Interesting Articles 2024

Azalea faded, what to do next - care for the plant after flowering

Although the duration of flowering azaleas is small, but this sight is fascinating. With proper care, the plant fades in a timely manner and goes to rest, without causing trouble. But beginner gardeners are concerned about the question: after the azalea has faded, what to do next. After all, the bush needs to be prepared for wintering so that it passes as calmly as possible and nothing can disturb his rest.

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Masdevallia: description of the orchid, its types, care

Representatives of the genus Masdevallia are epiphytic, lithophytic, and even land plants belonging to the Orchid family. The distribution area is moist forests of the center and south of America. Description of Masdevallia orchid. These plants are characterized by a shortened thin creeping root system, from which direct stems grow, each of which holds one leaf of an oval-shaped shape.

Why azalea drops leaves and what to do at home

Azalea belongs to the flowering representatives of decorative indoor plants. But sometimes she arranges a real leaf fall. It is important to understand why this trouble is occurring. After flowering, the leaves fall off at the azalea - what to do. After the flowering period is over, it is necessary to prune not only the stems, but also the faded buds.

Why does cyclamen turn yellow when it blooms

Cyclamens are a genus of flowering herbaceous plants of the Primrose family. The second name is Alpine violet. The genus includes 20 species with a varied color of flowers (from white to purple) and a varying pattern of leaves. At home, the most common Cyclamen Persian. It is considered a capricious plant, and it can be difficult to understand why its leaves turn yellow, the flower dies or goes into the physiological stage of dormancy.

Adenium - home care, transplant, photo species

Flowering photo Adenium is a succulent, flowering shrub from the Kutrovy family. In the wild, distributed in the arid regions of South and Central Africa. The birthplace of adenium is the Arabian Peninsula. Perennial decorative foliage succulent is distinguished by a light gray trunk thickened in the lower part.

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What fruit are you in the sign of the zodiac

The signs of the zodiac are all different both in character and temperament. But you can always see similar people in behavior and in the manner of speaking. You will be surprised, however, fruits, like the zodiac signs, have their own character. Aries - peach Peach An unforgettable sunny fruit that everyone likes. It is rosy and sweet, juicy and large.

Blehnum - a luxurious fern with a moody character

Blehnum is a very attractive perennial plant, it forms sprawling bushes, and sometimes resembles a small palm tree. Gardeners love it for its bright color and considerable size. An adult plant can decorate a window sill, a winter garden and even a flower bed. Of course, you will have to come to terms with the difficult nature of the fleckham, but this will more than be filled up with wild growth.

Knifofiya: variegated buds to the envy of all country neighbors!

Modern flower gardens often adorn exotic specimens previously unknown in our country. Mostly these plants come from the tropics, but this does not stop lovers from successfully breeding them in the suburbs. Knifofiya is one of such perennial flowers. Tall bizarre candles rising from a rosette of narrow long leaves - such splendor is spectacular both as a solitary plant, and as part of a mixborder or alpine hill.

Pelargonium pelargonium - home care

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Arunkus is a herbaceous plant of the Rosaceae family, which in the summer turns into a lush bush with beautiful snow-white inflorescences. Among gardeners, the names goat beard or volzhanka are also popular. Description This is a large perennial herbaceous plant capable of growing a large green mass in one season.

Pachyphytum - a handful of moonstones in a pot

Pachyphytum is a miniature ornamental plant from the family Crassulaceae. The genus of this elegant succulent is widespread in Mexico, and some species are found in the southern United States. Teardrop-shaped leaves of green or gray-blue color resemble pebbles. Not surprisingly, pachyphytum is also called the "moonstone."

Lyubskaya Cherry - time-tested variety

The fast-growing and high-yielding variety of cherries Lyubskaya has been known to gardeners for a long time and is still popular. Despite the sour taste of bright red berries and susceptibility to certain diseases, this stone fruit culture can be found on almost any garden plot, since Lyubskaya has numerous advantages.

Growing Quince: Tips for Gardeners

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Trees play an important role in human life - they can be a source of food, building material, energy and other necessary things, and they are also “lungs” of our planet. For this reason, they are under the close attention and protection of environmentalists - this is especially true for the highest representatives of the plant world, because each of them is at least several hundred years old.