Why Adenium Blossoms - Reasons


Adenium is one of the flowers that are becoming increasingly popular among gardeners. It has a rather unusual appearance, and therefore attracts the attention of many people. Adenium, when it begins to bloom, is literally striking in its beauty. However, this phenomenon is not always possible, and not all owners see beautiful flowers. Why adenium does not bloom and what to do to make the plant pleased with its beautiful appearance will be described in detail below.

When adenium blooms

The second name of the adenium is "Stone Rose". The plant blooms with beautiful flowers resembling gramophone. When adenium blooms - a question that interests many people. An adult plant begins to produce buds for the first time in spring - from the end of March. The second flowering occurs in the fall - in early September.

Adenium strikes with abundant flowering

Also, for beginner gardeners, the question often arises of how much adenium grows before the first flowering. If the culture propagated with cuttings, then it will bloom much earlier than a plant grown from seeds. Adenium from seeds in most cases begins to produce buds for the first time for 3 or 4 years. However, in some species, flowers can begin to appear at the age of two years, although not in such quantities as in a more mature flower.

Attention! If the plant is already about 5 years old, but it has never bloomed, then there is some cause for concern.

What factors affect the flowering of adenium

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Flowering crops may stop if the necessary rules of care are not followed. If the plant is quite mature, it is important to determine the reason why the adenium does not bloom at home.

Varieties of adenium differ in flowers, but all are beautiful

Air humidity

For adenium, high humidity at home is unfavorable. The plant belongs to succulents, so it will easily tolerate a slight drought. With a high humidity indicator, the internal parts of the buds become loose, they fade and crumble. As a result, flowering does not occur.

However, during the period of active growth and in extreme heat, it is recommended that the culture is regularly sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle. The procedure is carried out in the early morning or evening, so that after it the rays of the sun do not fall on the leaves.

Attention! If flowers appeared on the plant, then it is required to spray very carefully, avoiding water getting on the petals, and it is better to stop it altogether.

Temperature mode

In the warm season, the plant easily tolerates temperatures of +35 degrees, because its homeland is Saudi Arabia. However, Adenium obesum, as it is called in Latin, does not like drafts at all.

In winter, it is important to properly provide the culture with a rest period. It depends on whether the plant blooms in the next season. With the advent of winter, the flower almost completely gets rid of the leaves and goes into a state of "numbness". In order to prepare the adenium well for wintering, watering is gradually reduced, and after a while it is completely stopped.

In winter, a flower pot is placed in a dark room with good ventilation, the air temperature should be in the range from +10 to +15 degrees. With completely dry soil in the tank, the culture is able to remain in good condition even at +4 degrees, but it is better not to check the possibilities of the flower.

With the onset of spring, the pot is rearranged in a bright place with a higher temperature.

Flowers are very similar to gramophone


In winter, watering the adenium is carried out 1 time per month, or even less. With the onset of spring, the amount of irrigation is gradually increasing, while reducing the interval between watering.

To water the adenium, soft and warm water is used, a little sour. It is impossible to allow complete drying of the soil in the warm period, otherwise the flower will simply stop growing.

For reference! During flowering, dry soil causes the discharge of buds or their incomplete opening.

However, excess moisture also negatively affects the state of the culture. Rotting of the root system is not excluded, especially from frequent irrigation at low temperatures.

Rest period

If we talk about indoor adenium, flowering may not occur in the current year, if in the past the plant was not allowed to rest.

The rest period falls on the winter season. Within three months, you do not need to feed the flower, and watering needs to be reduced to a minimum. It is advisable to put the pot in the shade, choose a cool room.

Diseases and pests - a common reason for not blooming

Often, adenium does not want to bloom due to pest damage or the presence of any disease.

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Excessive watering in cold weather often causes rotting of the root system and caudex (thick lower part of the trunk). The plant becomes weak, wilts, leaves fall. The disease gradually spreads throughout the flower.

In this case, the buds cannot wait, it is already important to save the culture from complete destruction. To do this, the affected part is cut off, the residue is treated with special fungicidal agents, dried and planted in another land. It is watered very carefully, and then after some time rooting will occur.

Adenium can be affected by pests such as mealybug and spider mite. If the lesion is not noticed in time, then the plant gradually loses strength, does not throw out flower buds and does not bloom. It is important to constantly inspect the lower parts of the leaves to immediately notice the presence of parasites.

For reference! You can get rid of harmful insects with the help of various specialized drugs that can be purchased in stores.

With a solution prepared according to the instructions, the flower is treated and, if necessary, the soil in the pot. With the measures taken in time, the adenium can be completely saved. After getting rid of the parasites, it is recommended not to try to stimulate flowering immediately, but to give the culture a little rest.

How to stimulate flowering

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Of course, every grower wants to make succulents bloom, because this is really a wonderful sight. In order to stimulate the adenium for flowering, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • provide the plant with the correct dormant period in winter;
  • keep low humidity in the room;
  • provide the plant with sufficient lighting, if necessary add additional lamps;
  • monitor the quality of the soil, replace it if it is too acidic;
  • timely feeding with special means suitable for succulents;
  • if necessary, pruning the plant.

Feeding the plant causes new shoots to appear, however, it is worth remembering that an excess of nitrogen will lead to the appearance of new green leaves, but buds will not form. Therefore, it is important to choose the right fertilizer.

Timely pruning and pinching of the plant will allow you to form a beautiful crown. In addition, the plant will not spend all its energy on developing shoots, it will be able to produce buds and bloom.

Lack of flowering in adenium can be triggered by various reasons. In most cases, improper care, the development of diseases, and damage by harmful insects are to blame. It is important to try to determine the reason why the plant does not bloom, eliminate it and know what to do to make the adenium bloom. With proper care, the culture will delight in its excellent appearance and excellent flowering.


Watch the video: How to get Maximum Blooms in Adeniums (May 2024).