Black Beans: Common Varieties and Agricultural Technology


Beans are a vegetable crop with which mankind has been familiar for a long time and well. In South and Central America, it has been grown for more than seven thousand years. Breeders have bred many varieties and hybrids that sometimes look very unusual, to the extent that not everyone decides to try such an exotic. For example, there is black bean, in which both beans and grains are painted in a very dark color. They are valued for their enhanced nutritional value and large size. You cannot call the culture unpretentious in leaving, but you will not need anything supernatural from the gardener. It is only necessary to study in advance its "requirements" to the growing conditions.

What does black bean look like and how it is healthy

Beans are an annual herbaceous plant from the legume family. Her homeland is South and Central America. Culture came to Europe relatively recently, only in the 17th century, and for quite some time it was grown exclusively as a decorative beautifully flowering plant.

There are a lot of natural varieties of beans. Some look very unusual. It is difficult to imagine that such can be eaten. For example, black beans. Moreover, the characteristic shade is inherent not only in grains. Beans can also be covered in black or dark purple spots. Not too experienced gardeners often take them for dirt or symptoms of the defeat of any exotic disease.

The peel of the beans can be painted in black

Meanwhile, black beans are not only tasty, but also very healthy. Compared with other varieties, it is the most nutritious and high-calorie (314 kcal per 100 g). Protein-rich beans are a good alternative to meat products if you follow a vegetarian diet. Calorie content, by the way, can be reduced almost threefold in the process of prolonged heat treatment. But the benefits are proportionally reduced.

Black beans can be a bushy plant with a height of about 0.5 m, and a vine, reaching 3-5 m in length. The stem is covered with short sparse villi. The root system is developed, the main core root goes into the soil at least a meter. The leaves are heart-shaped, with a sharply sharpened tip, arranged alternately, petioles are long. The edges are smooth, the surface of the sheet plate is wrinkled.

The appearance of the black bean plant varies greatly depending on the variety

White or purple flowers are collected in inflorescences of 2-6 pieces and are located in the axils of the leaves. In form, they are somewhat reminiscent of moths. The flowering of black beans occurs in late June or July; the crop ripens in August-September.

Blooming beans look pretty attractive, there are even special decorative varieties

Fruits are long hanging beans, often with constrictions. In cross section, they are round, oval or almost flat. Coloring is most often found in green, yellow, purple. The grains are large, weighing an average of 0.55 g. They are elliptical or kidney-shaped in shape. They can be either plain or mottled, spotted, mosaic, as well as with a pattern resembling a pattern of veins on marble.

Black bean fruits can be painted in different colors.

The grains are smooth, shiny, as if covered in silk. Their size is highly dependent on cultivation conditions. In an optimally suitable or close to that microclimate, the grains ripen larger than other varieties of beans. The flesh is dense, but very tender, as if slightly oily. Grains taste sweetish, with a touch of smoked meats or smoke.

Black bean grains have a very interesting characteristic taste, easily recognizable by gourmets

Black bean is an almost integral element of Latin American cuisine. Especially love her in Mexico and Brazil. Grains are added to soups, they are used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes, on their own or together with other vegetables, they prepare a filling for baking, pastes. They are best combined with onions, garlic and oregano. But there are more exotic options. In Cuba, this is one of the necessary ingredients for making fruit salad. And in Guatemala, black bean beans are glazed with dark chocolate.

Black beans go well with most vegetables

In no case can black bean be eaten without prior preparation. This plant, literally like a sponge, absorbs mineral compounds from the earth, including salts of heavy metals. Not only serious intoxication is possible, but also a fatal outcome. Before frying, baking or stewing beans, they must be soaked in cool water for 8-10 hours, and then boiled.

Not everyone will try to try black bean soup

Scientifically proven that black beans - one of the most useful products of plant origin. This is the source of many amino acids, including essential ones (lysine, glutamine, arginine). Without them, normal metabolism is impossible. They are also necessary for the prevention of cancer. The composition includes vitamins of groups B, A, E, K. Of the trace elements, the presence of magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, copper, selenium, iron, phosphorus can be noted.

In terms of potassium content, black beans are far ahead of all its other varieties. This trace element is vital for the body to maintain a normal water-salt balance. Grains are preferably included in the diet if there is a tendency to edema.

