Planting hydrangea in spring in open ground


A person who has seen hydrangea in bloom at least once will be delighted and may even decide to plant it in his country house or in front of his house. Different types of hydrangea (lush shrub, tree or vine) will decorate any garden. Perennial can be grown even in shaded areas.

Experienced gardeners warn that the plant is demanding. In order for it to take root, you must first correctly choose a place, after carrying out planting work. In addition, the care of hydrangea should also be worthy, especially in the first year of life of the now flowering bush.

Planting hydrangea in spring in open ground

The decorative perennial is able to live up to fifty years. This is a shrub or small tree with very beautiful spherical flowers of various colors. There are several types of flower popular in Russia. Each of them has its own characteristics. The following types are distinguished:

  • paniculate;
  • tree-like;
  • curly;
  • large-leaved.

The panicled species is a compact bush (up to 1-1.2 m in height and width) with many lush inflorescences in the form of irregular cones. Many owners of summer cottages in the Moscow region prefer this particular variety for compactness and resistance to winter cold.

Hydrangea - a plant that affects magnificent lush flowers

A tree view is a solid healthy shrub that is also not afraid of frost. Suitable for growing in central Russia and the Urals. Usually grows to 1.7-2.2 m.

Winter is also fearless for most varieties of climbing hydrangeas. The peculiarity of this species is that it is a blooming vine. She is able to decorate the whole wall of the house, as a result, the cottage will turn into an unusually beautiful green castle.

Large-leaved species is a favorite of many experienced gardeners. This is a shrub that extends up to 3 meters in height. It has large leaves and spherical inflorescences. With proper care, it can bloom for 2-3 months.

Leaf hydrangea

Note! This species is able to change the color of the petals depending on the acidity of the soil mixture in which large-leaf hydrangea is located.

Planting hydrangea in spring in open ground

Planting hydrangea in spring in open ground is typical for regions with a temperate and warm climate. In the central part of the country, it is best to plant the dream of many gardeners closer to early May.

In the more northern regions and in the Urals, landing will be organized in the first or second decade of May, depending on the weather. In the south, a flowering shrub is planted in March - the very beginning of April.

Spring planting allows the plant to quickly take root and calmly survive the summer. By winter, the instance is gaining strength.

It is best to purchase a seedling of a plant in specialized retail outlets and proven nurseries. When choosing a suitable planting material, you should pay attention to:

  • The age of the seedling. The most suitable age is at least 2 years.
  • Appearance. The bush should have two or three shoots without deformation and cuts, strong elastic leaves (if foliage is present).
  • Root system. If it is open, then in a healthy specimen the roots are elastic, not dry, they do not even have a hint of mold.

Phased Landing Instructions

After the purchase is completed, the plant should not be stored for a long time. It is best to immediately take him to the cottage. How to plant hydrangea in open ground in spring? The step-by-step instruction implies the following points:

  1. Before planting hydrangea, you should prepare a landing pit. Experienced gardeners are strongly advised to do this in advance, for example, at the end of autumn or immediately, as soon as the snow melts.
  2. To do this, dig a hole with a depth of 30-45 cm, a width and a length of 35-45 cm. The size of the hole, first of all, depends on the size of the roots. It is necessary to dig a hole so that the roots are not cramped.
  3. At the very bottom drainage is laid out. It can be stones, expanded clay, branches.
  4. Together with garden soil, turf, humus, various types of peat are laid out in the hole. Ingredients should be in equal amounts.
  5. The substrate is mixed. Part of it is taken out to place a rhizome in a hole.
  6. Plant a bush carefully so as not to damage the rhizome. The root neck necessarily remains at the level of the trunk circle.
  7. The next stage is abundant watering and mulching. As a mulch peat, hay will do.

Seedlings are recommended to be planted immediately after purchase

Additional Information. An important rule is that after a young tree or shrub has appeared in its new place, it is shaded. A canopy of gauze and stakes is being built over the bush.

Landing Point Tips

A place for a lush flowering bush should be carefully selected. Otherwise, the perennial will not take root.

Before planting hydrangea, you should know that its root system is superficial. She obtains nutrition from the upper soil layers. In view of this, the shrub should not be placed next to crops that have a superficial type of root. Among these plants:

  • round iris;
  • mountain pine;
  • magnolia;
  • western thuja, etc.

The best neighbors are plants with stem roots. For instance:

  • Siberian larch;
  • red cedar;
  • pear;
  • English oak;
  • laurel poplar, etc.

Hydrangea planting and outdoor care for beginners mean choosing a place where direct sunlight does not fall all daylight. It is enough if the sun warms the foliage in the late afternoon. The rest of the time the bush should be in shading.

The plant's preferences are such that it does not like moving around the site. That is, he should have only one permanent residence. This does not apply to tiny plants that can be bred as a result of propagation by layering. They are precipitated from maternal specimens a year after the formation of roots.

Among other important points to consider before planting hydrangea are the following:

  1. soil requirements;
  2. distance between copies;
  3. landing pattern.

The soil

Land in the selected location should be slightly acidic or neutral. Alkaline earth is acidified. The best soil is soil with a 4.9-6.3 pH. About the same soil can be found in deciduous forests. Another condition for the soil - it must be fertile, moderately loose, enriched with organic matter. In a poor land, a plant will starve. Following agricultural technology, it is impossible to place a sapling in heavy clay soil.

The soil should be loose, fertile

Important! When choosing a place where you plan to grow hydrangea, you should consider the proximity of groundwater. Despite the love of moisture, the bush does not like stagnation of water and marshland.

Gap between the bushes

A flower loves freedom, large spaces. The reasons for this are the expanding root system and sprawling shoots. Hydrangea is not suitable for a small area. It is not recommended to plant seedlings in close proximity to garden paths. After a few years, when the plant is stretched and strengthened, branches with caps of flowers will be in the pedestrian zone. This makes it difficult to move around the site.

