Rumba grapes: characteristics of the variety and conditions for growing


Grapes have long been considered a great addition to a garden or plot. It can be grown on walls, trellises or trellises. With proper planting, grapes take up little space. For the fruits of the plant to ripen, you need soft earth and plenty of sunlight. To grow in a cool climate, breeders have developed special frost-resistant varieties, one of which is Rumba.

Growing history

Rumba grapes were obtained by crossing the Vostorg Red variety (known as ZOS-1) with Cherrel variety. This hybrid form is considered amateur, as received by amateur breeder V.U. Droplet without the use of special technologies. First grown in the Rostov region, however, it grows in a more severe northern climate.

The Rumba variety is relatively young - it is less than 10 years old.

Rumba grapes were first grown in the Rostov region, but can grow and bear fruit in more northern areas

Description of Rumba grape variety

Rumba is a table grape variety. It has large (about 30 cm in length), slightly loose clusters weighing 800-1100 g. The color of the fruit is usually pink, less often purple. The berries are fleshy, crispy, with a high sucrose content and a pleasant nutmeg smell.

Rumba berries are usually pink, but sometimes purple.

Vine bushes grow very quickly and in the first year they can grow up to 5 m. Rumba can always be recognized by the shape of the leaf - cut in the middle, with large cuts.

Grade characteristics

  1. Thanks to the strong film covering each berry, grapes do not suffer from pests and are transported almost without loss.
  2. Begins to bear fruit in the 2-3rd year.
  3. Has good rootstock compatibility.
  4. Harvests ripen quickly, the first berries can be picked in early August.
  5. Frost-resistant, withstands frosts down to -24 ° C.
  6. Berries are not exposed to sunburn.
  7. Resistant to fungal diseases, oidium, mildew.
  8. Even after full ripening, the clusters can remain on the vine for a long time, the berries do not crack.

Table: Technical characteristics of Rumba grapes

Variety varietyTable
Berry colorPink purple
Berry shapeOval
Sheet shapeDissected in the center
Cluster shapeCylindrical
Bunch weight1kg ± 200g
Berry mass8-10 g
Berry Sizes32 x 24 mm
Sugar content20-23%
Min temperature-24 ° C
Ripening time95-102 days

Parameters may vary depending on the region in which the grapes grow.

Video: Rumba grape harvest

Features of planting and growing

This variety does not require special soil for planting and will grow in almost any conditions. It has no special recommendations for top dressing, except that fertilizers should be laid no more often than once every 3 years. For the development of the root system of bushes, it is recommended to place seedlings at a distance of 3 m from each other. You need to plant grapes in a place where there will be a lot of sunlight.

Horizontal support holds bushes of Romania better than vertical

Grape planting

Due to its high frost resistance, Rumba grapes can be planted in spring and autumn. The main thing is that there should be no frost at night.


  1. The day before planting in the soil, the roots of the seedling should be cut and lowered into water (preferably with an admixture of growth enhancers).
  2. Dig a hole - 80 cm deep, 1 m - in diameter. Cover the bottom with a layer of organic fertilizers (humus, rotted manure, black soil) with a thickness of 20-30 cm and fix the support.
  3. Place the seedling in the pit and cover it with earth, but not completely, but leaving 5-7 cm to the edge.
  4. Pour the plant with 2 buckets of water and fill in the place left in the pit with mulch (fallen leaves, cake, compost, humus will do).

The grape bush after planting is mulched to protect the young vine from land pests


Rumba is an unpretentious grape variety and does not require special care. But you should carefully consider the features of irrigation:

  1. The first watering is carried out at the time of planting.
  2. The next - only after 3 weeks, during the first pruning.
  3. During the growing season, moisture consumption increases due to the growth of young shoots, so you need to moisten the grape bushes more often.
  4. During flowering, you can not water the bushes, otherwise you can damage the inflorescences.
  5. Before harvesting, water should be watered moderately so that the fruits are not watery or liquid.

It is important to monitor the rate of moisture absorption by the soil, excess water will lead to rotting of the root system.

Useful tips for caring for Rumba grapes

  1. The author of the variety recommends leaving no more than 20 eyes on young (less than 3 years old) bushes and about 45 eyes on adults. Excess shoots are best cut off (overload can adversely affect crop quality).
  2. To treat with antifungal biologics (for example, Trichodermin or Fitosporin) a plant is enough 2 times a year, the form has a high natural resistance. It is necessary to spray the bushes when the buds open, as well as in the rainy season, since excess moisture creates favorable conditions for the development of fungal diseases.
  3. For winter, Rumba grapes can not be covered, but in areas with severe frosts it is better to lay the vine on the ground, process it with copper sulphate and cover it with plastic wrap or earth.

The material used to shelter the grapes should completely cover the vine


I like Rumba, albeit with a simple taste. Not everyone likes nutmeg! The clusters are aligned, the berry does not burst, it is very sweet ... with a heavy load - the period is really very early. This year, it was very colored, which gave a magnificent view. Highly resistant to oidium ... I am not affected, the vine ripens well.

Ryaskov Alexander


I like everything very much - the taste is good and the ripening period is very early, but this year it ripened a couple of weeks later, because the bush froze. Very nice pink color. The size of berries with Kodryanku, but potato. On our site showed good stability. The growth rate of the form is medium.

Liplyavka Elena Petrovna


This year, even in my vineyard, I received a small, but Rumba crop. Unfortunately, due to the rather strong return frosts, she seriously suffered even in the greenhouse. It’s kind of considered its first harvest (last year there was a signalization), but now we can say that this form will live for a long time in my vineyard due to the early harvest maturity, the excellent ripening of annual growth, and a rather high set of sugars (about 20% ) and disease resistance. I have it ripened in the first ten days of August, let's see it next year under more stress.

Tochilin Vadim


In a climate unfavorable for growing grapes, the Rumba variety will be a good choice for homestead viticulture. It is vigorous, productive, transportable, has good taste in combination with an early maturity and is resistant to disease.


Watch the video: An Introductory Guide to Wine (October 2024).