Black orchid phalaenopsis - description and types


Orchids are popular ornamental plants. At the same time, it is a very delicate plant that requires special care in order to stay healthy. Black orchids are very rare in homes and therefore cause undoubted interest.

Black Orchid Characteristics

With regard to indoor floriculture, the genus Phalaenopsis is the most common of the Orchidaceae family. The popularity is due to the fact that representatives of the genus are quite simple to care for. This genus has about fifty different species, all of tropical origin. Phalaenopsis orchids grow in exotic countries such as Taiwan, the Philippines and Australia.

Orchids are never completely black.

Black orchid is an original flower. However, in nature there is not much real black color. In fact, this shade is provided by special blue or purple pigments. Phalaenopsis black near turns out to be maroon or dark purple. But still, these flowers are beautiful.

No wonder Tom Ford created his famous Black Orchid perfume based on the smell of black orchids. Ford Orchid is not even a fragrance, but a step towards the luxury of bohemia. It is worth noting that plants can have different shades. For example, Phalaenopsis Black Pearl varieties may have pinkish-red, burgundy or dark purple petals.

Common varieties and varieties

Phalaenopsis orchid: the main types and options for home care

Even the so-called black orchids, there are several varieties and varieties.

Orchid Black Pearl

They differ in appearance and sometimes are completely different from each other. The most popular are presented below.

  • Black bird

It has a rich blueberry tint. The flowers are located on the same peduncle, they are large, with a wax gloss. Flowering is very spectacular and long.

  • Black Prince

It has an almost ink tint. A characteristic feature is white spots in the center.

It can reach a height of up to 50 cm, the diameter of the flower is not more than 7 cm.

For reference! The quantity of colors in Black prince depends on the conditions of detention.

  • Black Pearl

This black phalaenopsis orchid is the result of careful selection. Her flowers have a very unusual shape, the plant form up to 4 peduncles. The color is burgundy with a slight purple hue, the leaves are saturated emerald.

  • Black Widow

A very attractive plant. The hue is very juicy, colorful, and I want to touch the petals. The black orchid flower has an elegant shape.

  • Not the most famous varieties of black orchids

Orchids Black Trevor, Black Mamba and Black Swan are quite interesting varieties.

Orchid Black Trevor

All of them need appropriate care, without which they will not be so attractive.

Planting a plant

Phalaenopsis breeding at home: examples of children and cuttings

General tips and tricks for caring for orchids apply to most plants on the market. These impressive flowers require basic care, which is not so complicated. However, you need to know their specific preferences, such as the amount of watering, the necessary lighting, temperature, type of environment, etc.

Planting in a pot

Phalaenopsis orchids really need lighting, so you need to find a suitable place for the right flowering. For this reason, it is advisable to place them next to a window or terrace, but without direct rays. The ideal temperature should be around +22 ºC during the day and between +16 ºC and +20 ºC at night.

A plastic pot is usually a good choice, because when it comes time to transplant the plant, the plastic is much easier to separate and even, if necessary, can be cut off without any problems to remove the roots as carefully as possible.

Attention! For potted orchids, you can not use ordinary garden soil.

In nurseries and garden centers, you can buy ready-made substrates, which are usually made from cork, white peat, charcoal, vermiculite, polystyrene and coconut fiber. All these materials are united by the fact that they are spongy, light and resistant, able to store water and nutrients, while maintaining optimal conditions for the care of orchid roots.


Orchid home care: options for reproduction and planting a flower

Watering is probably one of the most delicate aspects of orchid care. The water should be soft enough, which almost completely eliminates tap water, which usually contains diluted salts. They concentrate in the substrate and plant roots, disrupting their growth and flowering.

Watering a plant

Any description of the irrigation procedure says that it is advisable to use rainwater. But this is quite difficult, because few people will be able to collect and save water every time it rains.

As a substitute, you can use bottled water with a low content of mineral salts, sodium, calcium. Orchids usually do not need a lot of water for flowering.

