Cactus echinopsis: examples of plant care and its varieties


Cacti are a separate type of indoor plants, which is popular among extraordinary personalities. A typical representative of the Cactus family - the genus Echinopsis, refers to flowering plants. Despite the fact that caring for an echinopsis cactus at home does not include any difficulties, not all flower growers have seen it blooming.

Types of Echinopsis

The birthplace of the prickly plant is the southern coast of North America and all of South America. From there, the flower got its distribution on the windowsills of almost the whole world. Breeders, interested in the beautiful flowering of a cactus, developed a variety of species of echinopsis.

Flowering cactus

The young plant is a ball with several sharp ribs. As it grows, the spherical stem extends, acquiring the shape of an inverted pear, or even looks like a pillar. Each rib contains several areoles, from which spines of different lengths grow, depending on the species. Flowers also appear from the areoles located in the middle part of the stem.

Echinopsis Subdenudata

The second name of this species is echinopsis half-naked. Its name suggests that the plant is not dressed in a typical prickly outfit. Of the white areoles on the sides of the plant, one barely noticeable spine most often grows. The stalk itself is not large, large and adult are considered to have reached 10 cm in height. Since the diameter of the Echinopsis Subdenudate is 12 cm, it looks more like a ball or a curled hedgehog more than others, fully matching the translation from the Greek word "echinopsis" - "like a hedgehog."

Interesting. This species blooms at night, very large beautiful white flowers.

Echinopsis Oxygon

Externally, the echinopsis of Oxygon differ from their relatives in the shape of the stem. The ribs bordering it have wide bases and are pointed closer to the apex. This feature gives it a shape resembling a cone. It is for this that he got his name "Oxygone", which is translated from Latin as "pointed."

The areoles on the ribs give many spiky hairs, quite long, needle-shaped. It blooms with pale purple or reddish flowers on a long peduncle - up to 20 cm.

Interesting. The bud opens in the evening, after 21:00, the flower has the shape of a funnel, with a diameter of up to 14 cm. It is not necessary to wait for midnight to admire the flowering, since the flower will not fade for another day, sometimes flowering can delay up to three days.

Flowering echinopsis spicacea

Echinopsis Erie

Echinopsis Erie (echinopsis eyriesii) got its name in honor of the Frenchman who brought him to his country. A distinctive feature of this species is a branching stem. The young plant is a spherical cactus, the stem of which stretches over time, and new spherical shoots depart from it.

Areoles contain many short spines, gray-brown. Their length does not exceed 0.5 cm. Echinopsis Erieza blooms in large white flowers towering above the stem on a long peduncle densely covered with dark hairs. Flowering begins at night and lasts up to two days.

Echinopsis ancistrophora

Echinopsis Ancistrophora got its name for the shape of spines, "ancistrophora" from Greek translates as "carry hooks". They are its distinguishing feature - quite long, up to 1 cm, densely growing from areoles, shaped like a hook.

The flowering in comparison with the size of the stem is large - up to 10 cm in diameter, on a long peduncle.

Interesting. This type of cactus blooms in the daytime, the color of the petals can be orange, pink, red or white. Inflorescences have no smell.

Echinopsis is white-flowered

The white-flowered species (echinopsis leucantha) is one of the most prickly cacti. Its numerous needles are strong enough and can reach 10 cm. The stem is longer than that of other representatives of this genus, and is able to stretch up to 35 cm in height.

As its name says, the echinopsis flower is painted in a snow-white tone. It rises, as with most other relatives, up to 20 cm in height on a long fleecy peduncle.

White-flowered species

Golden Echinopsis (aurea)

The stem of this species is a dark green shade, covered with a waxy coating. The height of the plant, as in echinopsis subdenudata, does not exceed 10 cm. The stem is single, not branched. The cactus got its name for the yellow color of its thorns, as well as for the sunny shade of the petals during flowering.

Echinopsis mamillosa

Cactus echinopsis Mamilosa has pronounced ribs, expressively separated by deep grooves among themselves. In height, it can reach 30 cm. The spines growing from areoles reach an average of 1 cm.

