Zucchini Black handsome - delicious and tender vegetable!


The variety of varieties of zucchini can satisfy the needs of any gardener. Zucchini zucchini The black handsome man combines many advantages: large crops, attractive appearance of elegant elongated fruits and delicate dense pulp. Small flowering bushes, covered with flowers similar to orange gramophone, will serve as a decoration of the garden.

The history of growing zucchini Black handsome

Variety of vegetable marrow Black handsome received by domestic breeders S.V. Maximov and N.N. Klimenko. Since 2006, at the request of the originator - Agrofirm “SEARCH”, the Black handsome was included in the State Register and recommended for greenhouse cultivation in the North-West and Volga-Vyatka regions and cultivation in open ground in the Central and Central Black Earth regions.

In Russia, the Black Beauty has been grown for almost 15 years and managed to gain popularity among gardeners.

Description of a grade of vegetable marrow Black handsome

A handsome black man is a type of zucchini called zucchini or Italian zucchini. Just like a regular zucchini, zucchini belongs to the pumpkin family, and is characterized by fruits of green or yellow color. Black handsome refers to the dark green type of zucchini.

Plants are densely leafy bushes of a compact form. Green color leaves with bright spots and strong dissection are medium in size.

Peduncles and fruits are located on a bush very compactly

The black handsome belongs to the early ripening varieties - from the moment of emergence of seedlings to the ripening of the first fruits 45-55 days pass.

Usually on each bush 5-6 zucchini are tied. The fruits have a cylindrical shape and a smooth, slightly ribbed surface, painted in dark green, close to black, color. Zucchini has an average weight of 0.8-0.9 kg, a maximum of 1.7 kg, their length is 20 cm. A dense and elastic skin covers light flesh, dense and juicy. The pulp tastes very good - tender, without bitterness, so you can eat zucchini even raw. In the pulp there are not too large whitish seeds of an elliptical shape.

The surface of the squash is handsome black smooth, with a slightly noticeable ribbing and noticeable gloss.

Zucchini fruits are very useful due to the high content of vitamins A, B, E, C, nicotinic acid, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and iron.

Zucchini improves digestion and removes toxic substances from the body. In addition, these vegetables have a very low calorie content - only 16 kcal per 100 g of mass, so zucchini are great for diet food. True, zucchini is contraindicated in people with kidney disease and a specific allergy to this vegetable.

Grade characteristics

Zucchini The black handsome man is characterized by a number of positive qualities:

  • high stable yield (4-9 kg / m2 or 391-854 kg / ha, which is 10-20% higher than Beloplodny, Gribovsky, Pheasant standards);
  • long fruiting period;
  • long shelf life of the crop;
  • presentation and excellent taste of fruits;
  • resistance to diseases (for example, powdery mildew);
  • universality of the use of fruits.

As a disadvantage, exactingness to soil conditions can be noted.

Comparison of zucchini Black handsome with other varieties - video

Rules for planting and caring for zucchini

To get a good crop, you need to properly plant the zucchini.

Zucchini are thermophilic, so to plant them you need to highlight a sunny area with light nutrient soil (chernozems and loams are suitable). If all the soil in the area is clayey, heavy, you need to cultivate it with sand and compost.

When landing the handsome Black one must not forget about the correct choice of predecessors. You can not plant zucchini after other pumpkin. It is desirable that zucchini is preceded by onions, cabbage or potatoes, and best of all legumes, with the ability to increase soil fertility.

Zucchini can be grown both by direct sowing in open ground, and in seedling method.

Sowing seeds

To sow zucchini seeds directly on the garden bed, it is necessary that the weather is warm. Temperature indicators should reach the level of + 13 ... +14 aboutC, and the optimal mode is considered at a temperature of +23 in the afternoon aboutC, at night +19 aboutFROM. As a rule, such temperatures are reached by mid-May - early June.

If you plan to grow zucchini under the film, then sowing can be done much earlier - in the second decade of April. You can sow in 3-4 stages with an interval of 5-6 days - this will stretch the harvest period.

Seeds scheduled for sowing must be checked for fullness - fill with water and discard all specimens that surface.

Seeds which sink to the bottom are considered suitable for planting

Before sowing, it is advisable to treat the seeds with growth-promoting preparations (1 teaspoon of sodium or potassium humate, or Kristallin, or nitroammophoski per liter of water, heated to 25 aboutFROM). The seeds moistened with a nutrient solution are placed in a moistened tissue bag for 2-3 days.

When the soil warms up enough, you can plant in pre-prepared (loosened, moistened) soil. Seeds are placed in 2-3 pieces in 5-7-centimeter recesses (in heavy soils, the embedding depth is 3-5 cm), placed according to the 60 to 60 cm pattern. If there is concern that not all seeds will sprout, plant the seeds with a shorter interval ( 30-35 cm). After germination, weak shoots eliminate.

If the weather is cool, but you really want to plant zucchini, you can sow on a "warm bed", in which semi-rotten manure, straw or other organic matter is put in, which gives the necessary heat during decay.

Seedling method of planting

Planting seedlings allows an earlier harvest. Zucchini seedlings are grown independently in pots or cups, best of peat, with a height of 10-12 cm. The soil should be nutritious, and the seeds should be treated the same way as before planting in open ground.

Sowing zucchini seeds for seedlings - video

Seeds for seedlings are planted about a month before the intended transplantation in the garden so that by this moment 2-3 true leaves are formed. Tanks with seedlings are installed in a well-lit warm room. For good development, young plants are fed a mixture of superphosphate (5-7 g) and urea (2-3 g) per 1 liter. The first top dressing is carried out 1.5 weeks after emergence, the second - after another 7-8 days. Instead of a mineral mixture, you can feed a mullein solution.