They are rich in fiber, which helps digest "heavy" meat dishes. With regular use in food, black beans normalizes the state of the gastrointestinal tract, and helps get rid of constipation.

It is desirable to include it in the diet for women. B vitamins are “responsible” for youth and beauty, improving skin tone and condition, smoothing small wrinkles, and putting in order teeth, hair and nails. At the same time, the state of the nervous system is normalized - the working capacity of the body and brain improves, sleep problems disappear, the feeling of chronic stress disappears, attacks of causeless anxiety, sudden mood swings.

Black beans are also useful for those who want to cleanse the body. It removes toxins and toxins, destroys cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels and even dissolves kidney stones and gall bladder.

The rich dark color of beans and grains turns black beans into a potential allergen. If you know that you have a tendency to such reactions, the first time you need to try the product very carefully and little by little. There are other contraindications - increased acidity of the gastric juice, digestive tract diseases in the acute stage, any problems with the joints (rheumatism, gout, arthritis, arthrosis), nephritis and pyelonephritis.

In folk medicine, not only black bean grains are used, but also its pods. A decoction of them is recommended for diabetes, when it is necessary to lower blood sugar. And it's a good anti-inflammatory and diuretic.

In folk medicine, not only black bean grains are used, but also other parts of the plant

Black bean is a thermophilic culture. The optimum temperature for the normal development of plants and the ripening of the crop is 24-28ºС. The critical minimum is 2-4ºС. Culture will not withstand even short-term exposure to freezing temperatures. She has one more feature: beans - a short-day plant. Daylight hours should last a maximum of 12 hours. But this is not synonymous with shadeliness. Sunlight is vital for a bountiful harvest of black beans.

In the eyes of gardeners, culture has another undeniable advantage. This is the only bean variety that does not suffer from bean seed attacks. For some unknown reason, the pest simply refuses to lay eggs on grains and dark-colored beans.

Bean kernel (the most dangerous pest for culture) bypasses varieties with black grains side

Video: Black Bean Health Benefits

Varieties popular among gardeners

There are a lot of black bean varieties. It happens both asparagus, and grain. In varieties from the first category, grains and beans can be eaten, the second - only grains.