Echinopsis bloom attracts with its rich pink color, sometimes having a white hue of petals. The pedicel, although it grows up to 20 cm, like a pointed echinopsis, often has a curved appearance, because of which the inflorescence does not move away from the stem.

Hybrid varieties

Breeders, observing the growth and flowering of cacti of different species, sought to develop a species that combines the characteristics of some varieties at the same time. So hybrid varieties have turned out. They have several features:

  • multiply by seeds, since there are no lateral shoots of children;
  • their growth is much slower than that of other cacti;
  • many and often bloom in terry and vibrant colors in a wide variety of shades.


This type of plant is striking in its scale, as if ordinary echinopsis was increased tenfold. The spherical stem easily grows to a meter in diameter. This giant needs a shallow, but wide pot, resembling a bowl in which he will feel comfortable. If the size of the house allows, you definitely need to have such a handsome man.

Gruzoni, 1 meter in diameter

Additional Information. A solution to any growing difficulties and success in care can be found on the popular site of cactus and succulent fans - This is a resource crowded with discussions on how to grow a wide variety of species, about how to make echinopsis bloom, what to consider when breeding and what mistakes newcomers make.

Caring for Echinopsis at Home

Having spread from the shores of South America, echinopsis requires the creation of a microclimate in a room close to the natural and familiar.


Cactus astrophytum: options for various types and examples of home care

This plant loves bright light and is not at all afraid of direct sunlight. Therefore, to plant it on the windowsills from the sunny side is not dangerous for the health of the cactus. It is not even necessary to create partial shade on a hot afternoon - it easily withstands large doses of ultraviolet radiation.

Top dressing

Fertilizing in the soil for the cactus is necessary during the period of awakening, growth and flowering, that is, in the spring and summer months. Suitable dressings are sold in flower shops, especially for cacti or succulents.

Important! Do not fertilize by eye. It is imperative to follow the instructions, since the concentration of substances from different manufacturers may vary. The recommended frequency of top dressing is 1 time per month, unless otherwise indicated on the package.

The soil

The soil in which the cactus grows must be loose with a neutral level of acidity. This is a prerequisite for both natural varieties and cultivars. At the bottom of a flat, but wide pot, it is imperative to lay drainage, which will help remove excess moisture from the roots.

Cactus drainage

Temperature and humidity

The required air temperature during flowering and summer can be quite high, which will provide the comfort that echinopsis requires - home care is largely based on the temperature regime.

During the winter cold, he should provide cool air by putting it on a glazed loggia or veranda, where the air temperature will not be above + 8-10˚C.

Important! The cactus does not need spraying throughout the year. He has enough moisture received through the roots.


The plant loves moisture. Do not think that these cacti are used to deserts and droughts, and they do not need to be regularly watered. Like most plants, they love moist soil. However, waterlogging is dangerous for the roots - infection with root rot may begin.

Important! Only in the winter months should not be watered, as the plant goes to rest.

Flowering echinopsis

Prickly Peresia: Examples of Home Care

Echinopsis - albeit a blooming cactus, but not everyone who at least once decided to have this "prickly hedgehog" on its windowsill was honored to contemplate a short, but very spectacular flowering.

How to make a cactus bloom

Compliance with the described standards is guaranteed to help you see the rare flowering of echinopsis of any kind. A plant in its natural environment blooms in spring, almost immediately after waking from sleep. Even modified crests bloom, which are considered abnormally modified plants with a falsely directed growth point.

Cristata Bloom


The main secret due to which the cactus will bloom is proper wintering. For a plant to bloom, it must understand that spring has come, that is, winter and feel warming. For the winter, the echinopsis pot should be cleaned in unheated, but insulated rooms with plenty of sunlight. The temperature in winter should be close to + 5˚C and not fall below this point. With the onset of heat, the plant itself will wake up, without fail, delighting its caring owners with bright and large flowers.

It’s easy to take care of cacti, these are some of the most unpretentious plants. When they open their buds, they can be safely called the kings of contrasts and paradoxes. It is impossible to believe your eyes when, in just one night, from a prickly and boring hedgehog, an incomparable bright flower suddenly appears.


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Watch the video: CACTUS FLOWERING SECRETS. TOP 5 CACTI WITH 100% BLOOMING (October 2024).