Kislitsa (oxalis): features of caring for a butterfly flower at home


Oxygen or, as it is popularly called, rabbit cabbage is a fairly popular plant among gardeners. It is grown not only in the garden, but also at home, and is valued primarily for its decorative and unpretentious care. Of particular interest are unusual leaves, the shape of which resembles an exotic flower or butterfly. In addition, although oxalis blooms with plain-looking flowers, they exude a very pleasant aroma, which undoubtedly pleases the owners of this wonderful plant. About what types of oxalis (sour) are and how to grow a "rabbit cabbage" in the room, you need to know even before the acquisition of the flower.

What does oxalis look like and where does it come from

Oxalis (sour) got its name because of the peculiar acidic taste of leaflets that contain a large amount of oxalic acid. "Oxys" in Latin literally means "sour." The birthplace of the plant is America, South Africa and Central Europe, although one of the species is often found in Russian forests - common sour. Many varieties of this numerous genus (there are about 800 in total) are grown in gardens, as well as indoors, in offices and greenhouses.

In our country, people have called oxalis "rabbit cabbage" and "sour". In America, the flower is called "sheep sorrel" and "Indian lemonade", and in Europe - "sour clover."

Sour leaves resemble clover leaves

Oxalis (sour) are rhizome and tuberous plants. They are both annual and perennial. Cirrus or ternate laminae in oxalis are located on long and thin petioles. Painted in different shades from light green to purple.

The flowers are small, composed of five petals. A notable feature of the sour is its expressive veins on the petals and “exploding” elongated capsule fruits that can “shoot” with small seeds if you touch them lightly. Because of this feature, the reproduction of some types of oxalis, for example, carob acid, is very difficult to stop, and the plant can become a weed when grown in the garden.

Kislitsa can decorate both the flower garden and the interior of the room

Another characteristic feature of the plant is that under any adverse conditions, whether it is too bright light, the onset of darkness or mechanical irritation, the oxalis flowers slowly close, and the leaves fold and wilt.

The sour acid growing in room conditions does not require special conditions, the plant is not capricious and is able to put up with some flaws in agricultural technology. But nevertheless, to obtain a lush bush with bright leaves "rabbit cabbage" it is necessary to create suitable conditions and good care.

Types of indoor oxalis

At room conditions, several types of acid are grown. Among them are the following:

  • Common. A small bush that spreads through rhizomes. On creeping shoots appear triplet leaves of a light green hue on long petioles. In spring, small single flowers bloom on the plant, located on thin peduncles, the length of which is 5-10 cm. Snow-white petals with purple streaks. There is a pink flower shape. Ordinary acid can be grown in containers, as well as in gardens as a groundcover.
  • Carob. The species is distinguished by leaves with a beautiful cherry-brown hue of foliage and small flowers painted in yellow. The plant is frost-resistant and can be grown not only in room conditions, but also in the flower garden. However, there it grows rapidly and becomes a weed.
  • Triangular. The birthplace of the species is sunny Brazil. The plant has purple, pink or white flowers and dark purple leaf blades. Thanks to what the flower looks incredibly attractive.
  • Depp (four leaf). View native to Panama and Mexico. This is one of the most famous sour acids, the leaves of which consist of four parts with a base painted with strokes of burgundy or dark purple. On top of the leaflets have a small notch. The flowers collected in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence have a crimson-red hue. The plant is bulbous, with the roots of Depp souring edible. One of the most popular varieties of four-leaf acid is Iron Cross (Iron Cross).
  • Glandular. The flower is one of the common garden species of acidic, but it can be grown indoors. The glandular oxalis forms a small compact bush with a diameter of about 15 cm and a height of about 8 cm. The leaves consist of several lobes, which number from 9 to 22 pieces. They are painted in gray-green. It blooms with large silver flowers, decorated with pink strokes and veins.
  • Bowie Quite a thermophilic species of oxalis, so it is grown mainly at home. The leathery leaves are painted in light green and are located on shoots with a height of 20-25 cm. Flowering occurs in late spring, during this period, oxalis Bowie blossoms dark pink buds.
  • Ragnella (triangular, moth). A very effective plant, whose homeland is Brazil. Ragnella sorrel has incredibly attractive light green leaf blades consisting of three lobes. It blooms for a long time, constantly releasing small white buds. Ragnella is a relatively winter-hardy species, and it can be grown even in flower beds in areas with mild winters.
  • Red Compared to other plants of the genus, the bushes of this species are quite tall. Red oxygenate reaches 40 cm in height. The leaves consist of three lobes, a distinctive feature of which is a small hairiness at the base. Blooms profusely in the summer with red or pink flowers.
  • Versicolor (variegated, caramel flower). A characteristic feature of the plant is that its snow-white petals have a red edging, and unopened buds look like a lollipop. In captivity, the acidic Versicolor can bloom almost all year round.
  • Obtus. This type of oxalis is a miniature bulbous plant whose height is only 10 cm. Its leafy leaves are slightly pubescent. Used as a groundcover in combination with other larger plants grown in the greenhouse. In the summer, the Otus acid can be planted in the garden.
  • Poor (pressed). A species of hardy and frost-resistant oxalis native to South Africa. Ternary leaves grow on small nodules on thin and long petioles. The flowers are relatively large, dark pink with a yellow center. It blooms from August to October. Mostly poor oxalis is cultivated in open ground, but it can also be grown indoors.

