Arugula: growing and care


A good option for landing on a summer cottage is arugula (previously arugula). This plant came to Russia from the Mediterranean countries. It used to be equated with weeds. But gradually, lovers appreciated his taste. It began to appear more often in the kitchens of privileged classes.

It is known that it was still grown on the territory of the Roman Empire. In these countries, she was considered an aphrodisiac. Until the 90s, wild arugula was mainly harvested. But after a thorough study of it in laboratory conditions, the plant was cultivated. Over time, it began to be used in Russia.

Arugula Description

Arugula (arugula, indau) is a herbaceous plant. The stem reaches 40 cm. It is branched, slightly lowered. All leaves are fleshy, scattered - hairy, sometimes the stems of the culture are completely bare. Flowers have a characteristic smell. They have very jagged edges. Inflorescences are collected in a brush. Flowers have pale - and sometimes bright - yellow veins with a purple hue.

Petals reach a length of 22 cm. Sometimes these leaves have a small indentation.

The most suitable varieties of rucola for growing

Arugula is a relative of cabbage. The menu uses leaves of this culture. They have a very refined taste. They taste like nut with light bitterness. But the main advantage of the bush is its vitamin and mineral composition. Vitamin C is especially abundant in this culture. They contain leaves and vitamin B, flavonoids and phytosterols are contained in leaflets. Arugula is rich in micro and macro elements. Her varieties are very many.

To choose the right variety, you need to refer to the characteristics of each plant individually.

Cupid's arrows are very much like dandelions. Seeds give a stable crop. During the ripening period, inflorescences of a light yellow hue are formed. These rudiments are relatively small in size. The bush may exceed a height of 30 cm.

The size of the leaves of the Dikovinka variety reaches 20 cm. The stem of the culture is quite erect with a small edge. During the ripening period, small brown flowers appear on it. In this variety, the taste of the leaves is slightly sweet.

Large leaves of the variety Poker. The bush is very fluffy. In one radical rosette of green leaves there can be up to 26 pieces. It tastes a bit sweet with a little bitterness.

The most striking tastes in a variety called Olivetta. The height of the bush reaches 20 cm. The leaves in their shape resemble a lyre, to the top they are slightly rounded. The main advantage of the plant is high yield. It is easily transported over long distances.

Growing arugula in the open field

Arugula is grown in open soil. How to grow it is a simple question. She is quite unpretentious. It grows and matures quickly. Literally in a month it becomes suitable for eating. Because of this detail, a plant can be sown several times a year. The first time arugula is sown in April. At this stage, you need to know for sure that the soil has already warmed up to 10 ° C. The plant loves warmth, soil temperature is very important.

Many gardeners prefer to plant arugula in greenhouses. After sowing the seeds, the first sprouts appear after 5-6 days.

Sometimes, the sprouts are transferred to another place. When transplanting a plant, you need to make sure that its root system remains intact. According to this technique, it is best to pick up small pieces of land when transplanting. In the process of transplanting in open ground, it is best to row bushes. The distance between the bushes should be about 10 cm. If the culture feels comfortable, then they will also taste excellent.

Arugula landing dates

The period from late April to mid-August is ideal for growing. Since rucola does not tolerate cold, you need to carefully monitor the changeable weather. There should be no significant temperature differences in the planting month.

Short-term frosts should not be replaced by a sharp increase in air temperature. For example, the freezing temperature can reach - 7 ° C.

Usually, breaks between sowing can be up to 2 weeks. Arugula is picky in its neighbors. In order for her to develop harmoniously, she needs careful care. The sun loves the plant. It is impossible to overexposure it in the shadow of other plants. But also subject to constant exposure to sunlight as well.

Preparing planting material

Planting seeds should be bought in specialized shops. When buying seed from hand, it must first be disinfected from parasitic organisms. There is always a risk of surface infection. Approximately 350 seed grains are found in 1 g of Indau seeds. Planting seeds must be degreased. To do this, you need to prepare a weak solution of manganese and lower the seeds into it for about a quarter of an hour. After that, they need to be rinsed under running water. The seeds must be transferred to a clean towel and allowed to dry. Additionally, seeds do not need to be processed. These seeds germinate very well. It is important to observe the storage rules for seed.

