Allium bow


Decorative bow can be a real decoration of the garden. Many gardeners tend to underestimate him. Meanwhile, the genus Onion (in Latin "Allium") belongs to the Liliaceae family and looks no worse than its other representatives.

Allium - decorative bow: popular species

In wildlife, allium (decorative bow) has about 700 species. They are distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere, but are most commonly found in the Mediterranean and Asia. Only in the European part of Russia there are more than 40 species that in the wild can grow in a variety of conditions: in river valleys, forests, deserts, and even on rocky slopes.

Decorative bow

For your information! The Latin name of the genus comes from the Celtic word "All", which translates as "burning". Indeed, almost all types of plants, including ornamental ones, have a sharp taste and a high content of essential oils.

As a culture, allium has been grown for over 300 years. At the same time, about 40 species of this plant and many of its varieties are used in modern landscape design.

All cultivated species of allium are perennial herbaceous plants whose bulbs and rhizomes can be stored in the ground for several years, while their aerial parts die off.

Although different varieties can vary greatly in appearance, their leaves are always juicy and fleshy. But their shape can be very diverse: there are flat, grooved or cylindrical leaves. Their width varies from 1 to 15 cm. In addition, the height of the plants can be different: they can be stunted up to 15 cm, and can reach 1.5 m.

Bulgarian decorative bow

This species is one of the most beautiful. Its bush can reach a height of 0.9 m. Decorative Bulgarian onion blooms very beautifully. Its inflorescences resemble large balls collected from blue-white bells.

Bulgarian decorative bow

Allium Gladiator

This variety grows to 100 cm in height. Leaves have a dark green color. Allium Gladiator blooms with flowers resembling the shape of a star and having six petals. They are distinguished by an unusual blue-lavender hue and a pleasant, slightly sweet smell.

Its inflorescences are quite large, can reach a diameter of 20 cm, and sometimes more. This variety of decorative bow looks especially good in rockeries and on alpine hills. As for companions, they can be grown in the neighborhood of bearded irises.

Bow Gladiator


Globmaster is a very unusual decorative bow. It reaches a height of 90 cm, and its inflorescence is considered one of the largest in the family. Its diameter is about 20 cm, but it is striking that it is collected from more than 1,500 small star-shaped flowers, which makes it very thick and heavy. Therefore, the stem of this species is very strong so that it can withstand all the vagaries of the weather, whether it be rain or wind.

The flowering period of the allium Globmaster begins in the second half of May. It was then that his purple-purple flowers were revealed. Flowering continues for about a month.

Allium Purple Sensation

Another variation of the decorative bow is the allium hybrid Purple Sensation. It differs in relatively low stems up to 70 cm in height. But his leaves are large, up to 4 cm wide.

Note! It blooms in large inflorescences, reminiscent of the shape of a bowl and consisting of many small purple flowers.

Allium Hair

This is the most unusual type of decorative bow. The height of the stem at Hair allium is about 130-140 cm.

Its inflorescences are called balls, but very conditionally because of the unusual shape of the flowers, reminiscent of tousled hair. The diameter of such a ball is relatively small, about 7-8 cm, but it looks very impressive. Inflorescences have a greenish color, but their core is pinkish.

Allium Sphaerocephalon

Round-headed allium (Sphaerocephalon) is another popular variety of decorative onions. Its peduncle reaches a height of 60 cm. Its bulbs are small, with a diameter of about 2 cm, and are ovoid in shape.

Round-headed onions

The inflorescences of this species are very dense umbrellas of a rounded shape. They can reach a diameter of 4 cm. Umbrellas consist of a large number of small flowers resembling bells. Their stamens are slightly longer than the petals, so from afar such inflorescences seem fluffy. The buds of this round-headed variety have a green tint. But after opening, their color changes to a pronounced red-violet palette.

Allium White Cloud

Allium White Cloud has another name - grape onion. Thanks to the strong, as if slightly swollen, stem and large white spherical inflorescences, and in fact resembling a cloud, it will become a real decoration of the garden. In its appearance, the plant slightly resembles the white flowers of Mount Everest allium, another variety of decorative onions.

The "cloudy" variety blooms quite late in comparison with other varieties, blooms only in June. But it pleases the grower until September.

Bow globmaster

Allium Giganteum

In the Giganteum allium (or giant onion), all parts of the plant are striking in their size. So, the diameter of the bulb is at least 5-7 cm, green or often bluish-green leaves reach a width of 10 cm, and the flower stalk height is 150 cm. But the flowering umbrella itself is relatively small, 10 cm in diameter. But it is very dense and consists of many star-shaped flowers that have a purple color. This variety blooms in late May. The most popular variety is Rose Giant.

Allium Moth

Allium Moli has several names, including golden onions. Indeed, it differs from most other varieties in both the height of the bush and its appearance. The stem of the plant reaches a height of only 25 cm. Its leaves are flat, they have a not too expressive gray-green color. But the flowers themselves are large, yellow or even golden hue. The tepals gleam beautifully. This variety blooms in June, giving the garden a very elegant and festive look.

Allium Blue

The main feature of Caeruleum allium is its bright blue inflorescences. The diameter of the inflorescence is up to 5 cm. Moreover, in these bright blue balls, along with flowers, a kind of buds can form, resembling balls or bubbles, so they are even called nerds by the botanists. As the peduncle develops, they can change color from blue to pink.

