Why balsam does not bloom at home - the main reasons


Many flower growers face a problem when balsam ceases to grow or does not grow at all. Subject to the rules of care, a room flower develops successfully. Having figured out why balsam does not bloom at home, it is easy to find a solution to the problem.

When should buds appear and bloom

When using the seed method of propagation, the sprouts will appear much faster if you plant them in peat tablets. To seed germinated, they should be placed on the surface, not falling asleep with soil for better lighting.

Non-flowering balsam

After 10-15 days, seedlings will already be visible, which together with the tablets must be transplanted into small pots, sprinkled with loose and nutritious soil.

On a note! A well-groomed plant opens the first buds at the very beginning of spring and continues to bloom until the fall, and also blooms almost year-round.

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An unpretentious plant can be kept not only in the garden, but also at home. If balsam does not bloom, you should check how suitable its living conditions are.

Growing a garden flower

The reasons for this condition may be the following factors:

  • Lack of lighting. Indoor plants can stop their development due to lack of daylight. To fix this problem, you need to rearrange the flower pot in a well-lit place.
  • Violation of the temperature regime. Balsam may not dissolve the buds due to the presence of draft in the house or sudden temperature changes.
  • Dry indoor air. In order for the plant to develop and bloom, you should regularly spray the leaves.
  • Wrong watering. People call the flower "Roly wet." And, judging by the name, the plant loves moist soil. However, if you water too much, the root system may rot. As a result, the plant will not only stop flowering, but will soon die.
  • Incorrectly selected pot. When planting a flower, you should pay attention to the size of the pot. If the capacity is too large during the growth process, balsam will spend its energy on the formation of roots, and not on flowering.
  • Errors in feeding. Flowering is also affected by proper fertilizer. Excess fertilizing can cause flowering to stop.
  • The plant is affected by a disease that affects flowering. Due to improper care, gray rot may form on the flower. To prevent this, watering should be moderate.
  • The appearance of pests. Sometimes the flower is attacked by whiteflies or a spider mite. To cope with the problem, you should regularly spray the plant with special protective agents.

Important! Balsam flowers should not be sprayed so as not to damage them. This is due to the fact that the buds have a more delicate structure than the leaves.

What to make balsam bloom

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For harmonious growth and flowering, a plant needs: good lighting, acceptable temperature, relative humidity, which will be suitable for this plant, a properly selected pot and the absence of pests.

Well-groomed plant


If you follow all the rules for caring for a plant, you can achieve continuous flowering of balsam and enjoy this phenomenon for more than one year.
