How to grow healthy and tasty swede


Rutabaga is an amazing plant, which was obtained as a result of natural pollination of kale with ordinary turnip. It belongs to the vegetables of the cruciferous family. The root crop is rich in vitamins and minerals, is widely used in cooking, and is used in the treatment of various diseases. Swede is appreciated and loved in different countries of the world: Germany, Finland, Sweden, the Baltic countries, Russia.

What kind of rutabaga vegetable

The name of the vegetable was originally mentioned by the Swiss botanist Caspar Baugin in the 20s of the 16th century. He wrote that rutabaga is found in Sweden. Perhaps this was the reason to consider this country as the birthplace of culture.

However, among scientists there are those who suggest that rutabaga came to Scandinavia from the Siberian regions of Russia, where this vegetable was loved along with cabbage or turnips.

Externally, the vegetable is similar to turnips or beets, but has large sizes. He has dissected thick leaves. The taste is pleasant, sweet-spicy. Color - red-violet, gray-green. This plant belongs to the biennial. The initial year of its development is accompanied by the formation of an underground root crop (round, flattened or elongated - it depends on the variety) and a ground rosette of leaves.

Outwardly rutabaga reminds beets or turnips

In the 2nd year, a stem develops from the root, the plant blooms, seeds appear in fruits - pods. 40 days after the appearance of sprouts, the root crop thickens. Inside the vegetable is a fairly solid white or yellow pulp. The culture is unpretentious, withstands drought, summer heat and the beginning of frosts. She gives big crops.

The weight of one root crop reached even 35 kg.

How is used

Vegetable is used in cooking. In a number of countries, both raw root crops and young plant tops are used for the preparation of various salads and as seasonings. Boiled swede, reminiscent of the taste of potatoes, is used in vinaigrettes, as well as side dishes for meat and fish dishes.

Children are delighted with a pleasant sweet soup consisting of rutabaga, carrots, cream cheese, green peas, corn. With baked honey and nuts, the vegetable will be a pleasant dessert. Rutabaga goes well with vegetable stew made from different products.

In Finland, at the Christmas table there is always a casserole with rutabaga. And Canadians love pies stuffed with grated rutabaga.

For the preparation of salads, you can use both raw root vegetables and young plant tops

Found a culture of application in dietetics. Low calorie, a large number of minerals and vitamins allows the use of this vegetable in weight loss diets. Fiber included in its composition helps to eliminate toxins and toxins from the body, improves metabolism, digestion in the body.

From the vegetable you can make a useful cosmetic mask. The grated root crop is mixed with sour cream until gruel is obtained. Then they pour in 1 tsp. brine and honey. The mask is applied to the skin for 15 minutes.

Vegetable is also used for treatment. To alleviate the condition during asthma attacks, when coughing, 2 parts of rubbed swede rubbed on a fine grater are mixed with 1 part of honey. The resulting mixture is consumed in 2 (3) tsp. up to 6 times a day. With the help of rutabaga, constipation is treated. For this, the vegetable is cut into plates, boiled in water until softened. After that, pour in vegetable oil and lemon juice for 1 tbsp. l Cook for 10 minutes. The finished mixture is pushed into a mashed potato, which is eaten at night (100 g).

Useful properties and harm

The vegetable contains many valuable components. Calcium contained in swede is essential for strengthening bone tissue. The vegetable helps with constipation, but it can not be consumed by patients suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. The root crop is especially useful in the winter and when spring comes, when the weakened body lacks vitamins.

Rutabaga is especially useful in the winter and spring, when the body lacks vitamins.

With this vegetable, the body is supplied with the necessary supply of vitamins and minerals, energy is increased, and immunity is strengthened. Rutabaga has the following properties beneficial to humans:

  • diuretic, allowing the body to free itself from excess fluid;
  • relieves swelling, treats kidney disease;
  • manifestations of an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory nature, helping in the treatment of purulent wounds, burns;
  • high fiber content in the root crop, stimulating metabolic processes in the body, which helps to resist obesity;
  • positive effect on the cardiovascular system, normalization of blood pressure;
  • promotes the withdrawal of cholesterol.

