Peony Karl Rosenfield - planting and flower care


Peony is the king of the garden. He has a large and colorful bud with a delicate and pleasant aroma. Peony Karl Rosenfeld is popular for its lush flowering and high frost resistance.

Peony Karl Rosenfeld - what kind of variety, the history of creation

Appeared in the south of China. They decorate the national emblem and use it as a pattern on fabrics. In Latin, peony is written as paeonia, and the Karl Rosenfield variety is pronounced by most people as "Rosenfield" and not "Rosenfield".

Peony Karl - garden decoration

Short description, characteristic

The flower grows with a strong, sprawling bush, up to 100 cm high. The shoots are thick, strong with delicate and smooth leaves of an olive hue. The bud is lush, bright pink, and by the fall season a ruby ​​hue appears. Types of culture: grassy and milky-flowered.

Note! Thanks to strong stems, the bush does not need to be tied up, but pruning is needed for decoration and full development.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Like any plant, the peony Karl lactiflora Rosenfield has its pros and cons. Benefits:

  • frost resistance;
  • strong stems and root system;
  • grow in any soil;
  • does not cause special difficulties during landing and care.

The disadvantage is that it does not grow in the Far North.

Use in landscape design

Milky-flowered peony (lactiflora) and herbaceous Karl Rosenfeld has a decorative appearance. It is used to decorate flower beds, front gardens, squares and park areas. It grows well and combines with other flowers, but tea-hybrid roses are most suitable.

Peonies in landscaping

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

Peony Monsieur Jules Elie (Paeonia Monsieur Jules Elie) - how to grow and care

Knowledge of the basic rules of planting and growing will help even a novice to cope with the task.

Planting with root cuttings

In this way, it will bloom in 2 or 3 years. Cuttings from 3-4 year old plants are more suitable. The main condition is a flowering plant with strong roots. Part of the root (at least 10-15 cm) is cut off from the main bush and the branch, on which at least 2-5 buds remain, resumes depending on the age of the plant.

What time is the landing

It is recommended to plant seedlings in late August or early September.

Location selection

It is necessary to responsibly approach the choice of the site:

  • Karl loves a lot of light. It is not recommended to plant peonies near tall fences, trees and other barriers that do not allow sunlight.
  • Clay, loamy and loamy soil is a priority. On sandstone, flowers will grow faster, but will not match the description.
  • Drafts and high wind access are not allowed. It is recommended to place near small bushes. They protect against blowing.
  • It is not recommended to plant bushes in a lowland where water will drain, and on a plain where it will stagnate.

Peonies as an element of country landscape

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

Extra buds are cut off on the seedlings and the root is shortened to 15 cm. The cuttings are disinfected in potassium permanganate, and then sprinkled with crushed coal or cauterized with brilliant green.

Soil preparation:

  1. Separate holes 75 × 75 cm are dug at a distance of 60-100 cm.
  2. The earth loosens to a depth of 30 cm, after which it is fertilized with a mixture of peat, superphosphate, ash, bone meal, humus and compost.
  3. It is well watered and left alone for at least a month before planting.

Important! During the dormant period, soil shrinkage will occur, therefore fertilizers are added and watering is not stopped.

Landing procedure step by step

In order for the flowers to take root and bloom, it is important to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Loosen the soil in the pit and build a hole 50 × 50 60 cm deep.
  2. Pour humus, 200 g of superphosphate and ash. Mix the mixture.
  3. Fill 50% of the pit with turfy soil.
  4. Place the seedling in the center so that the buds are at ground level. After shrinkage of the soil, they will deepen to 2-3 cm.
  5. Cover with earth and water.

On a note! If the planting depth does not meet the standards, the peony will freeze or will not bloom.

Seed planting

Grassy peony can be grown from seeds. The method is more suitable for breeders and has several disadvantages:

  • flowering begins 5 years after planting;
  • requires careful selection and preparation of seeds for planting;
  • grown peony may not correspond to the description of the variety;
  • part of the seeds will die.

Not all gardeners are prepared for such difficulties.

Peony seeds

Plant care

Peonies will not take root without timely feeding, watering and other treatments.

