Panicled Hydrangea Grandiflora (Grandiflora) - description


Panicled Hydrangea Grandiflora (in Latin the name sounds like Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandiflora') is a beautiful large-flowered shrub that is used for landscaping parks, cities and private sectors / dachas. It has been popular for a long time. The first memories of this plant date back to the 1860th year. Then the hydrangea was much larger and could reach 10 meters in height. Modern varieties are smaller.

What is remarkable for panicle Hydrangea Grandiflora, what features does it have in planting and caring for this plant in the open ground? How does a plant reproduce? What do you need to land it?

Description of hydrangea grandiflora

There are two main types of hydrangea: paniculate and treelike. What is the difference between the two?

Hydrangea flowers are truly beautiful

Appearance of panicled hydrangea

It looks more like a bush, tolerates severe frosts up to -30 degrees. Therefore, it can be grown even in the Urals. Grandiflora panicled hydrangea comes from East Asia.

Modern varieties reach a height of 2 meters, during the flowering period, the width of the shrub is 3 meters. Deciduous plant. The flowering period is from early June to September. Small flowers are combined in an inflorescence of a pyramidal shape 30 centimeters in length. The size of the sheets is up to 12 centimeters. Fruits do not form; panicle hydrangea Grandiflora is usually sterile.

The flowers in the beginning have a cream color, which then turns into white. As the plants develop, they acquire a pink hue; at the end of flowering, the buds are painted in greenish-red tones. Hydrangea fully blooms only for 4-5 years.

Appearance of hydrangea tree

Hydrangea tree-like outwardly resembles a tree (hence the name). This is a key difference from panicled.

Grandiflora Hydrangea with Blooming Flowers

Panicle forms inflorescences in the form of panicles, while flowers of hydrangea tree are simpler.

Transplant after purchase in open ground

What you need for landing

Rose of Grandiflora

In order to perform a transplant in a quality manner, it is necessary to stock up on turfy land, peat, compost and land. You need to make a substrate of them, mixing these components in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 1.

Attention! Ash, dolomite flour, lime or chalk should not be added to the substrate. These are alkaline elements that lower the acidity of the soil.

Optimal place

Almost any ornamental plant does not like direct sunlight. Therefore, you need to look for a place in which enough scattered light gets. The soil must be nutritious and have a neutral or acidic environment.

The plant is planted in spring or autumn. If several bushes are planted, between them you need to leave a distance of 2-2.5 meters.

Step-by-step landing process

  1. A round pit with a diameter and depth of 50 centimeters breaks out.
  2. The substrate falls asleep, after which it is necessary to wait a week for it to be rammed a little.
  3. A seedling is pulled out of the container in which it was sold and placed exactly in the center of the pit. An earthen lump must be maintained.
  4. The soil is slightly compacted.

After the end of these actions, the plant must be watered.

Important! Do not deepen the root neck of the shrub. At first it is advisable to protect the seedling from the sun with burlap. Once the bush has taken root, you can open it.

Reproduction of panicled Grandiflora hydrangea

There are two ways to propagate Grandiflora hydrangea: vegetatively and using seeds. At home, only the first method is possible. The most common option is propagation by cuttings, there are several more methods.


There are several ways how Grandiflora hydrangea vegetatively propagates:

  1. Division of the bush. It is carried out in the spring or autumn time. In the first case, you need to divide the bush before the sap flow begins. Part of the shoot with the root is cut off from the plant and sits in another place.
  2. Cuttings. It is carried out in the summer. At this time, the tops of the hydrangea shoots are cut off and planted in the shade. To protect the cuttings, they must be covered with a glass container. It is important to provide them with regular watering and a constant flow of air. As soon as the cuttings take root, they need to be planted in the ground.
  3. Layering. First you need to clean the lower branches from the foliage and lay in previously created furrows. Then they are covered with soil and watered. Then you need to wait until the root system is formed, and you can dig out the branches and transplant.

Hydrangea Grandiflora in a summer cottage

Seed cultivation

Propagation by seeds is almost never used at home due to the complexity of this process. Also, vegetative propagation takes less time, which makes it more profitable compared to growing seeds.


If you do not take care of hydrangea, it may lose its decorative properties. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to watering, top dressing and preparation for winter.

Watering mode

Hydrangea Great Star panicled (Great Star)

Despite the fact that this variety is able to withstand arid climate for a long time, it is still recommended to moisten it often. Then the inflorescences will retain their beautiful appearance. Irrigation rate - 1.5-2 buckets of water every week. It is moisturized in the morning or evening.

Important! It is important that the water is warm. If the roots are uncovered after the procedure, add peat under the bush.

If the summer is hot, it is recommended to increase the frequency of watering up to 2-3 times a week. If there is a lot of rain in the summer, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of manual moistening in order to avoid infection of the soil with fungi.

Top dressing

Fertilizing soil is carried out several times a season. Top dressing is necessary to achieve the splendor of flowering. In different periods, you should use various fertilizers:

  1. Spring. During this period, organic fertilizers have the greatest benefit to the plant. One of the recipes is this: 1 part of mullein or bird droppings is bred in 15 parts of water, after which feeding is infused for 24 hours. This mixture needs to be watered with hydrangea. Under each bush you need 2 buckets.
  2. The appearance of buds. It mixes 20 grams of ammonium nitrate, 30 grams of superphosphate and 30 grams of potassium salt in 1 bucket of water.
  3. Summer. At this time, specialized fertilizer for ornamental plants is applied.
  4. Autumn. It mixes 50 grams of superphosphate and potassium salt and is applied under the bush. Such a fertilizer forms qualities in a plant that will help it survive severe frosts.

Important! Before fertilizing, the ground must be moistened. If you feed hydrangea without prior watering, you can damage the roots with salts.

During flowering

During flowering, hydrangea grandiflora is most in need of watering. It is able to withstand long periods of drought, but this leads to a decrease in the number of inflorescences.

During flowering, it is very important to add mineral compounds. Fertilizer frequency - once every two weeks. Organic compounds must be used once every four weeks.

Grandiflora Hydrangea Hedgerow


So you can achieve a longer duration of flowering shrubs, to increase the quality, you must remove last year's shoots growing from one point. The only exception is if there are only two.

During rest

Hydrangea dormancy occurs in the winter. At this time, the plant is gaining strength to bloom beautifully in the spring. There are no special rules for leaving. It is advisable to move the shrub to a place where the temperature will be maintained at 7-9 degrees Celsius (dig out). Typically, this microclimate is maintained in the basement.

Winter preparations

It is very important to transfer hydrangea to a cool, but not frosty place. If this is not done, then it will not bloom for a whole year, and will be able to please its beauty only next winter.

Thus, panicle hydrangea is a very beautiful ornamental shrub that can be used on any summer cottage in almost any climatic zone. The plant is not afraid of drought, but loves moisture. Caring for these flowers is not very difficult, but they bloom for a long time, luxuriantly and beautifully.


Watch the video: PeeGee PG Tree Hydrangea - Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandiflora' - Late Summer Flowering Shrub (October 2024).