Oxalis Ragnella, Depp, ferruginous and other types of acid in the photo

The most comfortable conditions for the plant in the house - table

Spring SummerSoft and diffused light, as direct rays of the sun can leave burns on the delicate foliage of the flower. Light penumbra will do. You can arrange windows on the windowsill of oriental or western orientation or grow on a balcony or loggia, shading from direct sunlight.+20-25 aboutFROMSpraying in the morning and evening hours.
Autumn winterPenumbra. It is not necessary to finish the plant.+14-18 aboutFROMIt tolerates dry indoor air well, additional spraying is not required.

How and when to transplant

Oxalis grows very quickly, so the flower requires an annual transplant, which should be carried out in the spring with the beginning of active vegetation. In the same period, you can propagate the sour. If you do not plan to get new copies, then take the pot 2 cm larger than the previous one. If you divide the plant into several parts, then leave the previous container.

Place drainage at the bottom of the vessel to help ensure that excess water is drained. It can be made of gravel or expanded clay, pouring stones with a layer of about 2-3 cm. Then pour a layer of soil, consisting of:

  • 1 part of turf land;
  • 1 part of leaf humus;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 parts of sand.

The substrate for planting acid must be loose and rich in potassium. On poor soil, the leaves will not have a bright color. If it is not possible to make the soil mixture yourself, you can purchase universal soil for indoor plants with neutral acidity.

The soil in which the acid will be grown must be loose

Further, the transplantation process consists of the following steps:

  1. Take the plant out of the old pot and rinse the roots.
  2. Cut dry and rotten parts and dry a little.
  3. Moisten the substrate in a new container and place the plant on it.
  4. Fill the roots with soil and lightly tamp it with your palm.
  5. Water again a little and put the acid in place with diffused light.

    After transplanting, place the acid in a place with diffused light.

In order for the bush of oxalis to be lush, several seedlings can be planted in one pot. The tightness does not interfere with the development of the plant, on the contrary, it will increase the lush leaf mass and turn into a dense curtain.

Features of oxalis care: plentiful watering and regular feeding

Care for captive-grown oxalis should include regular and plentiful hydration and top dressing in spring and summer.

How to water a flower

With the onset of warm days, oxalis needs frequent and plentiful watering. Humidify the flower as needed. On hot summer days, the procedure can be performed daily in the morning and evening. In the same period, it is worth additionally spraying oxalis. During the day, experienced gardeners do not recommend doing this, since water droplets that have fallen on tender leaves can cause burns.

In October, the flower begins a dormant period at which time watering should be reduced, and spraying should be stopped completely.

Do oxalis need nutrition

Fertilizers will help maintain the decorative appearance of the plant, due to a sufficient amount of nutrients the foliage will have a juicy and bright color, and the petioles will not stretch, thereby the bush will not fall apart. Feeding is recommended 2 times a month from April to August.

For the procedure, a comprehensive preparation for decorative and deciduous indoor plants is suitable. You can use drugs in liquid form, for example, Kemiru Suite or Fertik.