  • Black opal. A variety from the category of early ripening. Bushy plant of medium height. The leaves are not large, the surface is slightly wrinkled. The flowers are lilac. The beans are round, long, slightly curved, salad green. Coarse fibers and a “parchment” layer are absent. The grains are oval in shape, black, with barely visible veins lighter. The average weight is about 0.55 g. The yield is not bad, but not outstanding - 1.9 kg / m². Taste great. Even the State Register of the Russian Federation a grade is recommended for use in cooking.
  • Mauritanian A medium-ripening variety, bred a long time ago - it entered the State Register at the beginning of the 20th century. From the emergence of seedlings to harvesting takes 55-58 days. Beans from the category of curly, the length of the vine is about 3 m. The leaves are small, the flowers are snow-white. Beans are short (12 cm), thin (0.7 cm), rounded. The average weight of oval grains is 0.28-0.3 g. They are painted almost homogeneous black, with barely noticeable grayish veins. The variety is universal - suitable for fresh consumption, canning, freezing. Productivity is not bad - 2.2-2.3 kg / m². Gardeners are valued for their resistance to lower temperatures and long fruiting periods.
  • Kidney. A group of bean varieties with grains of different colors, among which there is black. All these varieties are characterized by the kidney-shaped form of grains and a light aroma after heat treatment, reminiscent of the smell of freshly baked bread. Beans are very large, the average grain weight is 1.5 g. The flesh is dense, granular in texture. The plant is bushy, low. Beans are bright green with a violet bloom.
  • Octave. The variety is suitable for freezing, it is widely used in cooking. A fairly compact bush, reaching 40 cm in height. The flowers are small, pale lilac. Beans are straw yellow or pale golden, their length reaches 17 cm, width - 1.4 cm. They are straight or with an almost imperceptible bend. The grains are large, plain black, weighing 0.94 g. The yield is very high - 2.7-2.8 kg / m². The variety has an "innate" immunity to bacteriosis and anthracnose.
  • Protva. A variety from the early category. A small bush growing to 35 cm in height. The beans are pale green, about 14.5 cm long and 0.85 cm wide, elliptical in cross section. They are very clearly visible against the background of saturated emerald leaves. The flowers are bright purple. Harvest must be collected regularly - overripe pods quickly coarse. Black grains have a very good taste. Average weight - 0.52-0.54 g. The variety tolerates cold snap and prolonged drought, is not affected by bacteriosis, anthracnose, mosaic virus. The average productivity is 1.1-1.7 kg / m².
  • Preto. One of the most common black bean varieties in the world. For example, it is grown commercially in the United States and China. Known by many nicknames, the most popular of them is the "black turtle." The plant is bushy, low. Grain with a black glossy skin and a white hem, inside a creamy flesh. The "chip" of the variety is a light berry aroma. Gourmets can easily recognize the taste - sweetish, with an almost imperceptible bitterness that gives piquancy. The average grain weight is 0.5-0.55 g. The unusual color after heat treatment is preserved, the scar also darkens.
  • Ryabushka. The variety is medium early. The bush is tall, not too compact. The leaves are large, slightly wrinkled. The flowers are lilac, small. The beans are pale yellow with pink-purple spots. They are not too long, but wide, flattened. There is no “parchment” layer. A state registry is recommended for use in cooking. Black grains, average weight - 0.67 g. The yield is very high - 3.5 kg / m².
  • Earring. A variety of early ripening. Good for freezing. Curled beans, stem height reaches 1.5 m. The leaves are medium-sized, the flowers are bright purple. Green beans, slightly curved, long. In cross section, the pod resembles a heart. The average grain weight is 0.65 g. Productivity is 2.3 kg / m².
  • Snow Maiden. Mid-early variety, one of the relatively recent achievements of Russian breeders. The plant is bushy, rather tall. The leaves are large, the severity of wrinkles is different. The beans are pale yellow, elongated, wide enough. The grains are oval, medium size, weigh about 0.85 g. Productivity - 2.6-2.9 kg / m².
  • Tatyana. Shrub variety early ripening. One of the novelties of selection. Plants are quite compact. The flowers are large, lilac. The beans are yellowish, slightly curved. The grains are small, weighing about 0.52 g, in the shape of a kidney. Productivity is low - 0.73 kg / m².
  • Fatima Plus. The "corrected and supplemented" version of the Fatima variety. Haricot beans, stem length can reach 3 m. The variety is from the category of medium late. The leaves are medium-sized, highly wrinkled. The flowers are bright purple. Beans are very long, broad, pale green. The grains are kidney-shaped, weighing about 0.69 g. The taste is very good, the yield is excellent (3.5 kg / m²).
  • Fedoseevna. Mid early variety. He entered the State Register in 2015. The bush is medium tall or tall. The flowers are medium-sized, lilac. Salad-colored beans, slightly curved, almost round in section. They are not fibrous, the "parchment" layer is also absent. Grains in the shape of a kidney weigh about 0.59 g. The yield is not bad - 2 kg / m².
  • Lukerya. A medium-ripening variety with an “innate” immunity to anthracnose. The state registry is recommended for cultivation in the Omsk region. The bush is tall, powerful, the top curls slightly. Beans with an almost imperceptible bend, green. The grains are oval, black, with a white hem.
  • Black Pearl. Asparagus early beans. The growing season is 45-50 days. The bush is up to 50 cm high. The beans are bright yellow, 11-13 cm long, without a “parchment” layer, straight or slightly curved. The grains are almost round, black-violet. Productivity - 2-2.5 kg / m².
  • Supernano. Mid-season variety of beans from the asparagus category. The height of the bush is about 50 cm. The beans are bright green; as they ripen, they change color to sunny yellow, straight, as if slightly flattened. Length - 10-12 cm. Grains are large, rounded. This bean is appreciated for its excellent taste and resistance to anthracnose, bacteriosis, and mosaic disease. The variety has a certain plasticity, successfully adapting to the climatic characteristics of a particular region.

Photo gallery: the best varieties of beans with black grains

Planting and preparing beans

To grow black beans is no more difficult than the same culture with grains of any other color.Like her "relatives", she is quite demanding on growing conditions. Obtaining a plentiful harvest is impossible if you do not create an optimal or close microclimate for plants.

