siberian selection are the most fruitful in the conditions of short summers and temperature variability. Also a plus is a huge assortment of varieties of this type, which allows you to choose an individual variety for each gardener. There are large “giants” and small tomatoes. The taste of everyone is completely different, each of them will find excellent use in gastronomy.