In order for the plant to grow foliage abundantly and bloom beautifully, regular feeding is necessary

Flowering period

Under favorable conditions, oxalis usually begins to bloom in April and this process lasts until September. Buds succeed each other and the impression of continuous flowering. Faded inflorescences can not be removed, they do not interfere with the development of oxalis. However, such plants do not look very neat, so peduncles can be cut at the base.

Sometimes oxalis does not want to bloom. Especially often this happens in too dark rooms. It is very simple to solve the problem, for this it is enough to rearrange the flower in a bright place, or even better, take the pot to the loggia or balcony. In the open air, the sour flower blooms profusely and continuously.

In the open air, oxalis blooms profusely and continuously

Bush formation

Growing, bushes of oxalis begin to stretch and fall apart. To prevent this from happening, the plant needs a regular haircut. About once a month, it is necessary to thin out the acid, cutting off the extra leaves. This procedure will stimulate the appearance of new leaves and the bush will always be neat and fluffy.

Rest period. Bulb Storage

Oxalis needs a period of rest in winter. Some species (bulbous plants) themselves inform their owners about the need for peace; the aboveground part dies off in autumn. In October, the vegetative mass is cut off and watering of the flower is stopped. Bulbs are left in the ground and placed in a cool and dark room with a temperature of + 12-14 ° C. In this case, the soil should not be overdried; as necessary, it should be slightly moistened. In the spring, as soon as the sprouts appear, they put the sour acid in a sunny place and begin to moisten the substrate abundantly. the flower very quickly grows the vegetative mass and after 1-1.5 months begins to bloom.

Species whose vegetative mass does not die out in autumn also require relative dormancy in winter. In December, they are transferred to a cool but bright room (or put closer to the glass, separating from the warm room with a screen. The temperature for oxalis should be + 16-18 ° C. at this time. Watering is reduced, the flower is watered cool after 2-3 days water.

How do care errors manifest and how to fix the situation (table)

ProblemCauseCorrective Action
Leaves change colorNot enough sunlightMove the pot with the plant to a more sunny place.
Leaves fadeWaterloggingWhen transplanting acid, arrange good drainage in a pot to remove excess moisture. Adjust the watering mode. Moisturize abundantly, but after drying the soil in a container.
Spots appeared on the leavesSunburnShade the plant from direct sunlight.
The tips of the leaf blades drySunburn, high temperature and low humidity.Periodically spray the plant with warm water in the spring and summer.
Kislitsa stretched outLack of sunlightCut the elongated leaves and place the flower in a sunny place on the windowsill of eastern or western orientation.
Leaves dry and dieNatural processTrim the entire aboveground part and send the sour to the cool and dark room to rest. In the spring, the plant will start growing.

Video: features for the care of oxalis (sour)

The most common diseases and pests of acid, their signs, preventive measures and treatment (table)

Pest / diseaseSignsReason for occurrenceTreatment
Spider mite
  • Leaves curl;
  • a thin cobweb is visible on the back.
Dry indoor air
  1. Treat the flower with Actellik, diluting it in water according to the instructions for the insecticide.
  2. Repeat treatment after 7-10 days.
  • Leaves curl;
  • on the reverse side, a cluster of greenish insects is noticeable.
  1. Liquid soap (1 tbsp. L.) Add in 1 cup of water, place.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and rinse all affected parts of the plant.
  • Leaves fade;
  • a plaque appears at the base of the stems.
Too much moisture and stagnation of potted water
  1. Take the flower out of the pot, rinse the roots.
  2. Trim the rotten parts to a healthy tissue.
  3. Treat the plant with a solution of the drug Fundazole.
  4. Plant in a new substrate, while doing the drainage at the bottom of the tank.

Pests and diseases of oxalis (photo)

How oxalis propagates

Oxalis (acid) can reproduce in one of the following ways:

  • bulbs;
  • nodules;
  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

Bulb Oxalis propagation is the easiest way.

Propagation by bulbs or nodules is carried out when a plant is transplanted in spring

Bulbous oxalis species are very easily propagated by bulbs. Usually they grow a lot during the season, then they are stored in the winter in the same pot in which the sour tree grew, and in the spring during the transplant, the flower can be propagated.