Watering and feeding

Peony Buckeye Belle (Paeonia Buckeye Belle) - features of cultivation

For each bush, a bucket of well or settled water is consumed. During a drought, the frequency of watering is 1-2 times every 7 days, in normal weather - once every 1.5-2 weeks. The main thing is to prevent the complete drying of the soil.

Top dressing is carried out immediately after planting, then in the season before flowering.

Mulching and cultivation

This will help maintain moisture and feed the bush. Mulching starts in spring. Best after loosening. As mulch use:

  • sawdust;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • fallen leaves.

Additional Information! To avoid fungal infections, the mulch is laid in a layer of 0.5-1 cm. Using loosening, it will be possible to remove unnecessary weeds, fill the root system with oxygen.

Preventative treatment

It is carried out before landing. Seedlings are processed with potassium permanganate, slices are covered with charcoal or coated with brilliant green. The root zone is preferably treated with Bordeaux fluid. During growth and development, it is worth spraying the bushes with solutions from pests and diseases.

Soaking a seedling before planting it in the ground

Blooming Peony Karl Rosenfield

Peony Coral Charm (Paeonia Coral Charm) - features propagation varieties

Subject to a number of conditions and proper care, the Karl Rosenfield peony begins to bloom in 2-3 years. The duration of flowering is 2-3 weeks. Description of flowering bud:

  • flowers are simple and semi-double, single;
  • diameter of dense inflorescences is about 18 cm;
  • the color scheme is diverse, you can find a bright red bud with a purple hue, white and pink; often come across bright pink with a red tint;
  • the edges of large petals are curved, wavy in shape.

Note! During the first flowering period, 1 bud remains, the rest must be cut. This will help strengthen the following shoots, and subsequent flowering will become more magnificent.

Period of activity and rest

Activity begins around the beginning or middle of April. Lactiflora Karl Rosenfield attracts attention to frost. From November to March, a rest period lasts.

Care during and after flowering

Features of the use of fertilizers:

1AprilFirst shootsNitrogen-containing 70 g per bush
2May JuneBuds appearBucket of solution of bird droppings or mullein
3July AugustEnd of floweringPhosphoric Potash
4SeptemberIn 10-15 kg of humus add 50 g of superphosphate
5OctoberPreparation for restIt’s good to dig the earth. Mix 30 g of potassium phosphate fertilizer with 15 kg of compost or rotted manure

Preparing for the rest period in the fall

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

A crop may not bloom on time for the following reasons:

  • little light;
  • a lot of moisture;
  • the plant has undergone diseases and pest attacks;
  • thin layer of soil or insufficient nutrients.

To correct the situation, you should find out the reason. If the diagnosis and elimination does not help, the peonies are transplanted.

On a note! After a second transplant, the plant will bloom in 2-3 years.

Peonies after flowering

The end of the flowering period is not a reason to relax. Care for the bushes should continue, and the plant itself should be prepared for transplanting, pruning and wintering.


It is better to transplant in late August or early September. Before the onset of the first frosts, the roots will have time to take root and survive the winter.


It is carried out a month before the winter, this is approximately the middle or end of October. The shoots are cut so that hemp remains no more than 20 cm above the soil.

Winter preparations

The hemp of young plants is covered with immature compost or peat until spring. Mature bushes do not insulate for the winter.

For your information! In southern latitudes, it is not necessary to shelter a plant due to the high frost resistance of the flower.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

A great danger to the peony is ants, ticks, aphids and thrips. Pests slow growth, flowering, are carriers of fungus and infections. They are removed with the help of insecticides and other solutions against insects. The flower is sick with gray rot, rust and mold. To prevent disease, it is necessary to spray solutions of baseazole or copper chloroxide. Non-treatable flowers are best cut and burned.

Peony disease - an occasion to think about changing the conditions of the plant


Peony Rosenfeld is unpretentious in leaving, does not cause special difficulties during landing. Used to create bouquets, decor of sites, alleys or parks.


Watch the video: How to Plant Peonies: SpringSummer Guide (October 2024).