The most important thing for black beans is lighting. It is a short-day plant, but that does not mean that culture loves shade. It is strongly discouraged to plant it at the fence, under trees, and so on. With a deficit of light, plants stretch ugly, this has a very negative effect on productivity. It is worth considering that black beans do not like drafts and cold winds. Therefore, at some distance from the garden should be some kind of barrier that does not obscure it.

Black beans must be planted in an open sunny place, having previously taken care of protection against cold drafts

The culture adapts to a substrate of almost any quality, but the best option for it is a rather loose, well-permeable soil and water and air, while it is nutritious. Under such conditions, more ovaries form. For example, loam, gray earth is well suited. But clay, silty, peaty soil is the worst choice. When preparing the beds, sand (at least 5 l / m²) must be added to such a substrate.

Beans with good reason are called a hygrophilous plant. But she does not tolerate excess water categorically. If groundwater comes closer to the soil surface than a meter and a half, the roots almost inevitably begin to rot. To avoid this, black beans are planted on hills or hillsides. Another option is to fill beds, similar to ridges, with a height of at least 50-60 cm. It has another one advantage - the soil warms up faster, seeds can be planted earlier.

At the same place, beans are grown no more than 2-3 years. You need to wait as much time if before that other Legumes were cultivated on this bed. Good predecessors and neighbors for her are plants from the family Pumpkin, Cruciferous, Solanaceae, onion, garlic.

Garlic is a good predecessor and neighbor for beans

A plot selected taking into account all requirements closer to mid-autumn is dug up to a depth of one bayonet shovel (25-30 cm). Of the fertilizers in the process, humus or rotted compost (5-8 l / m²) can be added. But fresh manure and bird droppings to the culture are absolutely contraindicated. They oversaturate the soil with nitrogen, which black beans are able to absorb from the air and "direct" into the soil.

Humus - a natural remedy to increase soil fertility

It cannot produce phosphorus and potassium, therefore it is advisable to add simple superphosphate (30-40 g / m²) and potassium sulfate (20-30 g / m²). The natural source of these macronutrients is wood ash. Enough glasses per 1 m². He loves culture and calcium, so it’s useful to add dolomite flour, crushed chalk or egg shells crushed to a powdery state. In the spring, the bed is well loosened again, the soil is leveled. Do this a week and a half before the proposed landing.

Dolomite flour - a natural deoxidizer that does not have side effects when the dosage is observed

Seeds are planted no earlier than the soil at a depth of 10 cm warms up to 10-12ºС. You will not be mistaken with time if you focus on a reliable folk sign - the beginning of flowering of dandelions or chestnuts (but the latter are not everywhere). At an earlier planting, the seeds begin to rot. The exact time may vary by region. It can be both the first half of April and the end of May.

Most gardeners plant grains directly in the ground. But they definitely need preliminary preparation. This has a positive effect on germination. Bean seeds are dipped for 20-30 minutes in a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate or in any fungicide of biological origin, diluted according to the instructions. Then it is washed in cool running water and for 3-4 hours is kept in the infusion of wood ash or any store biostimulator. Then, the night before planting, the seeds are wrapped in a damp cloth or napkin. The final stage - directly by disembarkation into the soil, immerse them in a solution of boric acid (2-3 g / l).

Soaking bean seeds before planting positively affects their germination

The day before planting, furrows are formed on the bed with a depth of 4-8 cm. The lighter the soil, the stronger the need to bury the seeds. The intervals between them are at least 40 cm for bush beans and 10-15 cm more for curly. The distance between neighboring plants in the first case is 15-20 cm, in the second - 25-30 cm. They are abundantly watered with water, warmed up to room temperature, with the addition of several crystals of potassium permanganate (to a pale pink color).

If the selected bean variety is classified as curly, be sure to provide a place for the trellis. The simplest option is several vertical supports with a wire stretched horizontally between them in 2-3 rows. It is desirable that they be wooden. Beans are practically unable to catch on plastic and metal.

Curly beans cannot be grown without trellis

3-4 seeds are planted in each “hole”, sprinkling them with humus mixed with sand. Before seedlings appear, the bed is tightened with plastic wrap or dark covering material. Black bean sprouts quite quickly, after 7-10 days.