Water should be watered only when the surface of the earth is almost dry. Therefore, you should do this approximately twice a week in spring and summer, in the hottest months; and once every two weeks in winter and autumn. In the period from March to October, it is advisable to add a small amount of special fertilizers to the water.

To water properly, follow these instructions:

  1. Orchids prefer a moderately moist substrate, because if it is too wet, the roots cannot breathe and rot.
  2. It is best to leave the substrate dry by watering it a day later. Therefore, the frequency of irrigation will depend on the ambient temperature.
  3. You can make sure that the plant needs water if the substrate is dry to the touch or if the roots are whitish. If they are green, then watering is not needed.
  4. Watering should be plentiful, but without flooding the roots.
  5. Water should be at room temperature.

Care must be taken not to moisten the flowers to avoid stains. Water must also be avoided on the leaf surface.

Attention! Orchid needs a high level of humidity, in the range from 60 to 80%.

Breeding methods

Orchids can propagate in two ways: cuttings or seeds.

Breeding methods

Important! There is an opinion that for growing orchids, you can just pick a leaf. Gardeners who talk about this method are actually mistaken - most likely, they accidentally torn off a leaf along with part of the trunk where there were sleeping buds.

Unlike violets, to grow orchids alone leaves are not enough.

Reproduction through cuttings gives confidence that the new plant has the same genetic characteristics as its parent. The samples removed through the seeds are not identical. Some species of the genus Dendrobium and Phalaenopsis themselves form small new plants.

Aerial roots emerge from the stem. When the roots take a size of 3 to 4 centimeters, the new plant is separated, the healing of the wounds begins with coal dust and placed in a pot.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

Providing orchids with nutrients is a good way to stimulate natural growth and the appearance of new flowers. Orchids should be fertilized during the growing season.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

As with irrigation, it is better to apply less than more fertilizers. Epiphytic plants in their natural habitat have very few nutrients.

Plant transplant

Epiphytic orchids rarely need a larger pot, however, it is important to update the substrate from time to time so that the roots breathe well and can dry evenly.

It is recommended to do an orchid transplant every two to three years, regardless of condition. It is also important to pay attention to the types of pots for orchids. If there are many roots or they go beyond the edge of the pot, then the plant definitely needs to be replaced. You also need to change the substrate if traces of fungi or rot are visible.

Before proceeding with the transplant, it is necessary to make a small drainage (pebbles or polystyrene), the flower pot itself needs to be cleaned and disinfected.

Transplant procedure:

  1. To remove the plant, you need to press the surface of the pot with your hand to disconnect the roots. Then hit the base.
  2. Completely remove the old backing.
  3. With disinfected scissors cut off all dead roots.
  4. Disinfect wounds with charcoal dust or cinnamon.

After this, phalaenopsis can be planted in a new container on fresh ground.

Pruning black orchid

Any organic debris, such as leaves or fallen flowers, should be removed as soon as possible to avoid rotting. Large cuts or wounds should be healed. To close the wound, incisions should be dusted with charcoal dust or cinnamon.

Pests and diseases

Orchids need fresh air, you need to make sure that the room in which they are located has minimal daily ventilation, but is not exposed to cold winter air.

Affected Leaves

Air renewal is necessary in order to avoid the appearance of certain types of diseases, mainly caused by fungi.

Attention! A high concentration of moisture combined with high temperature and polluted air are ideal soil for the propagation of fungi, bacteria and viruses.

The most common pests are snails and slugs, especially if orchids are in the garden. If any symptoms of the disease are noticeable, it is recommended to contact a specialized garden center where experts in this field can help and recommend remedies for control.

With proper care, a black orchid can bloom several times a year. In fact, Phalaenopsis orchids are much better adapted to indoor life than to external conditions. And varieties with black flowers are of constant interest to everyone.


Watch the video: The black Orchid opens! (September 2024).