A few days before transplanting, the seedlings need to be “hardened” a little, taking them out into the open air every day.

You need to plant young plants in a permanent place in the early morning or in cloudy weather, so that the squash easier to transfer the procedure.

The author successfully planted under shelter to obtain seedlings of zucchini. In early May, seeds are sown densely in a small area of ​​soil and each seed is covered with a cropped plastic bottle. When two to three true leaves are formed on zucchini, they can be carefully transplanted to a permanent place. With this method, containers for seedlings are not required, and you can grow almost any number of plants.

The procedure for planting seedlings in open ground

Planting seedlings of vegetable marrows on a constant place is made in the following sequence. First of all, the soil is prepared:

  • digging is carried out with the introduction of humus and ash;
  • weeds and plant debris are removed;
  • the soil surface is leveled and holes are dug out to the size of the soil lump on the roots of seedlings or a peat cup.

Seedlings are carefully placed in the holes, sprinkled with soil and watered abundantly with warm, settled water.

Planting zucchini in the video

Growing Features

Zucchini squash care consists of timely watering and top dressing, soil loosening and disease prevention.

Since zucchini is heavily composed of water, watering is especially important for them. Be sure to use warm, settled water! Watering is done under the root so that water does not fall on the leaves. During flowering, each bush needs 5-6 liters of water every 6-7 days. When forming fruits, watering should be done at least 2 times a week. In the dry period, watering is more frequent (1 time in 2 days). 7-10 days before harvesting, watering should be stopped.

Top dressing should combine mineral and organic fertilizers and is carried out 2-3 times per season. The main nutrient demand of plants arises during periods of flowering and ovary formation.

When choosing fertilizers, remember - zucchini can not be fertilized with mixtures containing chlorine.

The first feeding is carried out with liquid mineral fertilizers (20 g of potassium sulfate and 40 g of superphosphate are dissolved in a bucket of warm water).

In the second top dressing, 50 g of ammonium nitrate and superphosphate are used per bucket of water, 1.5 l of solution for each bush. You can replace mineral fertilizing with organic: mullein solution (1:10) or chicken droppings (1:20).

Feeding zucchini - video

Zucchini zucchini, unlike climbing zucchini, does not require shaping and pinching, as their fruits are formed on the central stem. True, with strong overgrowth of bushes, leaves can obscure the fruits and interfere with pollinating insects. In this case, 2-3 sheets can be removed above the sites of ovary formation. In addition, this procedure helps to reduce moisture in the microclimate of the plant and prevents the appearance of rot.

To control weeds, regular loosening of the soil is necessary. But you can get rid of this work if you plant greens, radishes or beans near zucchini. These plantings will not allow weeds to grow, and by the time the bushes of the zucchini grow, the additional plantations are already fruiting and they can be removed.

Plants that are recommended to be planted next to zucchini - photo

To attract bees and scare away pests, it is recommended to plant odorous herbs or flowers: basil, thyme, marigolds, nasturtiums near zucchini beds.

Zucchini Disease Protection

Zucchini can be affected by various fungal diseases. One of the most common diseases is anthracnose, which manifests itself in the bitter taste of pulp, the loss of elasticity and decay by the fruits. If the root system is damaged, the plant may die. To save zucchini from anthracnose, it is necessary to spray them with EM preparations. It should be borne in mind that anthracnose most often develops in greenhouses.

With anthracnose, the affected parts of the leaf plate may fall out, forming irregular shaped holes

With a decrease in air temperature with a simultaneous increase in humidity, zucchini can get ascochitosis. This fungal disease manifests itself in the form of dark green moist spots of a round or angular shape, which quickly grow and darken. On the surface of the affected areas, black specks of fungal pycnidia are visible. In dry weather, the spots fall out, and when the disease is started, the leaves dry out completely, the affected stems break, the fruits become covered with cracking ulcers.

At the initial stage of the disease, the affected areas can be treated with coal or chalk powder. Treatment with Trichodermin helps well.

What to do if zucchini turns yellow and rot - video

A common method of combating zucchini diseases is to control soil moisture, timely harvest of plant debris, weed control and crop rotation.

Harvesting, storage and use of crops

Zucchini, like regular zucchini, tastes better at a young age. The optimal harvesting time is determined by the size of the fruit and the condition of the peel: the length at the time of collection should reach 18-20 cm, and the skin should be easily pierced with a fingernail. After harvesting, you need to carry out abundant watering.

Young zucchini have the best taste, the length of which does not exceed 16-20 cm, and the skin is easily pierced with a fingernail. Once the harvest is over, the bush should be watered abundantly.

Harvest fruits at intervals of two to three days, trying not to overexpose the zucchini on the bush. Remember that the timely collection of vegetables provokes the formation of new ovaries.

Zucchini The black handsome man can be used universally: they can be stewed, fried, salted, and pickled. Salads can be prepared from young fruits.

Zucchini caviar is one of the most popular dishes

Reviews gardeners

Planted 10 bushes of Iskander and 4 Black Beauty. When they had already ascended (by the way, everything had risen, though on the 12th day) I went to the city and bought more seeds of the Yellowfruit squash. Sown for seedlings in a basin. They just as splendidly ascended and took their place in another garden. Thus it was planted decently. But there was little way out of this fraternity. Worst of all proved Black Beauty. Gave only 3 zucchini with 4 bushes. Iskander showed himself perfectly.



according to taste reviews, it seems to me that black zucchini are leading - Black Prince, Black Beauty. I made caviar with mayonnaise several times - they eat it very quickly.



I had a Black Beauty, but it didn’t lie down, a really more delicious variety than others

Tatyana 1908


Zucchini Black handsome does not require complicated care, but at the same time gives high yields of delicious fruits. Under the right growing conditions, you can collect from each square meter up to 9 kg of tender and healthy zucchini squash.