Bean seeds are planted in shallow furrows, well spilled with water

The night temperature at the time of removal of the shelter should not be lower than 12ºС. If there is a threat of freezing frost, if the seeds have already sprouted, the shoots are again closed or campfires are planted along the perimeter of the bed. There is another way to protect the plantings from freezing, known to experienced gardeners - plants are sprayed with Epin diluted in cold water (3 liter ampoule). The effect lasts up to 8-10 days.

Epin - one of the most common biostimulants

Video: planting bean seeds in the ground

Seedlings of black beans are rarely grown. This method is mainly practiced by those who then sell it. It allows you to get a crop 2-3 weeks earlier than usual, when the product on the market is still in short supply. Also, planting bean seedlings is justified in regions with a climate that is not very suitable for culture. This allows you to extend the fruiting period.

Bean seedlings on the bed appear quite quickly

Seeds are planted in peat cups. In this way, the stress associated with the transplant can be minimized without harming the root system. Any beans react very negatively to the latter. Seedlings are ready for planting in the soil about a month after emergence, it should have at least 3-4 real leaves. For seeds, the pre-planting preparation described above is required.

The optimum temperature before emergence is 23-25ºС. Then it is lowered to 16-18ºС. The substrate is constantly maintained in a moderately wet state. If seedlings do not grow particularly fast, in the second leaf phase they are watered with a weak solution of any mineral nitrogen fertilizer.

The seedling method of growing black beans is rarely practiced

Crop Care Tips

Beans, which have created optimal conditions for growing, do not need special care. Like other garden crops, it needs to ensure regular weeding and loosening of the beds, timely watering and fertilizing.

Loosening the soil contributes to better aeration of the soil

Another necessary procedure for plants is hilling. It is carried out when the seedlings reach a height of 8-10 cm and repeat after two weeks. The aboveground part of the beans is quite massive. If this is not done, the plants will fall to the ground under their own weight. Curly varieties are tied to a trellis about a month after emergence.

Black bean is a moisture-loving culture. Only some modern varieties tolerate prolonged drought without much damage. At the same time, frequent plentiful watering is also harmful - water stagnates at the roots, provokes the development of rot. It is especially important to provide plants with moisture during flowering and in the process of bean ripening.

Black bean is a moisture-loving culture, this also applies to adult plants, and only emerged seedlings

The procedure is carried out early in the morning or late in the evening, when the sun has already set. In extreme heat, it is useful to spray plants additionally or to pour them from a watering can, also in the evenings. The best way to water is sprinkling, simulating natural rainfall. Water temperature - not lower than 18 ° С. If the weather is not too hot, it rains from time to time, it is enough to water the garden every 5-7 days. When it is warm and sunny outside, the intervals between procedures are reduced to 2-3 days. Or you may need daily irrigation.

Seedlings under the age of a month are watered every 3-4 days. When they form five true leaves, watering is reduced to the required minimum. In the new mode, it is resumed only after flowering begins, gradually increasing the rate for each plant from 0.5-0.7 l to 2-3 l or up to 15-20 l / m².

The intervals between watering the beans are adjusted depending on the weather on the street

For those gardeners who do not have the opportunity to live on the site permanently, mulching is useful. Peat, humus, freshly mowed grass help retain moisture in the soil and inhibit weed growth.

Black beans are gratefully responding to fertilizers with an increase in yield. Usually, three top dressings are carried out per season. This is enough even for late-ripening varieties.

The first time fertilizers are applied 25-30 days after emergence. A mixture of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, for example, superphosphate and urea, is used, diluting 10-15 g in 10 l of water. It’s not worth it to try with nitrogen. With an increase in the recommended concentration, the beans begin to actively grow green mass to the detriment of flowering and the formation of beans. Another negative consequence is a weakening of the plant's immunity.

Urea, as well as other nitrogen-containing fertilizers, is used, with strict adherence to the recommended dosage and timing of fertilizing

The second top dressing is carried out approximately three weeks after the first. You can use any complex store fertilizers for legumes. Natural organics are also suitable - infusions of fresh cow manure, bird droppings, dandelion leaves, nettle greens. Before use, the finished product must be filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 8 (and if litter was used as raw material - 1:15).

Nettle infusion - natural and absolutely free fertilizer

The last time fertilizer is applied after another three weeks. Ripening beans need potassium. The natural source of this macroelement is wood ash. It is poured to the base of the stems in a dry form or an infusion is prepared. Also suitable is a mineral fertilizer - potassium sulfate.

