How mallow reproduces - planting methods


Malva is a representative of the Malva family. The plant is annual and perennial. Flowers exude a pleasant smell. How to plant a mallow, each gardener decides for himself. Propagate the plant by seeds, seedlings, method of dividing the bush or cuttings. Having figured out how to grow mallow, it is easy to get an abundance of flowers on your site

Brief description of the plant

Malva (lat. Malva) is a herbaceous plant. Other names of the culture: stem rose, Kalachik, mallow. The height of the flower is from 30 to 120 cm. The main stem of the flower is covered with large flowers on all sides. Inflorescences can reach 12 cm and outwardly resemble a large bell. Flowers are double or simple. Their color scheme is the most diverse - from black to white.

Variety of mallow species

For abundant flowering, it is important to choose the most suitable place. The flower loves the sun and the most fertile soil, negatively reacts to waterlogging and stagnant waters.

The root system is long and branched. The fruit of the plant is a polysperm. Mallow seeds are inside the fruit and retain viability for 2-3 years.

The flower is valued for its medicinal properties. Tea with the addition of mallow has an expectorant effect, and decoctions and tinctures soothe and relieve inflammation. The plant is used in the cosmetic industry and for the manufacture of creams at home.

The most popular varieties of culture:

  • Forest malva - can grow to a maximum of 1.5 m. The main visual difference is that the dark veins on the flowers create the effect of stripes.
  • Mallow hybrid - grows up to 2 m and pleases with a huge variety of colors. Most often, the inflorescences are pink, white and red.
  • The musky species is a perennial plant of white or light pink color. Large inflorescences reach 6-8 cm.
  • Mallow garden - grows up to 2.5 m. Flowers can be of various shades.

Malva: growing from seeds when planting seedlings

Planting dates directly depend on the variety and type of mallow. Sowing seeds of biennial representatives is carried out in the spring. It is customary to plant one-year-old mallow before winter and the first shoots will appear in early spring. Transplanting annual varieties is best in May, and perennial ones - not earlier than August or September.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Perennial musk mallow - planting and care

Seeds can be purchased at a specialty store. With independent harvesting, branches with flowers are cut from the bush first and dried in the form of a bouquet. During drying, the seed material matures in the natural environment, inside the seed box. The procedure is carried out in the middle of summer and can stretch to the very frosts.

Important! With independent collection of material for planting, the branches are cut off even before the ripening is complete.

When to plant mallow with seeds in open ground depends on the specific region. In the classic version, planting is carried out in late spring or early summer. When the soil warms up as much as possible, the seeds are sown directly into the soil. When planting in a substrate for the winter period, only a few leaves will have time to form in the mallow. The flowering process will begin next year.

For reference. The culture that was grown from seeds does not always repeat the main properties of the mother plant, and may look very different.

When planting mallow when grown from seeds, each gardener decides for himself. When planting in the fall, do not delay this event. September is preferred, and for the southern regions, even the month of October.

Tip. During autumn planting, it is important to completely cover the sowing site with mulch.

Before propagating mallow, to improve seed germination, soak them in warm water for a day. So their outer shell will become softer. After this, the seeds can be sown in the prepared soil. Prepared seeds should be planted in a 3 cm deep hole. The distance between the seedlings should be at least 10-15 cm. The pit is covered with a light substrate, preferably peat.

If elementary rules are not followed when planting in early spring, the young sprout may freeze and die. For safety in one hole, it is recommended to sprinkle several seeds at a time. Mallow seeds germinate well. After 14 days, the first sprouts will begin to emerge. Of these, the strongest and strongest seedlings are left.

Sowing seeds in open ground

A proven and reliable method of breeding mallow is seedling. In January or February, planting material is sown in special containers. The flower responds well to the presence of peat in the ground. You can use special peat cups or tablets. Mallow seedlings need additional lighting with special lamps. Comfortable temperature for best germination - 20 ° C. After the first leaves appear, it is important to regularly spray with warm water.

Seedling material

Important! A young plant must be hardened outdoors.

Transplanting seedlings in open ground is possible immediately after irreparable frost, in late May or early June.

Propagation of mallow by cuttings

Before carrying out work, it is important to understand how perennial mallow reproduces with the help of cuttings. This method allows you to save all varietal qualities of the flower and its decorative features.

Mallow perennial - planting and care


  1. The shoots of an adult plant are cut into pieces of 10 cm.
  2. Each slice is treated with a stimulant or chopped charcoal.
  3. The cuttings are planted in nutrient soil, abundantly watered and covered with any transparent material to create a greenhouse climate.

When the plant takes root and the sprouts grow, the future flower is transplanted to a permanent place. For the winter period, young shoots are insulated with agrofibre or burlap.

Remember! Cutting is not the most effective way, because not all plants take root.

Breeding by dividing the bush

How room ivy or heder propagates

Experienced gardeners recommend this method only for a two-year-old flower. It is very difficult to reproduce mallow with long-term division without damaging the root system. In most cases, this is not recommended. A highly branched root system may not survive transplantation and division.

The division scheme of the bush

In the first year after planting, to multiply mallow by dividing the bush is much safer. The root is carefully dug up and separated. Received delenki planted on the site.

Follow-up care

Mallow gained its recognition due to its unpretentiousness and undemanding nature. It is important to water a flower in a timely and systematic manner. After each wetting, the soil must be loosened and cleaned of weeds. At the time of bud formation, fertilizer with a high nitrogen content and complex mineral top dressing are added to the soil.

Tall varieties of mallow should be tied with homemade supports that will support the plant during strong winds.

Plant Garter Methods

In the autumn, after flowering is completed, sanitary pruning of the plant is carried out to the very ground level. At the same time, it needs to be fed for better adaptation. To do this, add any complex nutrient fertilizer to the soil and cover it with a thick layer of hay or finely chopped branches.

Important! All inflorescences after the end of the flowering period must be removed.

Possible diseases after reproduction

Due to improper care, a weakened plant after transplantation can become infected with rust. The main reasons: too moist soil or excess nitrogen in the soil in combination with a lack of potassium and phosphorus. The first sign is the appearance of red, loose dots on the inside of the sheet plate.

Important! Infected leaves and shoots are subject to urgent removal and burning.

At an early stage of infection, it is enough to remove the damaged areas of the flower. If the disease has damaged not only the leaves, but also the stem, it is necessary to treat the plant with special pesticides - Topaz, Fitosporin or Bordeaux mixture. With severe infection, the procedure is repeated every two weeks until the mallow is fully recovered. Any treatment is carried out in the evening with a complete absence of wind and precipitation.

Rust on mallow


If the conditions and rules of planting are not observed, the mallow can become infected with powdery mildew. To combat it, a solution of colloidal sulfur is used, prepared according to the instructions on the package.

Often the plant is attacked by slugs and snails. Beer traps are used to protect landings. Plates with bait are placed under the bushes, and in a day you can collect pests.

Flower abundance


Mallow is a very beautiful and unpretentious ornamental plant. With proper care, it pleases the eye for a long time with a variety of colors. Thanks to excellent germination and abundant flowering, the next year after planting, the plant will turn a garden plot into a paradise.


Watch the video: How to Grow Hibiscus from Cuttings (October 2024).