Interesting Articles 2024

Rosa Pat Austin - grade description

Roses of breeder David Austin are similar to old varieties, but are more resistant and almost all bloom repeatedly. Thanks to the peculiar shape of the glass, they stand apart, and do not compete with hybrid tea. But the variety Pat Austin stands out even among English roses - he destroyed the claim that their creator has a special predilection for pastel colors.

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Dolphinium perennial

Delphinium can be a real decoration for any garden. People have known this flower since ancient times. The genus of spur or liveliness (the so-called plant) includes more than 400 different crops belonging to both annual and perennial representatives. All of them are similar to a long flowering period, as well as the presence of cluster or panicled inflorescences.

Cornflower: species, cultivation, benefits

The genus Cornflower (from Lat. Centaurea) consists of more than 730 species of herbaceous plants of the family Asteraceae. The name was given to him by Carl Linney, using a centaur. In ancient Greek mythology, this particular flower was used by Chiron as an antidote to the poison of the Lernean hydra. According to another hypothesis, the name cornflower has been known since the time of the famous doctor - Hippocrates and means "piercing bulls" in translation.

Shade-loving indoor plants

They will decorate the interior of a house or a cottage, brighten up everyday life and bring indoor flowers to life. If the apartment does not differ in large dimensions and sufficient lighting, shade-loving indoor plants will help out. They are compact and large, inconspicuous and bright, flowering and leafy-decorative.

Hydrangea Candelait - description and cultivation of varieties in the open ground

Hydrangea Candelait is a gorgeous plant with bright and unusual inflorescences. It is tolerant of frost and the scorching sun. He loves moisture and is demanding on top dressing, especially during the growing season. A description of this beautiful shrub and detailed information about agricultural technology is given below. Description of Candelait hydrangea The Candelaite hydrangea variety (Hydrangea paniculata Candlelight) was bred by Dutch breeders.

Capsicum: description, types, care for pepper at home

Capsicum from Latin translates as a bag. He was so named because of the shape of the fetus. This unusual plant belongs to the nightshade family. And although it is called capsicum or vegetable pepper, it has nothing to do with the family of peppers. Homeland - subtropics of South and Central America. Even the ancient Mayans and Aztecs used it as a seasoning instead of salt, then unknown.

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Spathiphyllum flower - home care, the secret of success

A charming plant with white flowers and large green leaves is Spathiphyllum, also called "feminine happiness." It is very popular among florists due to the long flowering period, excellent decorative properties and unpretentious care. Description The homeland of spathiphyllum from the Aroid family is the tropical forests of Central and South America and some regions of Southeast Asia.

Heliopsis variegated (Heliopsis Helianthoides)

Unpretentious, sunny-bright heliopsis flower is increasingly found in domestic gardens and cottages. Due to the minimal need for care and resistance to weather vagaries, the plant has gained a strong position in the ranking of gardeners. Its application is universal: the flower is equally effective in the garden, mixborder or on an alpine hill.

Palm areca chrysalidocarpus - home care

The complex Latin name of this plant is known to few, it is well known to lovers of floriculture. Areca chrysalidocarpus, or home palm, is a plant that is loved for its unpretentiousness and attractive appearance. A palm tree is great for landscaping an office room or growing a house.

Hydrangea Strong Anabel - description, planting and care

The chic tree-like hydrangea of ​​Strong Annabelle with huge spherical inflorescences leaves no one indifferent, at least once having seen her. It is an adornment of garden plots and park ensembles. In order for the flowering of the bush to be plentiful, it is important to ensure proper care for it. Description of the variety and its characteristics Annabelle is one of the oldest varieties of tree hydrangea.

How to propagate panicle, treelike, large-leaved hydrangea

Hydrangea is a beautiful garden culture that many gardeners grow. This plant can serve as a real decoration of the garden. For a culture to develop normally, it needs proper care. Many beginner gardeners are interested in how to propagate hydrangea. Professionals say this can be done in many ways.

Brovallia: description, landing, care

Brovallia is a plant in the nightshade family. Distribution area - Colombia, solitary species are present in the south and in the center of America. Description of browlia Indoor flower grows from 40 to 70 cm, shoots of the pubescent type. The foliage is lanceolate. Flowers are solitary, outwardly resemble stars, color - white, blue, purple.

Cherry plum varieties Tsarskaya - description and cultivation

Cherry plum is a popular fruit tree. It is grown by gardeners and farmers because of the delicious juicy berries that consumers love. Alycha Tsarskaya is a worthy representative of her culture. Description of cherry plum varieties Tsarskaya Variety was received by breeders of the Moscow Agricultural Academy; it was not included in the State Register.

Cuttings of phlox in the summer: reproduction

Phlox is a representative of the Sinyukhov family. The phlox genus includes 85 species, and they are all beautiful in their own way. These perennial plants and shrubs, growing up to 150 cm, can be an excellent decoration for the cottage. In the inflorescence can be from 50 to 90 flowers. At the same time, there are small house flowers, for example, Phlox Drummond.

Spathiphyllum diseases and methods of treating a flower female happiness

"Feminine happiness," or spathiphyllum, is a plant that is credited with magical properties. Unpretentious in leaving, this "magnet" for grooms can seriously become ill if to break irrigation technology or to carry out the wrong feeding. In the framework of this article, full information about "female happiness" (flower) will be given: home care, illness, treatment and preventive measures.

How to care for eggplant seedlings at home

Eggplant is a heat-loving culture that is cultivated through seedlings. Growing plants does not cause much trouble with the right approach to the process. This will require creating and maintaining optimal conditions. It is worth considering that today seedlings of this culture can be obtained in addition to the traditional, also in many modern ways.

Cucumber German - an ultra-early vegetable!

Gardeners who grow cucumbers are constantly looking for the best varieties with the highest yields, disease resistance and unpretentiousness. Hybrid Herman in addition to these advantages has one more - very early ripening. Description of the variety Early hybrid cucumber Herman obtained by the famous Dutch company MONSANTO.

Myrtle tree - home care

German brides decorate themselves with wreaths from myrtle on the day of the celebration, it is believed that this will help make family life harmonious and happy. In addition, an amazing plant has a lot of useful properties. Grow it on your windowsill can anyone who has minimal skills for caring for green pets.