Video: Black Bean Growing Experience

Pests for black beans do not show much attention. But there are a few exceptions. The greatest harm to plants can be caused by slugs and scale insects.

To protect plantings from mollusks, the base of the stem is surrounded by a “barrier” of needles, sand, and ground shells. Traps are also effective - buried in the soil on a bed of a reservoir, filled with beer, kvass, jam diluted with water, chopped cabbage leaves. To scare away pests, plantings are sprayed every 10-12 days with infusion of onion or garlic gruel. They also protect beans from scale insects. You can also fight it by laying out pieces of fabric or cotton wool soaked in kerosene or turpentine in the aisles. It is useful to surround the bed along the perimeter with herbs and flowers with a pungent odor - dill, basil, rosemary, sage, marigolds, lavender. The soil is periodically sprinkled with wood ash mixed with tobacco chips, ground pepper, mustard powder.

Slugs feed on plant greens, eat holes in fruits

As a rule, in order to prevent a massive invasion of pests, preventive measures are enough. It is very undesirable to use chemicals to fight them - black beans (and any other too), like a sponge absorbs any harmful substances. But if other methods have not brought the desired effect, Meta, Thunderstorm, Sludge are used against slugs, and Aktar, Fufanon, Fosbetsid are used against slugs.

The fabrics around the scabies acquire an unnatural reddish-yellow hue.

The most common diseases are mosaic, root rot, anthracnose, bacteriosis, leaf rust. The first, in principle, is not amenable to treatment with modern means. Rot most often manifests itself in the aerial parts, only when the process of its development is already irreversible. In both cases, the plants can only pull out and burn, eliminating the source of infection. The substrate in this place is disinfected, spilling with 5% copper sulfate.

To prevent the development of fungal diseases, potassium permanganate is periodically added to water for irrigation so that a pinkish solution is obtained. Plants are powdered with crushed chalk or colloidal sulfur. Seeds before planting are etched in a solution of Trichodermin, Alirina-B. Having found the characteristic signs, fungicides are used, preferably of biological origin. These drugs do less harm to human health and the environment. The most common are Strobi, Bayleton, Baikal-EM.

Photo gallery: symptoms of diseases dangerous for black bean

Gardeners reviews

By grades, I do not particularly bother. A bush white (grain) was once given to me by a familiar gardener, since then I have been taking my seeds. Wigna seeds bought Yunnan varieties, soot only in the greenhouse. A curly asparagus buy bush, different colors. Yellow, violet and green. There are no problems with the supports, as I plant it at the fence, every year in different places. Last year, a very successful variety of curly beans Fatima plus came across. It turned out fruitful, tasty and very beautiful. This year I want to plant it against the wall of the garage, as a decoration of the yard, and let it curl along the decorative wall with a grill.



Of the varieties of curly beans, I liked the Mauritian. But if you miss, then the pods harden. But very hardy and powerful plants.



Here are Kidney and Kindi - unproblematic wonderful beans. Unpretentious, bushy, grow on any land (mine), they can be used as siderates. After them, weeds leave the beds. In the subject there were photos of Azuki, Lima - personally, they didn’t go with me, they were very delicate. Lima seems to be curly.



This year, asparagus beans were a success (however, as in the past), she likes to grow with me. Impressed by the variety Black Opal - the earliest, the pods are long, many, fleshy. Fell in love directly with him.



Last year, sowed bush beans Supernano. Size is not very, but productivity, taste pleased.



Last summer, Preto black bean (turtle) was grown. I really liked the taste. Definitely I will plant more.



Black bean, which is almost an integral part of the diet in Latin America, is gradually gaining popularity in other countries. Russian gardeners also get to know her, many of whom like to experiment with unusual exoticism. Black bean kernels are very nutritious and healthy. You cannot call caring for a crop quite simple, but even a not too experienced gardener can afford to get a good harvest.There are many of its varieties and varieties, including those bred in Russia. They adapt in advance to local climate conditions. Surely, if you wish, everyone will find a variety to their liking, all of them have many undoubted advantages. Among other things, many of them look very decorative, decorating the site.


Watch the video: Yard Long Beans Farming - Complete Guide. Discovery Agriculture (October 2024).