Thrips on indoor plants: tips for fighting


Thrips on indoor plants is quite often a phenomenon complicated by the fact that this insect is illegible in terms of food. It successfully sucks juices from any kind, without exception. This not only negatively affects the development of the flower, but can also lead to its death.

In addition, the pest multiplies quickly enough, which complicates its elimination. It is important to know about measures to combat the existing pest and how to protect indoor flowers from thrips.

The causes of thrips on indoor plants

This pest appears on indoor plants under conditions comfortable for its reproduction:

  • dry air
  • temperature + 20 ... +25 ° С.

Thrips need a lot, the main thing for them is juicy healthy leaves. Having settled on one plant, they easily fly to another. Thanks to such indiscrimination, livelihoods and rapid reproduction, thrips can destroy all the flowers in the apartment in the shortest possible time.

It is also necessary to pay close attention to infection methods. The main causes and methods of getting an insect into an apartment are:

  • the purchase of store flowers that are already infected with thrips;
  • plucked field or other wild plants;
  • airing the room - thrips can fly into the apartment, or it can be brought in by the wind.

Detection of thrips on domestic plants

Since getting rid of thrips on indoor plants is not easy, it is important to see the pest in time. This is difficult enough to do, as they are well camouflaged. And this despite the fact that they live more often in large colonies.

It should be at the first sign of drooping flowers to inspect the entire plant in the house with special care.

The main food for the pest is juice, therefore, first of all, brown-brown patches are formed on the foliage, which are concentrated on the back of the leaf plate. Brownish spots form on the edges, a sticky layer on the green part, and silver spots with yellowish stripes on the outside.

If the plant is flowering, then, first of all, the bud and flower suffer, and only then the foliage. The stem is also attacked. Such a depressing effect requires an immediate fight. Otherwise, the flower will die.

Insects themselves look like elongated larvae with a sharp tail, have an oval shape. Thrips are collected in whole colonies, grouped on the inside of the leaf or on the stems.

The harm of thrips for indoor plants

The fact that pests drink the juice of plants has the most negative effect on their development. If the disposal measures are not taken in a timely manner, the flower will simply die, as it loses the necessary nutrients.

Pest vital results:

  • the fading and drooping appearance of the plant, it becomes unsightly, cuts, a sticky liquid appear on the leaves;
  • thrips carry fungal infections with them, so they can often be found in tandem.

Thrips control methods

Thrips control on indoor plants should be quick and effective. Now in specialized stores you can find all the necessary chemicals that can destroy any parasites. The most important thing is to strictly follow the instructions on the packaging.

But if you do not want to use chemistry in the apartment, then you can use folk remedies - they are also able to eliminate uninvited guests. In any case, it is important to get rid of parasites in the shortest possible time.

4 chemical preparations for thrips on indoor plants

If thrips are divorced en masse, then it is better to fight with the help of potent chemicals. Chemistry can quickly eliminate the disease. That’s the better to handle.

Drugs, costUsing

30 rub for 2 ml

The product must be diluted in the following proportion - 1 liter of water: 1 ampoule of the active substance included in the package. With a solution, irrigate the entire plant in the most thorough manner and then put it in a plastic bag for 1 day. So the active substances can most effectively affect insects.

110 rub over 4 g

The fight can be effective with this substance. In addition to the aerial parts of the flower, they need to process the root system by irrigation. Proportions - 5 liters of water and 4 grams of the drug - for spraying, 10 liters of standing water and 1 g of Actara - for irrigation.

30-40 rub. over 5 g

Release form - powder. A solution is prepared from it for processing green mass. For 1 liter of water, you need to take 2-3 g of the active substance. But this concentration can not only process the ground part, but also water the flower.

12 rub for 4 ml

2 ml of the drug is thoroughly dissolved in one glass of water. After applying on both sides of the sheet, branches and trunk, it is necessary to place the bush in a dense plastic bag. Hold there for one day, then get it and, if necessary, re-process.

Thrips on indoor plants come to naught, the bush takes on its former shape and appearance, which indicates that the treatment was effective.

Drug Precautions

It is very important to follow all instructions when working with chemistry. It follows:

  • in the summer, spraying and watering should be carried out outdoors, in the winter in the bathroom with the door closed;
  • put the pot in the bathroom or on the pallet;
  • the premises should be carefully checked after work;
  • protect the respiratory system with at least a simple gauze bandage;
  • if 2 treatments in a row did not have the desired effect, be sure to change the current tool;
  • repeat processing no earlier than a week after the first.

Folk remedies for thrips on indoor plants

Thrips are very stable and tenacious. But, despite this, the fight against them can take place in a more sparing mode for humans. In this case, the treatment is performed by folk remedies. This method is less effective in terms of the speed of appearance of the first results, but, in principle, it also quite well eliminates parasites.

pharmaceutical camomile

30 rub over 50 g

200 g of dried flowers pour one liter of boiling water and withstand at least 12 hours.Spray the flower several times a day with the resulting liquid. You can wipe all surfaces with a cotton swab dipped in chamomile infusion.
Onion and garlicTake one teaspoon of chopped onion and garlic, pour them with warm water in a volume of 0.5 l. Insist for 48 hours.To process with liquid all surfaces of a leaf and a branch.
Tops of tomatoesPrepare the infusion in the same way as from chamomile. Just take fresh leaves of tops for this.To process both affected and healthy surfaces on a bush, tree or flower.
Marigold50 g of flowers pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave on for 3 days to get a concentrated product. After strain through cheesecloth.Pour into the sprayer and irrigate the surface of the leaves and buds.

It is worth noting that such control methods are effective for gloxinia, petunia, cyclamen, violet, orchid and ficus.

Mr. Summer resident informs: preventive measures

Any disease is always easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, you should listen to such simple tips:

  • proper care should be provided to all indoor plants;
  • should be watered regularly, preventing the soil from drying out - thrips do not tolerate high humidity;
  • for the same reason, it is necessary to regularly spray flowers, creating a wet microclimate;
  • when buying a new plant, it is necessary to carefully examine it for any types of diseases;
  • try to install mosquito nets on the windows, although they are not always able to protect from these pests.


Watch the video: THRIPS In Gardening - How To Identify,Prevent and Exterminate Them (October 2024).