Rutabaga can be added to the menu of patients with diabetes, since the carbohydrates it contains mainly consist of fructose. It must be remembered that coarse fibers in the composition of the root crop can cause inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

Famous varieties and species

There are two types of rutabaga - fodder and table. Distribution in folk medicine, cooking, cosmetics received table rutabaga. The following cultivars are often grown.

Table: Characteristics of popular varieties of rutabaga

Grade nameThe period from seedling to ripening, daysRoot shapeWeight of vegetable, gramPulpSkin colorProductivity, kg / m2
Krasnoselskaya90‒100Flat round300‒600Yellow, sugarGray green3‒6,5
400Yellow, juicy, tenderPurple4‒4,7
Hera85‒90Rounded300‒400Yellow, juicy, tenderRich purple4‒4,5
Vereyskaya83‒90Flat round250‒300Yellow, juicy, tenderRich purple3,5‒4
Child love90‒117Rounded350‒400Yellow, juicy, tenderPurple pale5,9‒6,3

These varieties were included in the State Register of selection achievements and can be grown in all regions of Russia.

Photo gallery: varieties of swede

From foreign varieties are resistant to disease, give a good harvest, have excellent taste:

  • Ruby
  • Marian
  • Lizi
  • Kaya.

A fodder vegetable is a hybrid obtained by crossing a table type of rutabaga and fodder cabbage. This species is less demanding on growing conditions and more productive. Long retains nutritional value. Gained distribution in cold regions for feeding livestock in the winter. Varieties of rutabaga for growing:

  • Hoffmann's
  • Krasnoselskaya
  • Vyshegorodskaya
  • Bangkok

Fodder rutabaga obtained by crossing table rutabaga and fodder cabbage


I bought rutabaga seeds in the "Ribbon", they cost very cheaply - about 3 rubles per bag. Seeds "House of Seeds": "Krasnukelskaya dining rutabaga". Until that moment, I had never planted rutabaga, and I had little idea of ​​what it was. Planting and care information is described in detail on a seed bag. Landing is made directly into the ground. Very convenient - no need to germinate, dive in advance. He planted it all. The seeds are small, as germination requires mandatory thinning. And so, in principle, the care is simple: watering, loosening, top dressing (I did not do top dressing). I planted two rows. And although it was thinning out, the noble trees grew all the same. The leaves remotely resemble cabbage. Rutabaga for a quarter, and sometimes a third, sticks out of the ground, this is the norm. Closer to the autumn harvested. Some tuckies are smaller, others are larger. Cut the foliage. Stored in the cellar. And although it is promised that it is well stored until spring, my rutabaga did not last until spring, it became soft. I don’t know why, maybe the conditions (humidity) in the cellar didn’t suit her. So I had to throw part of the crop. Well, what they had time to eat. Rutabaga is something like a turnip (to make it clearer). From it you can make fresh salads, as well as add to hot dishes, stews. To my taste, she resembled white cabbage. Rutabaga is widely used in folk medicine.



Our family loves rutabaga, last year Wilma raised it, it is juicy, sweet, but worms love it very much and, most importantly, take it out - do not overdo it, otherwise it will become stiff. Everyone went crunching, and everyone asked why we crunch so appetizingly. And Novgorodskaya is well stored, it can be added to stews and soups.



