Violet Ek - description, varieties and characteristics of varieties


E.V. Korshunova has been breeding large-flowered violets for over 20 years. Violets of Elena Korshunova are varieties that became winners at numerous Russian and foreign exhibitions. Varieties of violets bred by this breeder have the code EC in the name.

Brief biography of the breeder

E.V. Korshunova is one of the most famous Russian breeders. She lives and works in Togliatti. From the children's passion for flowers, the selection of violets became for E.V. Korshunova a life's work. Back in the mid-90s, the first variety developed by her appeared. He made a splash and was called "EC Bullfight." Then there were many new varieties.

Violets of selection of E. V. Korshunova

Breeding Elena Vasilyevna Korshunova

Violet Blue fog - description and characteristics of the variety

E.V. Korshunova managed to fix recessive traits in plants (for example, bright red color in the variety EK Bullfight). Considering that selection of one variety requires at least 3 years, it becomes clear what hard work is characteristic of a breeder, because there are about 200 varieties of senpolia bred by her. Popular varieties: EC Marigold, EC Cornflower Blues, EC Cherry Engraving, EC Nevsky, EC Lights of Venice, EC Snow Carpathians.

Variety Characteristics

What does violet Le look like? Description of varieties

Today, EK violet is a well-known brand in the world of flower growers, famous for successful varieties of plants.

Endorphin (endorphin)

Flowers at EC Endorfin violet are cherry-coral in color with pink specks and a white border around the edges. Type of flowers - semi-double.

Courage (fialka kurazh)

A wide white border surrounds very large, double flowers. The hue is red and coral. Violet EC Courage blooms profusely, forming an airy fluffy cap of inflorescences.

What looks like violet EC Courage

Expensive truffle

ЕК Dear truffle - violet, the shade of flowers of which ranges from lilac to purple. The structure of the flower is specific. There are small inclusions of a light shade. Leaves have an interesting color. The dominant hue is dark green. A characteristic feature is a deep purple tint at the edges. Terry flowers, large.

Argentine tango

EC Argentine tango is a violet with a flower diameter of up to 7 cm. A hue of a dark ruby ​​with an interrupted white border. Corrugated petals, semi-double, dark emerald leaves, lemon core at the outlet.

Grade Argentine Tango

Crimson peony

Bright red flowers, terry. The leaves are saturated green, have a cream border. EC The crimson peony blooms profusely.

Black magnolia

Petals from dark ruby ​​to black. Rosette with variegation and gold. The hue of the leaves is characterized by a transition to a pinkish-golden color in the center of the outlet.

Note! Black-green leaves form an exhibition outlet.

Pink lotuses

The variety has green outer petals, and the core is pink. The leaves are saturated green. Large and double flowers, the variety is abundantly blooming.

Roses in the snow

A fantastic combination of white and dark red. The edges of the petals are slightly greenish. Exhibition mottled dark green, turning in purple.

Mistress blizzard

EC grade Mrs. Terry blizzard, slightly wavy, snow-white, rosette color bright green.

Grade Madame Blizzard

Sky in diamonds

The description of the variety involves flowers of a gentle blue hue with dark blue veins, wavy and large. Variegated leaves, green with a wavy cream edge.

On a note! The variety is distinguished by the extent of flowering. A true diamond in the collection of the grower!


EC Champion is distinguished by velvety flowers of a dark red hue. Terry inflorescences, voluminous. The leaves are dark green with a cream border around the edge. It features a long flowering period with a characteristic bouquet-like shape.

Goddess smile

Variety EC Smile of the goddess - fantasy. Petals are pinkish lavender, corrugated flowers, wavy, rich purple border. Leaves are green. Flowering occurs in the form of a bouquet.

Grade Goddess Smile


The EC Cardinal violet variety is known for its large flowers (their diameter reaches 8 cm). The hue of the petals is deep ruby. Variegated with golden ebb.


Violet EC Bereginya has dense terry pink inflorescences with a white border and a peephole. The leaves are saturated green.


EC Fantazerka is characterized by large inflorescences (diameter up to 6 cm) in a motley pink-blue color palette. Rosette of leaves of a deep dark green color.

Variety Fantazerka

Robinson Crusoe

EC violet Robinson Crusoe immediately attracts attention with its bright cornflower blue color. The leaves of the plant are serrated, in deep green tones with a yellow-cream edge.

Variety Robinson Crusoe

God's dwelling

The variety is distinguished by large terry lavender flowers corrugated and wavy along the edge. Leaves of green tone with a lilac-yellow edge.

Landing and Care Recommendations

White peonies - description and characteristics of the best varieties with a colored center

Violets are indoor plants. Comfortable temperature is 20-25 ℃. It is contraindicated to be exposed to scorching sunlight and in drafts. But in general, the plant is photophilous. Humidify the air up to 50-60%. Cultivated EC Courage-violet in pots.

Difficulties in plant care:

  • Provide a sufficient degree of humidification.
  • Prevent overcooling of the root system when growing in winter on the windowsill.
  • Provide a suitable air temperature.

Propagation Features

Often used the method of propagation by leafy cuttings (rooting in water). Leaves are cut from the mother plant, root (from 2 weeks to 1 month), covering with a bag. They carry out a neat drip irrigation. After rooting, transplanted.

Additional Information! According to a similar scheme, leafy cuttings are rooted in a substrate (perlite and earth mix 3: 1). The method is suitable for not very high quality planting material.

When propagating violets, the planting procedure is carried out when there are shoots at the base of the shoots with a diameter of up to 5 cm. If it is not possible to purchase a ready-made substrate, prepare the soil for planting yourself. To do this, peat, river sand, leafy residues, perlite or special moss are mixed in equal proportions.

Problems that the grower may encounter

You should always be careful about the condition of the plants. It is important to prevent the spread of diseases and pests in a timely manner. Diseases relevant to the senpolia ek:

  • fungal diseases;
  • root rot;
  • stem rot;
  • leaf rust;
  • gray rot;
  • late blight;
  • powdery mildew;
  • vascular bacteriosis.

Additional Information! Due to the increased temperatures in the flower, red ticks can start. When the first "guests" appear, they immediately treat the violets with insecticidal agents.

Typical pests:

  • flower thrips;
  • cyclamen tick;
  • aphid;
  • scale insects;
  • wood lice;
  • sciarides;
  • nematodes.

After the purchase, it is recommended to transplant the plant, inspect the soil. If pests are noticed, the soil is replaced with better soil. If the roots sprouted through the drainage holes, change the flower pot.


Watch the video: Bold Party Girl - African Violet Review (September 2024).