Many gardeners decide to plant 5-10 copies at once as a hedge. In this case, the bushes should be planted at a distance from each other of 60-80 cm.

Landing pattern

When creating a hedge, the landing scheme is as follows:

  1. between the bushes a distance of 60-80 cm;
  2. between bushes and a path - 1 meter;
  3. the interval between the hydrangea hedge and other plants is 1-1.5 meters.

When creating a flower garden with perennials according to the scheme, hydrangea is planted in the middle or background, depending on the desired height of the flower bed. It is preferable to arrange a flower garden with two hydrangeas, which will grow from each other at a distance of one and a half meters. The distance between other flowers and spectacular shrubs is 40-70 cm each.

Hydrangea in a flower bed from perennials

In the planting pattern, as a single decoration of the plot, hydrangea is planted in such a way that the distance to other crops is at least 1.2-1.5 meters.

Planting hydrangea in spring with seedlings

Before identifying a bush for permanent residence, it is important to properly prepare it. Only in this case will the plant take root.

Preparation Tips:

  • The seedling is removed from the bag and placed in a basin with water in which a growth stimulant, for example, Cornevin, beta-indolylacetic acid, is dissolved.
  • The roots are pruned slightly. It is enough to take 3-6 cm from the strongest elastic roots.
  • The aerial part is also shortened. 4-7 buds are left on the shoots.

Hydrangea planting in open ground in spring from a pot

From a pot, a flowering plant is also allowed to be planted in open ground. This is done in the spring, when the earth warms up enough. When planting a plant from a pot, especially if it is homemade, there are some nuances to consider.

Landing Recommendations:

  1. A landing pit is prepared a few weeks before the expected date.
  2. The pit should be voluminous so that the roots are free: at least 50 cm in length, width and height.
  3. A drainage layer is laid at the bottom. Pebbles, branches will do.
  4. A substrate is prepared from the earth that has been removed from the pit. It consists of horse peat, sand, humus, garden soil, leafy soil. All in equal amounts.
  5. 24 hours before planting, the soil mixture is laid in a hole, watered abundantly.
  6. 2 hours before planting, the pot with the plant is placed in a basin with water. This is done so that the earthball is saturated. Another reason is for air to come out of the soil.
  7. Just before planting, the plant is released from the pot. The roots are slightly shaken off.

Additional Information. The transshipment method for spring planting of a plant from a pot into open ground is not used. Experienced gardeners recommend using the method for summer planting or planting a flowering bush.

Plant a specimen from a pot in the spring

  1. The root system is placed in a hole and dug up by loose earth. The root neck should be at the level of the trunk circle.
  2. It is allowed to add a little ammonium sulfate to the soil.
  3. The trunk circle is moderately shed and mulched. Opening the mulch when watering is not recommended.

How to grow hydrangea in the garden? Charming hydrangea only at first glance seems strong and hardy. In fact, this is a delicate flowering specimen. He requires special care in the first 12 months after arrangement in a permanent place.

Planting chrysanthemum in the spring in the open ground

After rooting, the plant will try to bloom. This should not be allowed. Inflorescences are removed in the first year. It is recommended that they be cut with a sharp, sanitized knife before the tiny buds begin to gain strength. Such a procedure will help the garden queen to correctly distribute her forces, namely to spend food on the growth of the bush, and not on weak flowering.

Shrub is often invaded by pests. Especially tender young leaves can love snails, slugs, spider mites. In case of such problems, it is recommended to spray the foliage with a soap solution and use insecticides. Fit:

  • Ecokiller;
  • Storm;
  • Ulicide, etc.

Proper watering

In Greek, the name of the bush means a vessel with moisture. This definition perfectly describes the plant. Hydrangea loves water, but does not like stagnation of moisture. Care for hydrangea involves competent watering.

The irrigation scheme is as follows:

  • At least 15-20 liters of water should be spent on each bush.
  • Make water every 5-8 days, depending on weather conditions. If the summer is dry, then watered every 2-4 days.
  • Water must be used defended, soft.
  • After watering, the soil is loosened. To do this, use garden tools, for example, a chopper.

Top dressing

When planting, a young bush is equipped with all the necessary elements. Urea, humus, humus, superphosphate give a particularly good result. Which of these fertilizers is selected is not particularly important.

Important! The next top dressing is carried out only 2 years after planting. This is if hydrangea develops well. If her leaves have faded, or growth has sharply slowed down, you can add organic matter, mineral supplements.

Flowering care

Lush inflorescences in some species appear in May, and disappear only in the fall. How to care for hydrangea during flowering? Experienced gardeners recommend only to monitor timely watering and protect the plant from pests.

Flowering bush can not be left without timely watering


Rest Care

Home hydrangea lives by climatic laws. In summer, it blooms, in autumn or early winter - it falls into a state of rest. At this time, sanitary pruning is carried out, the pot is placed on the insulated veranda, cleaned underground, basement. Perennials need +10 degrees and blackout. Watering is minimal and not plentiful. Once a month will be enough.

Preparations for the winter

In regions where harsh winters, all dried inflorescences are removed from hydrangeas, after which they are mulched with peat. Some gardeners advocate mandatory shelter, others believe that you can do without it.

Growing large-leaved hydrangea involves digging it up for the winter and bringing cuttings into the basement. The remaining species most often do not need to be dug.

If you deal with all the tricks of hydrangea how to plant and care, you can become the owner of a long flowering perennial. At the same time, learning to deal with the bush is not difficult. The main thing is to choose the right place, competently land and comply with the irrigation scheme.

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Watch the video: How to grow Limelight Hydrangeas Hydrangea Paniculata or Tree Hydrangea (October 2024).