I recommend Kuuzik. For many years now I have been growing vegetable and ornamental crops. And it’s absolutely wonderful if this curiosity turns out to be useful, well, just what you have been missing all this time. It is possible that for many, Kuusiku will become such a culture - a super-productive interspecific hybrid of rutabaga and fodder cabbage. Kuuziku root crops often grow in impressive sizes, the average weight ranges from 4 to 5 kg. Combining the positive qualities of rutabaga and cabbage, this hybrid forms a powerful stem above the earth's surface, strewn with juicy large leaves, which are also used for livestock feed. Another positive quality of Kuusik is that it is easy to grow. The agricultural technology of this plant is as close as possible to the agricultural technology of cabbage. In mid-April, for central Russia, seeds are planted on seedlings - you can in a greenhouse, a greenhouse, you can just on a bed under a film. When 3-4 leaves appear, they are planted in a permanent place according to the 35x40 cm pattern. Before planting during digging, it is advisable to introduce potash fertilizers into the ground (wood ash can be used, it contains many necessary trace elements - 1-2 glasses per 1 sq. M). But with nitrogen, you need to be more careful - with its overabundance in the soil, Kuuziku root crops often grow ugly, large, but empty inside, which leads to their damage during storage. Fresh manure before and when planting in the soil is better not to make. You can put humus under each plant (a bucket of 10 plants). Nitrogen-containing fertilizers should be fed only with insufficient growth, general plant wilderness. But, as a rule, Kuuzik is undemanding to the soil and works well on any of its types. Harvesting should be carried out in dry weather during the period of occurrence of the first frosts. In root crops, long roots are cut, they remove the earth, break off leaves, cut off the upper part of the stem (leaving 20-30 cm). Store Kuusiku in cool, dry rooms. Seeds can be easily grown on their own, as this is an interspecific hybrid, not F1. One has only to plant the preserved fruit in the garden at the end of April. By fall, you will receive a huge amount of seeds.



We create good conditions for vegetables to grow

Since the vegetable can adapt to cold weather, it can be cultivated even in the northern regions. Plants in adulthood withstand temperatures up to -6 ° C, young root crops - not lower than -4 ° C. Seed growth begins at a temperature of 2 ° C. The optimum temperature that accompanies the growth and development of the vegetable is in the range from 16 to 20 ° C.

High yields require good lighting. Culture loves moist soil. It is better to grow rutabaga on fertile, light, neutral soils with high moisture and air permeability, consisting mainly of clay and sand (loamy). Cultivated peatlands are also suitable. Wetlands, clayey or with a rocky structure, are not suitable for breeding plants.

It is better to grow rutabaga on fertile, light, neutral soils with high moisture and air permeability.

Ways to grow rutabaga

Swede is grown in two ways:

  • seedlings;
  • seed.


Growing rutabaga in open ground in seedlings reduces the ripening time of the vegetable. This is important for cold regions. They begin sowing seeds for seedlings from mid-April.


  1. First, the seeds for disinfection are placed for 1 hour in a garlic solution. For its preparation, chopped garlic (25 g) is taken and 100 ml of water is poured. Then the seeds are removed from the solution, washed, dried, placed in a damp cotton cloth for germination.
  2. When sprouts appear, the seeds are planted, deepening 1-1.5 cm into the soil, which is in special boxes for seedlings.
  3. The container with the plantings is closed on top with cellophane or glass.
  4. The temperature in such a greenhouse should be maintained within 17-18 ° C until the first seedlings are formed. After that, the shelter is removed, the box is put in a cold place with a temperature of 6-8 ° C.
  5. After a week, the temperature is increased to 12-15 ° C.
  6. Care of the seedlings, while it is in the drawers, consists in watering, loosening, thinning, which leaves stronger shoots.

    Growing rutabaga seedlings reduces the ripening time of root crops

Turnip seedlings are planted in open ground on the 40th day. At this time, the plant should have at least 4 leaves. Before planting in the street environment for 10 days to 2 weeks, the seedlings are quenched, for which it is placed in fresh air, starting from one hour, gradually increasing the time.

Wells are prepared for planting in the ground by digging them 20 cm apart. The pits are watered, and the roots of the seedlings are moistened with a clay mash, which is a creamy mixture of clay, water and mullein. When planting plants in the soil, you need to ensure that the neck of the root remains above the ground, tighten the shoots, and then water them.

