How to transplant Decembrist at home in a new pot


The Decembrist has another name - Schlumbergera zygocactus. This species is one of the varieties of forest cacti, belongs to epiphytic plants. For many years, the indoor flower has been considered a symbol of winter. Flowering plants most often begin in December, in time for the New Year holidays. But in order for zigocactus to always please you with the most beautiful flowers, you need to know when to transplant the Decembrist and how to do it right.

When do I need a transplant?

At home, you can decide when you need to transplant the Decembrist by the following factors:

  • A flower transplant immediately after purchase. Florists are advised to immediately change not only the shipping pot, but also the ground. Most often, flower shops use peat as soil. If you do not change the substrate in a timely manner, the plant will begin to wither and hurt.
  • Strong growth of the root system. The roots not only appear on the surface of the soil, but also grow through drainage holes. These signs indicate an urgent need to transplant Decembrist into a larger pot.
  • Rotting of the roots. Due to improper care, the roots of the plants may begin to rot. In this case, experienced flower lovers recommend replanting indoor plants in a new container with simultaneous recovery.

Strongly overgrown flower

How often to transplant Decembrist

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A young plant must be replanted at least once a year or as the root system grows.

An adult Decembrist transplant should be performed once every 3 years.

Plant transplant

How to choose a pot and soil

Before transplanting, it is important to decide which pot is needed for the Decembrist flower. Due to the pickiness of the plant, the capacity can be made from almost any material.

How to transplant ficus at home to a new place

Experienced flower growers are advised to use the following types of pots:

  • ceramic (any plant will gratefully respond to natural material);
  • clay (a huge variety of pots made of clay will not leave anyone indifferent);
  • glass (new - pots made of glass allow you to monitor the state of the root system);
  • wooden boxes (most often used to breed a large number of flowers at the same time);
  • plastic vases (a good alternative cheap material with a rich assortment of shapes and colors).

Remember! The use of metal can lead to its corrosion in constant contact with wet soil. As a result, the decay of the root system and the death of the flower.

To transplant this particular plant, experts advise you to purchase soil intended for succulents and cacti. Alternatively, the earth mixture can be made independently.

To prepare a suitable substrate, you must take:

  • 2 parts sifted sand;
  • 1 part of sheet land;
  • 1 part peat or moss;
  • 1 part expanded clay.

Advice! For cacti, it is recommended to use stony but light soil.

Soil disinfection

To destroy pests and possible fungi, the soil must first be disinfected. The procedure can be performed in several ways:

  • advance watering of the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • calcination of the earth at elevated temperatures, for example, in an oven;
  • preliminary spillage of the substrate with Baikal.

Attention! Experienced flower growers advise to process not only the soil and plant, but also its future place of growth.

Transplant Preparation

How to transplant a cactus: options at home

How to transplant a Decembrist flower into another pot? First, you need to perform a number of step-by-step actions:

  1. Choose a pot that will correspond to the age of the plant and have mandatory drainage holes. The capacity for the Decembrist should not be deep and not wide. With excess space, the root system and leaves "fatten". Flowering in this case is impossible.
  2. Fill the container 1/3 with a drainage consisting of expanded clay, pebbles or broken brick. The drainage layer allows you to drain water in a timely manner and will not allow the roots to rot.
  3. Preliminary treatment of soil and plants (it is recommended to use a solution of manganese). The addition of charcoal to the ground will lead to additional disinfection.
  4. Preparing the plant for transplantation is a prerequisite for healthy growth and timely flowering. All leaves must be washed with warm water. Tear off all sick, dry and excess parts of the shoots. This event will help in the future to form a volumetric flower.

Important! The leaves of the Decembrist can not be cut off, they need to be unscrewed.

Decembrist transplant methods

Regardless of the method of transplanting the Decembrist at home, the main requirements must be observed:

  • each subsequent pot should be slightly larger than the previous one;
  • planting is carried out together with an earthen lump, since the roots of the plant are superficially located;
  • immediately after transplanting, watering is required, but then you can not irrigate the plant for a week;
  • when removing the upper shoots, flowering will be more abundant.

Transplant drainage

How to transplant Decembrist? A planned transplant should be performed in accordance with generally accepted standards and include a number of step-by-step activities:

  1. Before transplanting, it is necessary to disinfect the soil, this event is mandatory both for purchased soil and for the substrate of own preparation.
  2. The drainage for a transplant is taken new. It is strictly forbidden to reuse previously used. In the worst case, the drainage is washed, disinfected and thoroughly dried.
  3. A larger pot than the previous one is 1/3 filled with expanded clay or gravel.
  4. The substrate for the Decembrist is poured on top of a small layer - 1-2 cm.
  5. In order not to damage the plant, it is taken out of the old pot as carefully as possible. Must be held by the base.
  6. Remove excess earth from the root system. You can not brush off all, the soil between the roots must be left.
  7. Carefully inspect the root system for damage and diseases. If the roots are healthy, then the plant is placed in a new pot.
  8. The resulting voids are filled up with soil. During this procedure, care must be taken to ensure that the plant is evenly located in the new container.
  9. Gently ram the soil and water the plant.

Decembrist transplant

If the transplant is carried out due to rotting of the root system, the process is a bit more complicated:

  1. After removing the Decembrist from the pot, all the old earth is shaken off.
  2. All damage to the roots should be removed with a sterile and very sharp tool.
  3. It is important that after removing all unhealthy roots, thoroughly rinse the plant with warm water and dry it.
  4. Each slice must be treated with charcoal.
  5. The subsequent actions are absolutely identical to the planned transplant.

Attention! A plant transplant can be combined with its reproduction.

Care after replanting a plant

Measures to care for zigocactus after transplantation, which is very stressful, are a very important component of a healthy plant.

Exactly a week after this procedure, you can not water the flower. With strong drying of the soil, only spraying with water at room temperature is allowed.

The room temperature at this time (rest period) should not exceed +15 degrees. No light should enter the plant.

It is not recommended to fertilize and feed.

After 10-14 days, it is desirable to pinch off the tops of the shoots. This procedure will not only provoke the emergence of new branches, but also enhance future flowering.

Transfer pot transfer after purchase

A Decembrist transplant at home immediately after purchase is very important. This is due to the following reasons:

  • store containers are made of plastic of inadequate quality;
  • the substrate consists almost entirely of peat.

Decembrist transplant after purchase in store

The transplant itself is no different from the planned one - you need to act according to the algorithm described above.

Common transplant errors

The study of possible errors will prevent diseases, and maybe even the death of a flower and allow the Decembrist to grow for many years and delight with its flowering.

  • The pot is not the right size. The transplant capacity should be slightly larger than the previous one. A large pot will cause shoots to grow too fast. All forces will be spent on the development of "green mass" and the formation of inflorescences will cease.
  • Transplantation during the period of active flowering, in late autumn and winter. During the formation of flower buds, a transplant, even if it is absolutely necessary, will lead to the death of the entire plant.

Healthy flowering plant

Advice! If the bloom is too plentiful, then some of the flowers must be picked. This will allow the plant to develop properly.

Caring for the Decembrist during and after transplantation, at first glance, seems very difficult. But studying the rules of care and transplantation will not only allow you to grow a healthy plant, but also enjoy its flowering on cold winter evenings.


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