23 powdery mildew products


Each gardener has met at least once with such an unpleasant plant disease as powdery mildew (ashtray). The emergence of a fungal infection provokes the smallest parasites. Fighting them is not so much difficult as long and unpleasant. Infected bushes have to be sprayed several times and even the correct treatment does not always give results immediately. To prevent the appearance of pests, do prophylaxis using any available remedy from the gardener's arsenal.

Powdery Mildew Chemicals

A disease such as ashtrays spreads quickly, affecting neighboring plantings. An infection manifests itself in the form of a white powdery coating on the visible parts of plants, it is necessary to fight it at the first manifestations. To eliminate the pathogen, fungicides are used - antifungal drugs with a complex spectrum of activity or various recipes for folk remedies.


Consider the variety of chemical compounds that can defeat the parasite.

A drug



Acrobat MC

Easily soluble granules in water, including dimethomorph and mancozeb. This combination provides the best antifungal treatment through easy penetration into plant tissues.In a package of 20 grams of substance, they are diluted in 5 liters of liquid. Re-spray after 2-3 weeks.

Spraying is carried out before the flowering of vegetable crops. Plants not used in food can be treated at any time.

Amistar Extra

Consists of two active substances azoxystrobin and ciproconazole. The first is therapeutic, blocking the breath of the pathogen, thereby destroying the source of the disease. The second is prophylactic, it quickly penetrates the plant cells and, circulating inside them, together with juices, has a protective effect.It is sold in the form of a liquid sprayed over crops, a solution of the chemical in water is made in a ratio of 1/2: 1. Repeat procedure after 15 days.

Cereals are processed to strengthen immunity and increase resistance to adverse conditions, gardeners are used to protect flower beds from fungi.

Bordeaux fluid

One of the oldest drugs used to fight mushrooms. The package contains two dry substances that must be mixed with water before use. Copper sulfate and slaked lime interact with each other, give the best effect in the fight against powdery mildew.Spraying is carried out after the reaction in the mixing vessel is completed. When combining the active components, a large amount of heat is released, which can be harmful if it gets on human skin.
Blue vitriol

The blue powder, dissolved in water, has healing properties, killing pathogenic fungal flora. The drug is safe, as it does not penetrate deep into the cells of the plant, it is suitable for processing fruit-bearing crops.Spraying is done in spring and autumn when there are no leaves.

It is important to strictly observe the dosage of the drug. If there is a lack of fluorine in the soil, planting should be fertilized, since vitriol binds its molecules in the soil and creates an element deficiency.


Refers to preventive, but copes with fungi due to the active substances of tiram and carboxin. The first - struggling with the effects of infection, the second - destroys the pathogen. Long-acting preparation provides protection for 6 months.Used for the treatment of seeds and bulbs of flowering plants for the storage period. Colored additives allow you to evenly apply the composition to the surface of the seed. A special adhesive component envelops and forms a protective cocoon.

Soluble concentrate of protective and prophylactic spectrum of action. The active substance is propamocarb hydrochloride, which allows you to effectively fight fungal infections.Suitable for processing vegetable crops. The solution is used for watering and spraying plants in the morning and evening.
Coming soon

A prophylactic drug is used to combat infections of vegetable crops and trees. The active substance acts only in the early stages of infection, therefore, treatment is recommended to be carried out in order to prevent diseases.After spraying, the active substance quickly penetrates into the plant and for some time moves inside it along with the juices. Positive effect on the growth and development of tomatoes, eggplant and other vegetable crops. The immunity of plants increases, the process of photosynthesis goes better and longer, increasing productivity.

A one-component solution, the active substance of which is penconazole. Suitable for processing garden and indoor plants. Most effective in controlling powdery mildew. Used for prevention by processing plantings at the initial vegetation stage.For spraying, a small dose of concentrate is needed. One ampoule per 10 liters of water for horticultural crops and the same dose of 5 liters for indoor flowers. Spraying is carried out on a dry, windless day, so that the active substance penetrates into the plants.

The basis of the drug is phenol powder. The substance copes with fungi and some types of ticks, aphids.Spraying is done once and gives plants protection for a week. It is important to observe the concentration of the solution to increase effectiveness.

The effectiveness of chemical preparations is great and has a number of auxiliary characteristics, nevertheless, there is a share of the danger of toxic substances entering food products. Therefore, many gardeners prefer alternative pest control methods.

Powdery Mildew Biologics

Given the scrupulousness of many farmers and their desire to grow only environmentally friendly products, they developed special safe preparations for combating fungal infections of plants and called them biofungicides. The active components of the funds are living bacteria, which have an overwhelming effect on pathogenic organisms.

The compositions are harmless to humans, animals and plants and can be used at any stage of development of the culture, even during the formation of the fruit. They are not as effective as chemicals and do not provide long-term protection, but they can be treated often without fear of harm.

The most popular drugs for controlling powdery mildew are Phytosporin-M, Alirin-B, Gamair, Pseudobacterin-2, Planriz. These tools are inexpensive and available in any specialized stores.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: folk methods against powdery mildew

For those who want to save, there are folk remedies that are prepared independently from improvised means.




SerumSour milk, kefir, yogurt are diluted with cold water, observing a proportion of 1:10. The solution is ready for spraying.Processing is carried out in the early morning or after sunset. The composition is sprayed onto the visible parts of the plant.
AshDry wood ash in a volume of ½ cup is poured with a liter of boiling water and set to infuse for 2 days. After the period, the solution is filtered and injected with liquid soap or grated laundry.The finished composition is used for spraying twice with an interval of 7 days.
IodineThoroughly mix 1 ml of iodine, a liter of skim milk or whey and 9 liters of water. If desired, some gardeners add a spoonful of liquid soap.Spray the composition every two weeks until complete recovery. Given that a side effect of such procedures is increased productivity, it is recommended that in this way protect cucumbers, zucchini, and eggplant.
Soda and soapOrdinary sodium bicarbonate, which is present in every home, is mixed with grated soap using 4 grams of each component. Dilute the product in a liter of water, stir.Plants are sprayed once a week until complete recovery; during treatment, it is advisable to shake the composition.
HorsetailFresh grass (100 g) is poured with a liter of water and insisted for a day. Then boil for 2 hours, filter and the remaining concentrate diluted with water 1: 5.Processing can be carried out twice a year, in the spring and in the fall.
Potassium permanganateHalf a teaspoon of potassium permanganate is diluted in 10 liters of water.The dispersion of the composition must be carried out not only on the plants, but also on the soil, garden tools and the walls of the greenhouse. Processing is carried out every 2 days at least 3 times a season.
MulleinThe third part of the bucket is filled with fresh manure and poured with cold water. Insist 3 days, occasionally mixing. Filter and dilute the remaining liquid with water in a ratio of 1:10Spraying is carried out before or after sunset to prevent burns.

A new composition is prepared for each treatment.

GarlicChop the garlic (25 g) and fill it with a liter of water, leave for 24 hours and filter.All plants are sprayed.
Onion huskOnion husks are infused at their discretion: the stronger the concentrate, the greater the benefit. There will be no harm from such processing.Spraying is done during the spinning hours, you can pour the solution on the soil as fertilizer and pest prevention.

The effectiveness of folk remedies does not give a guaranteed recovery, but before proceeding with chemical treatments it is worth trying these methods, in most cases at the initial stage it is possible to overcome powdery mildew. In addition, all the means used for protection perfectly fertilize and nourish the plants.


Watch the video: Powdery Mildew Fungus In My Lawn (October 2024).