When planting plants in the soil, you need to ensure that the neck of the root remains above the ground

From seed

Preparation for sowing work begins in the autumn. To do this, take the following steps:

  1. The site is exempted from the previous crop, weeds and other vegetation, then green manure is planted (clover, fatselia, lupine) - green fertilizers that fight weeds and improve soil structure.
  2. When the green manure grows, they are cut with a plane cutter and mulch the earth with them, leaving them on the ridge.
  3. With the onset of spring, when the snow melts, the overripe siderats harrow a rake 30–50 mm deep into the ground.
  4. When the soil warms up and does not stick to the tool, weeds will begin to appear, they are again passed through the bed by a plane cutter. Weeds are removed, and the ground is shed with Baikal EM-1.

After a week, rutabaga seeds can be sown on such a site. Sowing time is determined by weather conditions. Take into account the manifestation of the activity of the cruciferous flea, capable of harming the seedlings. Therefore, rutabaga is sown when cool, at an air temperature of no higher than 15-18 ° C. In warm regions, this happens at the end of May, in cold regions - at the end of June.

Rutabaga seeds can be sown immediately in open ground

Landing is as follows:

  1. Seeds are prepared for planting. To prevent possible infections, they are placed in water (temperature about 50 ° C) for half an hour. Then the seeds are removed and dried on a dry cloth.
  2. Seeds due to their small size are mixed with dry (calcined) river sand.
  3. Before planting, grooves of about 2 cm deep at a distance of 0.5 m from each other are marked in the ground.
  4. They lay out seeds at the rate of 20 pieces per 1 linear meter, then they will not have to be thinned out.
  5. From above they are covered with earth and watered using warm water.
  6. Over the ground, crops can be mulched with peat. It will retain moisture.
  7. At the stage of the appearance of two leaves, the plants are transplanted (if necessary) so that the distance between the shoots is from 20 to 25 cm. Each plant is transplanted together with a lump of earth in which the root is located.

Planting can be done in two steps.If you sow the seeds in early spring, the crop will ripen in the summer, it must be used immediately. Normal sowing in the summer will bring crops in the fall. It is suitable for storage.

How to care for swede

After planting, the plant will need some care.


Dry soil causes root crops to become bitter and rough. Excessive moisture makes them tasteless and watery. During the growing season, the vegetable is watered about 5 times per season. When watering, the required water flow rate is 10 l / 1 m2. When the roots of a plant are exposed during irrigation, they need to be sprinkled with earth. 1-2 days after watering, the earth is loosened. At this time, you also need to spud rutabaga, mulch to retain moisture in the ground.

After watering, swede is spud

Top dressing

After 2 weeks from the moment of planting the plant in the ground, it is fed with liquid manure. When a root crop is formed, mineral fertilizers (30 g / 1 m2). Favorably affects the development of the plant fertilizing fertilizers with the content of:

  • phosphorus;
  • calcium
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • boron.

An insufficient amount of boron makes the vegetable darker, it loses taste, is less stored. Due to phosphorus rutabaga becomes sweet.

Over the entire vegetation period, 2–3 fertilizing with mineral compounds and organics is carried out. When two months later the leaves from the plant die off from below, this is normal. The only thing required is to remove them from the vegetable and the beds, otherwise their rot in the ground will attract pests: cabbage fly, aphids, slugs, other insects and cause plant disease.

Features of agricultural technology in different climates

In our country, rutabaga was originally grown to obtain oil from the seeds of a plant, later it was grown as a vegetable. As a food and feed plant, it is common in the areas of Transbaikalia, Sakhalin, the Urals, in the North and North-West of Russia, the western part of Ukraine, and other countries of the near and far abroad. They harvest good crops, it is stored for a long time. Since rutabaga is resistant to cold, loves moisture and quickly ripens, it is cultivated in all regions with a temperate climate. Successful cultivation contributes to the composition of the selected soil. It should be not only light and quite nutritious, but also have a neutral reaction (pH from 5.5 to 7).

When the land on the site is heavy, consists of clay, you need to add sand, humus, peat to it. Soil acidity is reduced with lime.

The culture is not planted on ridges where related vegetables grew before this: cabbage, turnip, radish, horseradish, daikon. It is believed that the best predecessors are potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin, and legumes.