Good and bad predecessors and neighbors

In practice, beds with arugula enclose tall plants from sunlight. This may be corn, beans, the pods of which curl to the sky along special rods. In open areas, arugula begins to curl very quickly. Pods quickly appear on her body. Rough leaf blades are also quickly formed. Their bitter shade is specific for each variety. It is important to track what was previously planted in the place where this culture was planted today. It is best if peas or other plants of the legume family were grown in this zone. Excellent predecessors can be considered carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, pumpkin.

But it should be noted that after arugula, cruciferous plants cannot be planted for 3-5 years. This is due to the fact that parasites remain in the soil that impede the development of such crops.

Soil preparation for arugula planting

It is important to take care of the soil in which the sprout will develop. The site should be moderately lit. The acidity of the soil should be weak or completely neutral. It is also acceptable that the pH of the medium is slightly alkaline.

It is characteristic that in sunlight the leaves of arugula become slightly stiff and bitter in taste. In the shade, the leaves of this plant lose their color, smell.

The soil for planting must be carefully prepared. It needs to be loosened and leveled. In those situations when the acidity of the soil is too high, then liming it. At the same time, finely ground chalk is added to the soil. As a substitute for chalk, dolomite or lime flour can be used. The concentration of flour added to the soil depends on how strongly the soil is oxidized.

Outdoor arugula planting

Seeds are immersed in 2 cm holes. The distance between them reaches 5 cm. The distance between adjacent rows reaches 30 cm. Each hole should have at least 2-3 grains. These seeds germinate fairly consistently.

After 7 days, as the first healthy sprouts appear, each well is rowed. There should always be 10 cm between individual crops.

After landing care

Arugula is unpretentious. After seating, it does not require serious care. The main thing is to loosen the surface in time, to weave it in time and to water with a sufficient amount of liquid. The most acceptable seedling temperature is + 5 ... +12 ° С. For proper growth and development, a temperature in the range of + 18 ... + 24 ° С is required. The plant should not need water. When the soil is very dry, the leaves of rucolla become dry and acquire a bitter taste. It is best to carry out watering in the morning and evening. If the economy is large, then install a hose that sprays water.

Some gardeners claim that the plant does not need to be fed. This is due to the opinion that the arugula root system can accumulate harmful substances such as nitrates or nitrites. It is best to fertilize arugula with chicken droppings or mullein. But it is best to sprinkle useful substances in the soil already in the fall. Perhaps it will be peat or humus. Without special feeding, arugula will develop very poorly. Harvesting begins when its leaves have reached those metric indicators that are indicated on the seed bag. It is characteristic that the period from the shoot of a plant to its pruning takes about 25 days. Sometimes they can cut the entire plant at once.

Pests and diseases

This delicious Mediterranean plant has very few pests. The most common pest can be considered a cruciferous flea. This flea is easy to find on the leaves of the plant. To protect the plant, gardeners use lutrasil. During the treatment period, experienced gardeners recommend sprinkling bushes with wood ash. She, of course, will not scare off midges, but the beds are very well fertilized.

Very often infections of the fungal origin occur on the sheets. This is due to the fact that the soil under the bushes is always moist. When they affect the root system, the plant grows worse. Experienced gardeners recommend immediately removing bushes of this kind in order to avoid infection of neighboring ones. Experienced gardeners recommend immediately removing bushes of this kind in order to avoid infection of neighboring bushes. It is best to store ripened leaves in a cool place. Do not expose to direct sunlight, as they can be very bad.

You can add them to meat dishes as a flavoring, and serve with salad. The plant combines well with olive oil. Slices of cheese or tomatoes will also be a good addition to the salad. She always looks festive, both on a regular dining table and on festive dishes. It is known that in the Caucasus they eat the stems of this plant. It goes well with many seasonings. It will surely appeal to all guests.


Watch the video: Arugula - Plant, Care, and Harvest (October 2024).