Do it like this:

  1. The roots are removed from the pot and washed in warm water.
  2. Bulbs are separated from each other.
  3. Dip them for 15 minutes in a solution of a growth stimulator, for example, in Kornevin.
  4. Then they plant several pieces in a small pot and put in a warm place.
  5. When sprouts appear, the pots are rearranged on a light windowsill.

Similarly, when propagating species of oxalis, the roots of which are in the form of nodules.


Another method involves propagating this indoor flower by obtaining cuttings from an adult plant. The steps are as follows:

  1. Cut the stem with several leaves at the base.
  2. Excess leaf blades are cut off, leaving 1-2 on the handle.
  3. The cuttings are placed in water.
  4. After about 2-3 weeks, roots and new shoots will appear.
  5. When the sprouts grow to 1.5 cm, rooted cuttings are planted in a loose substrate.

Cuttings are an effective way to breed oxalis

The seed method did not take root among gardeners. Indoor species of oxalis breed well vegetatively, so there is no need to breed them using this method. And garden forms, for example, carob oxalis, propagate well by self-sowing.

Florist reviews

Oxalis is a very unusual and beautiful houseplant. Its leaves are purple or green. The plant blooms with tiny white flowers. And with proper care, it grows into a lush beautiful bush)



A completely lovely plant with silk large triangular burgundy leaves, which it folds in the evening. He loves the sun and water, does not like the heat very much (the leaves are smaller in order to evaporate less moisture). Rhizomes of this type of acid are sold in many flower shops in spring. They are inexpensive, I bought a pack of five rhizomes in the Flos store for only 50 rubles. You can plant it in a pot or, when warmer, in open ground. Sprouts appear quickly. Oxygen grows very rapidly and quickly proceeds to flowering. Peduncles are long, always turned towards the sun, the flowers are pale pink. This sour flower blooms all summer, as the day decreases, the leaves stretch and grow smaller. I practically stop watering and prepare the plant for wintering (+ 5-7 degrees), since in winter it is not enough light on my eastern window of light. As soon as all the leaves dry, I take the rhizomes out of the pot and peel. I keep it in a bag with peat until the spring, along with the other roots that do not winter in our suburbs. So, I advise you to pay attention in stores, the roots can still be planted. Very nice and unpretentious plant.

Svetlana Yurievna


Kislitsa came to me as a student. At a community work day, this plant was presented to me and my friend during a community work day. Since then it is with me. I really like the interesting leaves of this pet. I can say that the plant feels good at home. Usually flowers are kept on window sills. But for the sour, this is not entirely acceptable, because individual stems strive to settle around a pot in a uniform hat. So I spotted the pot on the table. Of course it's dark there. But, I noticed that this plant just loves dim lighting. It is then that the leaves become the largest, less fade.



Oxalis (Oxalis) - a nice perennial flower, which has many species suitable for home and balcony, and for the garden. The leaves of these miniature plants are red and green, and the flowers are white, pink or yellow. Sour squirrels have one very nice feature - their leaves close like umbrellas when night falls or just cloudy weather. But if the day is bright, then the leaves of the plant open again towards the sun. Therefore, it is very interesting to watch the sour when it is standing in the room on the windowsill.



My sour acid has been living for the second year. I bought it as a little girl with two leaves. Over the summer, she grew up well on the open balcony. It was watered so that it was wet, mainly, since sometimes it did dry out for a while. Then, I decided to cut her leaves in October. Covered with an opaque lid and sometimes watered, and she stood under a cold window. Then, in the spring, I began to grow leaves again and all over again ... This year I didn’t cut the leaves, they themselves, too, mostly planted and water it occasionally, but it stands in the warmest room, where 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius, bedside table. Perhaps in the spring I will already transplant it ...



My acid, gathered to bloom, pinkish buds appeared. At night this flower closes. Its leaves look like butterflies, and when it closes, like sleeping butterflies :)

Mrs. Eva


Kislitsa (oxalis) is a charming and unpretentious plant that can be grown not only in the garden, but also at home. The flower is absolutely non-capricious and undemanding to the conditions of maintenance and care, so even inexperienced gardeners will be able to grow it, and thanks to its spectacular appearance, many modern varieties of "rabbit cabbage" can become a real decoration of the interior.