Rutabaga gives a good harvest in temperate regions

Diseases and pests: protection and prevention

Like other plants, swede can be subject to various diseases. To effectively combat them, you need to know what the signs of the disease are.


The disease is caused by low temperature, high humidity, frost, high nitrogen content. From this disease, the base of the tops of the plant first suffers, then the root crop. Foliage turns yellow, dies, becomes slippery, the smell of rot emanates from it.

Prevention and control measures:

  • to reduce the development of the disease, a 1% solution of Bordeaux fluid is used;
  • disinfection of greenhouses and soil helps prevent bacteriosis;
  • seed before planting is placed in a solution of garlic or hot water;
  • diseased plants are destroyed;
  • watering with potassium permanganate during the period of plant development and shedding with ash also serve as a preventive measure.


Rutabaga also suffers from this disease, characteristic of cabbage. Swelling and growths appear on the root crop. The appearance of keel can be triggered by excessive moisture, weeds. You can prevent the disease by pouring lime on the ground. It is prepared by mixing 2 tbsp. lime and 10 liters of water. At least 1 liter of solution is poured under each root. Watering is repeated a few days later with an infusion consisting of 400 g of horseradish leaves (roots), filled with 10 l of water. Such a mixture is infused for 4 hours.


This disease spreads at low ambient temperatures, frequent rains, and high humidity. The disease comes from the bottom of the seedlings (root neck) and is manifested in yellowing, curling of leaves, blackening of the base of the plant stem. To avoid such problems, you need to water the plant sparingly. For prevention purposes, one should not forget about seed disinfection before sowing and further periodic disinfection of the soil. Before laying vegetables for storage, they need to be well dried.

When diseased plants appear, they are removed and burned. To reduce the degree of the disease, the earth is pollinated with ash (1 tbsp.) In a mixture with copper sulfate (1 tsp). For the treatment of land and tops, you can still prepare a solution of 1 tbsp. l copper sulfate (copper oxychloride), 1 tbsp. l Laundry soap and 10 liters of water.


Phomosis is determined by the yellow spots formed on the leaves, which have black dots in the center. The disease spreads to the inside of the root crop and causes it to rot. Prevention against the disease is carried out by 80% (75%) with polycarbocin at a rate of 0.5 g of the drug per 100 g of seed.

Since soil with a lack of boron is subject to fomose, fertilizing with this component is used: 3 g of borax are needed per 1 m2.


Culture is often invaded by insects. Among the main pests can be identified:

  • cabbage fly;
  • slugs;
  • aphids;
  • a firegun;
  • cruciferous flea.

You can protect root crops by sprinkling row spacings with red pepper, mustard, wood ash, tobacco dust. Of the insecticides used Fitoverm, Lepidocide.

Photogallery: diseases and pests of rutabaga

Harvesting and storage

Rutabaga ripens in September. Autumn frosts are not terrible for the plant, it can be in the ground at temperatures up to -8 ° C. But they try to harvest in the fall before the onset of cold weather. Dig vegetables, cut the tops. Root crops are put on drying. To do this, they are freed from the earth, sorted, selecting good, undamaged vegetables.

If there are lateral processes on the root crop, its flesh will be tasteless and hard.

After drying, the vegetables are placed in a cool place with a temperature of 4-5 ° C: a cellar or a cellar. It should be dry, otherwise the vegetables will become damp and rot. If the fruits are placed in rows in boxes with river sand, then they can lie for a long time.

In the southern regions with mild winters, root crops are dug out of the ground as necessary, without fear of freezing.

Video: rutabaga harvest

It is worth paying attention to rutabaga - a useful vegetable, which has recently begun to be forgotten. But the valuable properties of the culture make it possible to use it for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, in nutrition and cooking. This encourages people to become interested in the plant again and begin to grow it in their garden plots. Caring for rutabaga does not apply to labor-intensive processes and is affordable for all vegetable growers.


Watch the video: How To Grow Swede With Quickcrop (October 2024).