Note! The bush itself reaches a height of 80 cm. Its leaves are thin, trihedral, their width is up to 1 cm.

Neapolitan onion

An unusual form of flower stalk boasts such a variety as Neopolitanum, that is, a Neapolitan decorative bow. Its stem reaches a height of 50 cm. Peduncles have the shape of a hemispherical umbrella, consisting of beautiful pale pink flowers, quite large. There are, however, varieties with snow-white flowers, however, some botanists tend to distinguish them in an independent form.

Note! In landscape design, Neapolitanum is mainly used for group plantings.

There are many other interesting varieties of decorative bow. For example, in Schubert allium, the peduncle diameter is about 30 cm. Moreover, all its pedicels have different lengths, which makes the flower as a whole seem loose, although it looks very impressive. The allenium Millennium has its advantages, the height of the bushes of which is only 40-50 cm, but the inflorescences are quite large and dense.

Is it possible to eat decorative allium bow

Decorative bow - planting and care in the open ground

Not all types of onions can be eaten. In addition, it should be remembered that they can have an even more burning and pungent taste than the usual green onions used for salads. The closest to him is the Allium Gladiator. Also, blue decorative bow is used in cooking.

Bow Hair

Allium White Cloud contains many essential oils, but they give it a rather sharp onion taste and smell. You can eat its stems, but this is a seasoning for an amateur. But, for example, the Aflatun decorative bow is not worth eating at all.

Features of agricultural technology

And Bulgarian allium, and blue, and Neapolitan onions do not have special requirements for soil or air humidity. But basically all types of decorative onions grow better on loose soils, neutral or slightly alkaline. Growing such flowers is a task that even a beginner grower will cope with, you only need to learn the basic rules.

Disembarkation and care

Indian onion (tailed hen) as a houseplant

This plant requires soil with sufficient moisture, but loose to avoid stagnation of water, because it can lead to rotting of the bulbs. It is also important for a decorative onion to choose a well-lit place, since most varieties are photophilous (except for the Moth onion, it feels good in partial shade, but it also grows well in the open). And when choosing a place, you need to take into account the general layout of the garden.

Important! In landscape design, allium can be used in different ways. Most often it is planted in rockeries and on alpine hills, as well as in mixborders. He is good in group landings on the lawn. But at the same time, it is important to plant tall species like a giant onion in the background, and in front - undersized ones, like the allium Moth.

Before you buy seeds of a particular variety, you need to carefully read the description. Some varieties are suitable for cutting, with them you can make beautiful bouquets. It is also important to find out next to which flowers they can grow.

Almost all varieties of decorative onions are frost-resistant. However, there are varieties that in the conditions of the Moscow Region must certainly be sheltered for the winter.

These plants do not require special care. The main thing is to spring the soil around them in order to create favorable conditions for the development of roots and leaves. Mineral fertilizers are also applied in the spring. But organic is generally not recommended.

Caring for this plant also requires regular watering. If the decorative onion lacks moisture, its leaves stop growing, and there will be no talk of beautiful flowering.

Plant propagation

There are two ways to plant propagation - by seeds and vegetative. The latter involves the use of conventional bulbs or children - small bulbs that form on the bulbs themselves.

In general, decorative onions can grow for a very long time on the same site, forming very beautiful thickets, but experts do not recommend allowing such growth, since in this case, inevitably, the bulbs become smaller and the plant will not bloom so beautifully. Therefore, in order for the plant to develop well, it is recommended to divide and transplant it at least every four years, and preferably even a little more often.

Bow decorative Mount Everest

In the conditions of Central Russia, experts recommend conducting such a procedure annually. The fact is that most of the varieties and varieties grown in the country in the wild grow in Central Asia, and this region is characterized by summer drought and frequent thaws in winter. This means that these plants are not adapted to stay in the wet after rain for a long time during the summer. Namely, such climatic conditions are characteristic for the second half of summer in most of the European territory of Russia. So that the bulbs do not begin to rot, they should be removed from the ground.

The question arises when to dig out allium. Specialists argue that this should be done after the death of the leaves. Dug bulbs should be dried, after which they can be safely stored in room conditions (and with good ventilation) until planting. This is done in the fall, maximum at the end of October, if weather conditions permit: there must be a steady temperature and dry weather. Bulb planting depth can be up to 20 cm. The distance between them, depending on the variety, can be from 5 to 25 cm. Large bulbs should be planted deeper than smaller ones.

Note! The overgrown bushes of rhizome onions (and such varieties are found) should be divided in the spring or already in August, selecting parts with sufficiently developed roots (they are immediately planted in the ground).

Planting of plant seeds is carried out in the fall. The fact is that in many varieties, for better germination, the seeds literally need a little freezing. But one should not think that in a year or two it will be possible to enjoy flowering. Seedlings bloom not earlier than in the third or even fourth year, and sometimes later. But if everything was done correctly, their flowering will be a real joy for the grower.

Thus, a decorative onion is not just a decoration of the garden, but also a delicious seasoning that can be used during the preparation of salads. What is not a universal culture for a summer resident ?!


Watch the video: Декоративный лук Аллиум. Zierlauch Allium. Decorative bow Allium. (October 2024).